Winter break. My favorite time of the year. Note the sarcasm. You see, during every break, we're forced to go home while the school and boarding houses are locked up. Lucky for me, this break lasts two weeks, unlike the usual one week. But at least it's not summer vacation, which lasts for two whole months.

I managed to get a few outfits in my backpack so I wouldn't have to carry a large suitcase. I wasn't planning on staying with Mum long anyway. I can't say that I'm not excited to see her, though. I haven't even spoken to her since Dad died a year back. I've busted my *ss this year trying to get good grades that I could show my mum, and, despite one B-a very high one, might I add-I've managed all A's. But, if that didn't win her love, I used my money that I'd gotten from my 'recycled homework' business to buy her a diamond necklace. I've been saving up for years.

I walked over to the window and unlocked it so I could have a way inside if/when I needed to come back. After that, I went downstairs, managing to avoid the crowd of teenagers as I slipped out the door and sat down on the steps, waiting for my ride to arrive.

Nina's taxi was the first to get here, for she had a plane to catch. She opened the door and stepped outside when the driver honked the horn. "Bye, guys," she said, hurrying down the stairs.

She didn't take any notice to me, for she was in such a rush to get home. So I just included myself in her goodbye. The teens inside probably didn't even realize that I wasn't in there with them. Oh well. I'm used to being left out.

I'd changed positions on the steps hundreds of times, always getting uncomfortable. I was currently leaning against the wall right outside the door, watching as Patricia and Mara hugged and bade one another 'goodbye'. Patricia gave the other girl one last tight squeeze before heading toward her mum's car. Within minutes, she was gone. I walked forward with a sigh, taking a seat on the steps yet again.

Mara joined me. "What's up?"

"Nothing." I glanced at my watch, then turned my head to face her. "Where're your parents?"

"My dad got off work a while ago. He should be here soon. Where's your mum?"

I looked straight ahead. "Just stuck in traffic. She'll be here any minute."

Mara nodded. "I don't think I've ever met your mum."

Yeah, well, I don't know her, either. Instead of saying that, I decided on, "Consider yourself lucky."

"I'd like to meet her." Her eyes were on mine, as if trying to prove that she was serious.


"Yeah," she said, standing up.

I noticed that her ride had just pulled up. "Well, um…you could come by my house sometime during the break…if you want."

"Sure." She smiled, then pulled out a pen and touched its tip against her palm. "What's the address." After I told her, she said, "Got it. I gotta go. Bye, Jerome."

"See ya."

I watched as her dad got out of the car and put her suitcase into the trunk. I should've offered to do that. Right? What if her father thought that there was something going on between us? I wonder if he'd be cool with Mara and I going together. Honestly, I've liked her for quite a while-ever since I opened up to her and told her about my parents. I wonder if she likes me. I doubt it. I never was that nice to her up until a while ago-when we started talking. She probably still has feelings for Mick, although they broke up months ago. Ever since Mick and Mara started liking one another, I've found my relationship with Mick breaking apart…not that we were ever close. But we rarely talk to each other now.

Mara got inside the passenger's side of the car, then looked at me with a smile as she waved. I did the same back.

Two hundred and twelve. Two hundred and thirteen. Two hundred and fourteen. Two hundred and fifteen. Two hundred and sixteen. Wait a second. Haven't I already counted that star? I sighed, bored with this makeshift game. I stared up at the sky, my head resting on one arm.

Mum's going to be here soon. She knows that she has to pick me up. Any second now, she'll be driving down the road, anxiously waiting to see me. I know it.