Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Castle, either the show or the characters. I wish I did. A girl can dream, can't she?

A/N: This came to me while watching a fan video. So thanks nameisirene over at youtube for the lovely Terrified Video and my inspiration.

Also, I desperately need a beta. Please PM me if you're interested! :D

Since the events of the kiss, they had never really been alone. Every moment they spent in each other's presence was also spent with Ryan and Esposito, Lanie or the Captain. They didn't talk much during drives to crime scenes or to speak to witnesses. They had never been confined to the same space for a long period of time that was until now. They were thrown together in what seemed to be a decontamination chamber. He was surprised to find her already there waiting for him as it were. He looked at her in shock, wondering what she was doing there.

When they had started the day, they never thought it would turn out like this. It was a supposed to be a simple robbery/murder case, but that road lead them to a terror plot, maybe and radiation poisoning, maybe.

She looked at him in wonder- not because he was there, but that he called out for her. She smiled at him briefly as he paced the room talking about the case and the potential dangers of a bomb, if there was one. They took seats opposite each other. He wanted to take her mind away from the potential danger. He thought that he could cheer her up by asking about Josh.

The look on her face told him everything he needed to know. She started to tell him that she wanted someone who would be there for her and she could be there for him-she wanted more than anything to jump into something amazing with someone amazing.

His mind screamed for him to answer her and just as he was about to, a haz-mat specialist came in and interrupted them. He was disappointed with himself when that moment passed.

The day had moved on, THEY had moved on.

The past two days were a blur. He didn't know how he functioned like a normal human being, well as close as he was going to get anyway. There really had been a dirty bomb and so he had sent his family away, much to their chagrin. He had stayed. No one asked him why- he wished that SHE did.

As much of an ass Fallon was, he was in the end a pretty decent guy, when he wanted to be. They had worked together and in the end, by sheer dumb luck, the writer had saved the day. What killed him though, wasn't being as close to death as he had been, or sending his daughter and mother away, it was the fact that he didn't say to HER what he really wanted to say. He was interrupted.

He had a weird feeling of déjà vu- it was as if this scene had happened before, but the roles were reversed. He sighed as he entered his empty loft, sent off a quick message to his daughter and proceeded to make himself the hottest cup of hot chocolate he could muster. He wanted nothing more to drown in the warmth of the various sheets and blankets in the loft.

As he changed, his mind wandered back to the beautiful detective. She was probably with Josh, as she should be. It when the thought of Josh and Kate being together crossed his mind that his phone lit up. A new message- Are you ok?

He thought a while before responding back. He quickly changed and crawled into bed with his hot cup of chocolate. He picked up his phone and texted back- As good as can be expected. You?

A second or two later he got a message back- Ditto.

She didn't know what to say after that. She wanted to speak to him; she needed to speak to him. There was so much left unsaid, so much hanging in the air. She sighed. She was wrapped up in the warmest clothes and blankets she had in her apartment. She looked at the emptiness on the bed next to her.

Josh was no where to be seen. He had been on call that night and he just HAD to get called in. After several minutes of cuddling, he told her he just HAD to go- a child's life was at stake. She let him. She couldn't bring herself to ask him to stay because she knew he wasn't the one she wanted to be with.

He didn't know what to say after he got her message. Ditto. If only she knew what he was feeling; sad, lonely, disappointment, anger- there was so much of it inside him that it was threatening to tear him apart. He looked at the phone again. It was 9:45pm- not late at all. His finger hovered over the call button what seemed like hours, though in reality it had only been a few seconds.

He received another message- this one rendered him speechless. What were you really going to say to me before Josh arrived?