The prologue in a serial klillers chapter story. Serial Klillers, killer klaine, serial killer academy, serial klaine. this fits in with all of those. I love the tumblr glee fandom and all the glorious things it has given me to inspire my fics.

oh, and look, I'm writing something that isn't just a one-shot! REJOICE.

Chapter updates may be slow, depends on my workload with school.

~reviews always appreciated~

It was going to rain.

Kurt could tell from the angry set of clouds in the sky. They were dark and heavy and huge, and Kurt could imagine their evergrowing angry excitiment and anticipation for the coming storm. Kurt knew that clouds couldn't really feel all these things, yet he liked to pretend. A childish glimmer in his blue eyes reflected back at him against the window. He let his attention waver from the clouds to the image in the window that was a reflection of what was behind him. Blaine Anderson, the huge kitchen cleaver above his head, about to slam it down hard.


Metal struck flesh, and through to wood.

Kurt continued to stare at the image reflected in the window, Blaine slicing through the raw chicken meat back in the kitchen with a little more enthusiasm then necessary when cooking dinner. Smiling slyly, Kurt turned towards the other man, walking slowly toward him.

'You look a little restless Blaine.'

Blaine looked up from the poultry. His eyebrows furrowed. 'What are you talking about, I'm just making dinner,' he said a little defensively. Kurt came up behind him, weaving his arms around Blaine's waist to hold him, as Kurt tucked his chin into Blaine's neck. Swaying him back and forth, Kurt heard Blaine put down the knife.

'It's been a while Blaine. You just look like you need to... y'know...'


Kurt's hands teased the waistband of his boyfriend's jeans, playing gentley with the denim. Blaine shifted his weight, brushing Kurt's hands away. Hurt crossed the man's features for only a fraction of a second before he stepped away from Blaine.

'I just thought we could use it as a way to relax. We're leaving in a few days anyway. We could use it as a sort of... going away gift to our selves.' Kurt said innocently. Blaine looked into his eyes, rolled his own and turned back to the meat he had been preparing.

'It'd be too suspicious.'

'No it wouldn't. Come on, just a hitch hiker. Or an attractive hobo. I don't know, I've been so bored lately! I've got a few new things I want to try out anyway... Things I know you'd enjoy...' Kurt's voice was warm and playful, and Blaine knew that he was going to get his way in the end.

'Okay, fine. But after dinner. And only if it actually starts raining.' Blaine gave in to his boyfriend's wishes.

Kurt's face lit up in an instant, and he clapped his hands together with an excited squeal. 'Yes, thankyou, thankyou!' Kissing the side of Blaine's cheek, he rushed out of the kitchen, heading towards the basement. Blaine shook his head with a smile as he heard Kurt's footsteps thump down the stairs and the basement door slam. Blaine knew Kurt was busying himself with extravagent preparations. Nothing had changed in that man since he was in highschool. When he did something, he did it big. Only over the years the something had changed somewhat. The glitz and glamour was still there in his doings, only the glitter sparkled much darker, catching the shadows, rather then the light.

And for some strange, twisted reason, it only made him love Kurt all the more.

Behind the closed door of the basement, Kurt's eyes were alive with childish hunger. He was excited. He was always excited before he got his own way.

He found the silver lighter, the scented candles. Rose and honey scent filled the dark room, the flickering orange flame dancing as Kurt went to work, preparing for his fun. He skipped about his playground, there was the scrape of a cage being dragged, and shuffle from inside the bars. Kurt's voice murmured something high yet quiet, a calming to the enclosed creature. The first few drops of rain began to fall. Kurt's grin was illuminated by the light of the candle as he spun in excitement at the sudden downpour. He could imagine Blaine's sigh, a sigh or relief, because Kurt knew how much he loved this, no matter how much he tried to deny it.

Both of them truely loved only a few things.

Their families.

Their friends.

To perform.

Each other.

and last but not least the satisfying cry of pain, that tear of flesh, the splatter of hot blood. The final gasps of choked life becoming quiet death.

They lived to love. And to find love in killing.

Kurt's child like eyes glimpsed the various tools, long, silver and cold. Shiny. Glimmering in the candle light.

'Oh, tonight will be fun, I assure you Blaine,' Kurt whispered to himself, rattling the cage in his hands to tease the creature inside. A snarl came from the cage, and a cruel giggle escaped Kurt's lips.

It was all fun and games for the boy from here on out.