Ryan rattled the door on Zoe's closet and frowned. Either the door was somehow stuck in it's jamb, or it was locked from the inside. "Hey Calleigh?" Ryan asked as the blonde CSI passed Zoe's room.

"You got anything, Ryan?" Calleigh asked, snapping on a new pair of gloves and hoping that he didn't find Zoe's body.

"Maybe. Ever had a closet that locked from the inside?" Ryan asked. Calleigh was now wearing the same frown as Ryan had. Pressing her ear to the door, Calleigh frowned again.

"No. Hmm." Calleigh crouched on the floor, and stuck a flashlight under the door. "Zoe?" Calleigh tapped on the door. "Zoe, I know you're in there. You're holding your breath to avoid us, but we're not going to hurt you." Calleigh said.

"Who are you?" A voice was heard from behind the door.

"You know me, Zoe. I'm auntie Calleigh." Calleigh said. Ryan sighed, and left the room. Calleigh could take care of this on her own.

Zoe let go of the handle on the outside, and carefully opened the door. "Did they leave?" Zoe asked, her cheeks stained with tears. "Where's Laura?" She asked, Calleigh helping her to get on her feet. In the meanwhile, Calleigh's stomach fell to her feet and she remembered why she sometimes didn't like working this job. "Where's my dad?" Zoe asked, her lower lip trembling. Calleigh gave her a half smile.

"Outside." Calleigh said, Zoe's eyes lighting up just a bit. "Come on." Calleigh half smiled.

"Mike." Maxine carefully nudged Mike. Mike lifted his eyes to look at Maxine. His face was twisted with fury, disbelief, and fear. Maxine bit her lip. "There's someone over there that wants to be hugged by you." Maxine said, pointing towards Calleigh and Zoe.

"Zoey bear!" Mike uttered, embracing his daughter in a huge hug. Maxine had to stifle a small giggle that was completely inappropriate. Calleigh pulled Maxine carefully away and frowned.

"Just what exactly is going on here?" Calleigh asked quietly

"We're just friends. And I was... yeah, how about I don't explain this to you at the moment? I'm not sure my brain will handle that." Maxine frowned.

Calleigh shrugged. "I guess I'll let you two 'friends' be." Calleigh turned on her heel and headed back towards the house, ducking under the yellow tape.

"So where are you guys going now?" Maxine asked, and Travers shrugged.

"A motel probably. We both know how much time these things can take." Michael said. Maxine frowned.

"A motel? That's kinda of... yeah, I hate motels. They creep me out." Maxine shuddered.

"Your point exactly?" Michael asked, and Maxine bit her lip. Her mind seemed to leave all sense even partial common sense somewhere.

"I have a guest bedroom. I guess you could crash there." Maxine said. Michael stared at her.

"Are you out of your mind?" Michael asked, gaping at Maxine.

Maxine shrugged. "Yeah, probably."


CUTE CLIFFY...I...er...what?

Lol, okay.