Heyo! I'm back! Did ya miss me? XD

Sorry for the late post or something our internet got broken… And here you go!


Chapter 15: Won't ever leave you


I didn't make it… I lost him… I cried a lot on my knees while my father rubbing my back for comfort…

I saw the plane flying away leaving me falling on a cliff… I wish he saw me…. I really care for him and… I love him a lot…

I saw my father walking through me giving me his caring eyes…

"Papa, I'll leave you first in my home…. Let me just… Have my moment" I told him.

He nodded and walked away to leave me…

I cried there with tears…

After about 10 minutes I walked outside and saw Papa waiting for me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Papa asked with his concern eyes.

"N-not really…. But… Let's just go" I told him going on my car.

I silently drove on my home not even a word escaped my lips but I'm sure Papa is really concern.

I parked the car inside my house…

"Papa, don't worry about me… I'll move on… Soon" I told him rubbing his shoulder.

"Maka… No one can move one "soon" if they're love one left them… The love of the one you never received in anyone" He told me getting out my car.

I know that… I just can't… And that was my chance and all… I saw my father waved good bye, I also did the same and left the house…

Flashbacks of Soul keeps on ringing in my head and whenever I saw it, I just can't help it but cry.

Tears dropped by and each of them has all the pain one million times hurtful… I parked my car inside Soul's house that good thing his guards let me in…

I walked inside his house and… It's still the same… I sat on the sofa and saw a photo album I flipped it open. And saw me in the first page it's the time of the prom I wore a red tube dress above my knees my hair down with just a simple headband with a few make-up on…

I smiled when I remembered Soul backed all the guys who ever asked me out to dance with, and when I flipped the next one… I saw Soul and I my hand on Soul's arm and this was the time he asked me out to dance with him he was wearing his pinstripe suit…

A few tears also dropped and I wish I can turn back time… A few pictures of me and Soul from 3rd year are each in every page when I saw the last page it was me in the office… Working on my desk… I removed the picture and smiled when behind the picture I saw a note.

Dear Maka,

As soon as you read this, I'm glad you did…

I'm so sorry for lying and all… And… You know how much I care for you

And… I got jealous a lot of times because I… I LOVE YOU MAKA…

And… I'm so sorry for leaving all of a sudden… I just can't bring my face back to you because I'M A BIG LIAR!


This time I let all my tears out and it took me 30 minutes to stop… I got tired and fell asleep the picture in my hand.


Great, just great… I got late on my flight because of Black star who wants to eat… I moved my flight 4 and I'll be leaving Japan on midnight…

So now, Black star is driving my car and I'm on the front seat because my arm is broken… When I saw Black star looking at something and there's a truck right ahead of us.

"Black star! A truck! Fuck stir the wheel!" I yelled.

He regained reality and stirs the wheel on the other lane.

"Black star, fuck up! What are you looking at anyway?" I asked.

"Oh… Uh… I'm sorry… I think I just saw my father" Black star said calmly.

"Black star, what happened? You never told me anything" I told him.

"Okay… Fine… You see, My uh… Father discharge all of my money because I didn't passed the entrance exam in Australia he was so upset and angry that he discharged my money and all" He told me and I could feel he is very hurt on what his father did to him.

"Then, you go and talk to him" I told him smiling.

"WHAT? Soul" He asked looking at me.

"Don't worry I'll try stirring the wheel so that I won't die this time" I said.

"Thanks Soul" He said and got outside my car waving goodbye I waved back and moved to the driver's seat.

"Okay… Uhm… I can do this" I cheered myself.

And for the luck of a clover leaf I did it… I can drive even if a little pain draped my arm but not to mention my pain in my hurt is more hurtful a thousand times…

I let out a few tears and I can't think straight with Maka is full in my mind.

"Damn it! Why do I have to fall for someone who hits books" I cursed under my breath.

I boringly parked my car next to… Uh… I am quite confused on… A car in front of my house…

I entered my house and saw… Maka… Asleep on the couch I got surprised when on her hand the picture is with her.

I smiled and looked at her lovingly… I put her legs on my lap and read a book so that I won't wake her up…

I got bored of reading and just looked at Maka's innocent and silent angelic face I always love… I smiled once more caressing her face and slowly her eyes opened.

"Hi… Maka" I smiled.

When all of a sudden she pressed her lips on mine and she sat on my lap not breaking the kiss…

After about 30 seconds she removed her lips on mine and I am still wide-eyed.

"Soul… I knew you won't ever leave me… And Soul… All along I always love you… Soul, I love you" Those words my ears begging to hear from her finally came.

"Maka I" I stopped midsentence when Maka put her finger on my lips.

"Soul… You were right I have my own life and I can't follow along like I'm a slave… So Soul… I chose to share my life with you" She said smiling.

"Maka… I moved my flight to 4… And… I love you too… But" I stopped once more when Maka hugged me tight.

"Soul… I love you… And please… Stay with me" She said.

Those words keep on ringing in my head and in my heart.

I kissed her again and this time it was very passionate… She wrapped her hands around my neck and I wrapped mine on her back.

Soon I got really surprised when Maka used her tongue her teeth and the kiss is getting very deep when our lungs was burning from oxygen so we broke he kiss and breath desperately…

She buried her face on my chest hugging me tight, I was sort of… Playing with her hair that made soft moans escaped her lips…

"Soul… Can you sing for me?" Maka asked looking at me.

"Uhm… Okay… But just once" I told her.

Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real

I tapped my fingers on her back after singing I saw Maka smile.

"So… Did you like it?" I asked looking at her.

"Your voice sounds sexy… I like it" Maka just… Flirted…

I smirked at her…

"Really?" I asked once more…

"Yeah" She answered.

"Oh… Does it turn you on?" I flirted back smiling.

"Maybe… A little bit" She answered smirking back.

I chuckled a bit and kissed her once more and all I feel is to be with her…

She lied down on the couch but the kiss not breaking…

And I carried her to my room smirking and well… You know the rest what's happening inside my room…