I really don't own Glee, otherwise there would be more Kurt and Dave, and Dave would be wearing short sleeves a lot.

Rated M for safety due to themes, language, and potential future scenes.

Tried to stick to canon, and made past Blame it on the Alcohol now, follows a guest POV only. And its all AU obviously as Meg and Co wouldn't exist.

Define Imaginary

Chapter Fourteen – Dream a Little Dream

Climbing the stairs he both knows the way and knows he's never been here before in his life. Up and up he goes, he turns right eager for who awaits him. Lifting his left hand he pushes open the door at the top of the stairs and notices his wedding ring gleaming in the darkness before the dawn.

He walks into a nursery with two cots in it. His brother Finn has fallen fast asleep in the rocking chair the two little angels he's been babysitting are wide-awake and cooing as they stare up at the mobiles hanging above their heads. Smiling he wraps a blanket around the taller man and leaves him to his rest, it's nice of him to volunteer to watch the children for them so they can go out and keep the living darkness away.

Leaning over a cot he smiles down at the little boy there, he's well built and he's going to be very strong and solid when he's older, tight brown curls are kept clipped and tidy and when he opens his eyes it's like looking into a mirror, those unusual coloured eyes are exactly like his.

Tapping the mobile above the baby's head he watches it spin and dance, the feathers on it shining even in the subdued light, so many colours, though he's more fond of the raven black one and the rainbow coloured one.

At the other cot he smiles at the little girl with pale skin and chestnut hair, her eyes are a beautiful hazel with streaks of gold in them and she coos softly up at her daddy.

Footsteps on the stairs and he turns smiling waiting for his husband to come in; the big goof is putty in their children's hands.

The alarm goes off and he sits upright scrubbing at his face, he's not had that dream since he was a child, before the bullying really started and he'd understood that two boys couldn't make a child.

Going to start his facial routine he wonders why he dreamed of Finn being there, that was new. He smiles sadly it always was such a nice dream, better than the nightmares he'd had recently, he just never got to see the man of his dreams that he married.

Glancing at his watch he tiredly gets his uniform out and dresses down, grabbing the bird cage as he leaves he goes for a quick bite to eat and then he'll make the long journey to school.

Damn he forgot to make his bed, tip toeing up the stairs so he won't wake the rest of the house he finds the bed ready made and he could swear there is a black feather sitting on it, blinking it's gone and he snorts making fun of himself, really like that dream ever stood a chance of coming true.

Getting in the car he drives away looking forward to lessons that challenge him and singing in the background, he pushes away the unhappiness of missing all his friends.

A/N: I've done my best to catch as many mistakes as I can but any and all mistakes are entirely the fault of my keyboard, I've talked to it and it promises to try harder.