This is my first fanfic so bare with me. This is an OOC/AU/OC Story for Puck, Rachel, and Finn. Rachel returns home to her small town after leaving five years prior, after the birth of her daughter, for her brother's Finn's wedding. What will coming home do to her newly constructed, seemingly happy life? With an alcoholic mother, a doctor bf of her own, a handsomely charming baby-daddy, secrets, and drama leads to an eventful wedding weekend. I own nothing except the plot and OCs. The rest I just get to borrow. =)

Dreadful Reality

I fiddle with the radio before finally shutting it off. My nerves are on end, my hands shaking as they grip the steering wheel tightly, and my heart unsettled. I pull up to the curb, the only available parking space in the flood of cars that crowd the long driveway. The source of my abhorrence and abandonment was now only a mere short walk away. I take a deep breath and step out of the car. As I walk toward the house my stomach twists in remembering anger. The wind swirls my dark brown waves around my face. The thigh length black dress I'm wearing feels more like a funeral adornment then a party dress. Twenty-two years old and I felt like a nervous child. My hand hesitates on the door knob before finally grasping it and plunging me into a familiar, yet dreadful reality.

It has been five years since I left this place and never looked back. It would have continued that way if not for my older brother, my one and only sibling, getting married and pleading me to come home for his wedding. Being as he was the only one in my family who always supported me and my decisions, I agreed.

I walk through the door of my old home. Besides the party decorations and the bustling joyous people, the house looked the same; the same weathered dark wood floor and staircase, the same white-yellow wallpaper and the same antique furnishings.

"Rach, you made it!" I turned to see my brother's smiling face coming towards me. He looked so mature with his slender, yet muscular body and complementing black suit. He had gotten taller since the last time I had seen him, his now approximate 6'1 height towered over my measly 5'6 (well 5'8 in these heels) and his jet-black hair was now shorter than it ever had been, barely touching his ears. His chocolate eyes, identical to mine, were illuminated with excitement.

"Yeah Finn, I made it." I smiled, trying to sound happy. He wrapped me into a bear hug, squeezing me so tight I barely managed to choke out that I couldn't breathe. He laughed and returned me back to a standing position.

"You know Finn, I don't know if I want to come home anymore if I'm going to be almost crushed to death every time I do." I smiled.

"Well I wouldn't have to squeeze you so tight if you did come home more often; I wouldn't have to make up for a bunch of lost hugs in one." He smiled devilishly.

"Touché my dear brother, touché." We both laughed.

"Come see Rayne, she's dying to see you." I followed my brother into the parlor where his long blonde-haired fiancé was smiling and greeting guests. She was wearing a white sundress accompanied by white strappy heels. Finn cleared his throat, immediately capturing her attention.

"Rayne, look who's here." He side stepped so she could see me.

"Rachel! I didn't think you'd make it! I'm so glad you're here!" She said 'excuse me' to the guests she was talking to and practically ran over to us. "Now I really am going to have the perfect wedding!" She was beaming as she embraced me in a hug. "Where's Addison? And what about that man of yours?" She raised her eyebrows still beaming.

"I left her with Savannah because Savannah said she couldn't come anyways do to the amount of work she had to catch up on, it's getting late and Addison should be in bed soon and as for Marshall, he is coming down Friday."

"Right, of course." She beamed even brighter than before. "I can't believe Addison is five already."

"According to her she's almost six." I laughed. "She hates it when someone says she's five, she says it makes her sound like a baby."

"Boy does that sound familiar." My brother laughed. "I believe you were the same way Rachel."

"I wonder where I learned it from Finn!" I playfully bumped my hip against my brother.

"Finn...Finn!" A slurred voice came from the direction of the kitchen.

"That's my cue." I sighed and started to walk away.

"Oh Rachel, I didn't realize you were here." I turned around to see a light brown haired woman standing right behind my brother. She had a smug smile on her face and a drunken snarl in her voice.

"I was just leaving." I was about to walk away when I felt fingernails seize my arm.

"Is that any way to treat your mother?" She snarled, her drink sloshing in her cup.

"What mother? You're nothing but a drunk and you're making a scene at your son's wedding party. Let me go." I wrenched myself out of her grip and headed towards the door. She followed behind me enraged by my comment.

She scoffed. "I'm making a scene? What about you? Showing up after all these years, didn't keep that little runt did you? What couldn't handle it?"

My skin was hot with furry. She never supported me and I could handle that, but I was not standing for jabs at Addison. I flung around, my hands shaking. I opened my mouth to speak but was stopped by my brother's sudden harsh voice.

"Mother, Rachel and Addison are in the wedding, either you learn how to get along with your daughter and granddaughter or don't come to the wedding. Rayne and I are not dealing with this on our wedding day and I am not losing my sister and niece because of you again." My mother glared at my brother but he did not move. She huffed and stormed off.

"Finn, I'm sorry. I didn't mea-"

"Rach, don't." His face softened and he smiled. "I'm so glad you're here and I can't wait to see Addie tomorrow."

"Neither can I. Welcome home Rach." The soft, sultry voice from my past coming from behind me sent shivers up my spine.

So there it is. Chapter One. Let me know what you think, if I should continue or not.