A/N: Look at me, trying a multichapter fic for the first time! This will be most likely a three-shot, maybe four, just so you know. Before you read this chapter MAKE SURE YOU LISTEN TO 'DROPS OF JUPITER' BY TRAIN! I can't stress that enough. It enhances the effect of this chapter so much more. And I know the beginning of this chapter is drastically different from the last one. It's done on purpose. Read to the end, you'll see my point. Also, here is my new pimp list of all the amazing reviewers that gave me their view of my little drabbles:

Shoutout to:

moonshinekiss (Yes, I have heard about iOMG. I can't WAIT!)

pigwiz (the stupendously stupendous, may I add)

The Earl of Sandwich (who writes the kind of awesome criticism that writers want to hear)

Shabyville (Such glowing praise, awww shucks ;)

Invader Johnny (Short and to the point. Yup, hit the nail on the head there)

CookieLivcat (An ideal reader, you caught every point I tried to make. And no, thank YOU! Such a nice review)

bluejay63 (Thanks, here's your update!)

Disclaimer: iCarly is owned by a male. Dan Scheider is a male. I am a female. Therefore, the law of Modus Tollens states that I do not own iCarly.

I'm afraid that she might think of me as
Plain ol' Jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land.

I wish my PearHome wasn't all the way across the room.
If I had any energy left to move, I'd switch it off fast enough to short-circuit the damn thing.

Instead I turn my head to face the faded wall beside me.
Not the most soundproof method, but something tells me I need to hear these words.

Which in no way stops them from hurting.

Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet?
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the milky way?

She probably did. I'll bet she did.
I sighed, letting the sudden gust of breath tug at a fold in the wrinkled bedsheets.
She always did have the universe tucked away behind her left ear.
She just had to reach back and she could have it all for herself the second her dreams got too big for our tiny studio.

And tell me, did Venus blow your mind?
Was it everything you wanted to find?

Oh, if it was out there she'd find it.
And once she's got a taste, she'll take the whole world by storm for it. She'd leave then, because she would never find it here with me.

I'm not even sure what 'it' is anymore.

But it's something that I'll never be.
After all, what makes me so special? I'm not sure I'll ever find it with anyone. I don't know if anyone could find it with me.

And on a dim Sunday afternoon, no matter how tightly I squeeze my eyes shut, nothing stops my world from coming apart in front of me.

I haven't cried since the third grade.

I didn't think my eyes would remember how. That doesn't stop an angry tear from leaking out from the corner of my eye to trickle down and pool into a damp, salty splotch on my white pillowcase.

Out of all the pain she's caused me over the years, it figures that she'd cut the deepest without even knowing that she'd made a scratch.

I scrub my face angrily with my fist, mad at the song for making me lose it, mad at myself for being too much of a damned coward to risk the fall, because now I'll never land. Stupid song.

I swear if I had a decent voice, a sense of rhythm and any amount of musical talent, I'd be the greatest songwriter on earth. I've got enough conflicting emotions swimming around in my head for the next five hit singles.

I wonder if this is how Patrick Monahan felt while he was writing this absolutely infuriating song.

Maybe his sworn enemy was pulling the universe out from behind her ear and sharing it with his best friend too. But I doubt anyone but me could get themselves into that big of a mess.

God, I'm such a girl, coming apart at the seams over the one person who could care less about me. This is life, things don't work out the way they do in cheesy romance movies. I was doing a very good job of hating her to the fullest, and I will most likely go back to hating her in ten minutes, when my mom gets home.

But right now, in the safety of my room and the fading shadows of the afternoon,
I think I'll just allow myself to breathe.

Because holding up an act of that magnitude can exhaust the hope right out of a person.

And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?

I turned off the PearHome.

I saw her in school the next day.

She had changed back from Carly's flowing sundress to her signature hoodie, jeans, and Converse sneakers.
The normalcy of her appearance was relieving.

Because maybe now that she had stepped back into her bully persona, things could get back to normal between us. Not that she even knew that anything was different in the first place.

But I needed just a little bit of closure.

So I asked her how her date with Jake went. And if life was one of those cheesy romance movies, their date would have been a disaster, she would have reduced the two of them to a strictly platonic relationship, no more than that, and have inadvertently given me just the tiniest glimmer of hope.

But of course, none of that happened.

They had an amazing time, he took her to dinner, bought her barbecued ribs from the all-you-can-eat buffet, she got them kicked out of the restaurant, and they danced until 11 in the 21 and under club. They had made another date next Friday.

I smiled and told her I was happy for her.

It was all for the best, really. I wasn't sulking in my room on a cloudy Sunday night anymore. The sun was shining uncomfortably bright on another painful Monday morning.
We were enemies again, and any hope I may have harbored didn't have enough elbow room to grow into something significant.

It's a good thing too, such hopes can be dangerous. It's better to shove them all back to where they can't resurface again. It's less painful that way.

Besides, I don't have to let her mean anything to me. I'm sure if I tried hard enough I could mentally hold her at arm's length, I could keep her from becoming real again. Look at where I ended up when I let that happen. There would be less pain this way.
It was safe.

Plain ol' Jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land.

And, as if to reinforce this theory, she shoved me back against the lockers before stealing my breakfast on the way to class.

I added it to my mental list of reasons why I hate her.

I've had to remind myself of that list more often than I would have liked to, recently.

A/V club ran late that day.

We were all given the task by Principal Franklin of editing and organizing a bunch of orientation videos into the school website. It would have been a lot easier if Ms. Briggs hadn't ruined nearly every shot. None of us would have guessed she was such a camera hog.

So anyway, we couldn't leave the building until the website was done, and because absolutely nothing had changed between us, I opted to work with Jake.

We were on our hourly five minute break, pasting the heads of nasty teachers into Photoshop and sticking them on the bodies of overweight animals.

Hey, we may be nerds, but we're still human.

And while Jake put the finishing touches on Briggosaurus Rex, I was wondering whether or not I should bring up his date with Sam last night. I was curious, but I wasn't sure if I really wanted to open that can of worms just yet. Turns out I didn't have to.

Jake steered our lighthearted conversation to the topic of his relationship with the demon. They had had an awesome date; she was just such a great person to be around. He really loved spending time with her.

Since I harbored only hate for the evil blonde, this news did not affect me at all. Nope, not in the least. But I did have one question.

Did he, you know, kiss her?

No, he'd said. He hadn't yet. But he would.

He would.

I nodded. Our time for talking was up; we had to get back to the editing.

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken?
Your best friend always sticking up for you, even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance
Five-hour phone conversation?
The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me?

She'd be better off without me anyway.

This chapter is dedicated to pigwiz, who was kind enough to beta me and my ever-changing tenses, and Multi-Shipper Girl. She's a Creddier, but we've been having the most intriguing PM conversations on difference of opinion between ships. It's interesting to hear things from a different POV. And she writes some awesome fanfics that even us Seddiers should check out. Here's to peace between ships!

R+E-V*I/E^W= Leave a review if you can do basic math.

And because you'll get mentioned in the next chapter. This bribery thing is growing on me ;)