Rose's POV

Hello My name is Rosemarie Hathaway, as of today I have 3 weeks before my junior year in high school starts( yes I have been counting the days till my doom starts). I attend St. Vladimir's High School technically the school is k-12 but with different campuses. Anyways I'm here in my room listening to music trying too pass the time, thinking how my so called best Guy friend Dimitri Belikov. Dmitri is originally from a small town in Russia called Baia but him and his family moved hear when we were in the 1st grade, Dimitri family consists of His mother Olena his Grandmother Yeva (who I think was a With in a past life) 2 older sisters Karolina and Sonya they are in college and a younger sister Viktoria that s a year younger than us and Karolina's son Paul and Sonya's Pregnant so soon there will be a new member. Like I was saying Dimitri is out having a great time with his new Girlfriend Natasha Ozera (uuuhhgg I hate that girl with a passion). He called me in the morning saying that he couldn't hang out because Tasha had called him to take her to the mall to buy some present for her brother Christian Ozera even though Christian is a good friend of mine and is dating my best Friend well girl friend Vasilissa Dragomier. In the Ozera family it's only Natasha who is a year older than the rest of us and Christian same age as us. Lissa has a brother a year older Andre and a sister a year younger Jillian.

Thinking about how I met Dimitri that day back in the first grade. It was 10 minuets before our first break and the teacher had just announced the new student who had transferred from Russia. She told him to put his stuff in the seat n front of me we were seated in groups of four we said our hellos and then the bell rang for break. Me and Lissa were walking out trying to put on our sweaters when we hear the annoying voice of Jesse and Ralph the were mocking the new boys Russian accent(which found cool), Lissa had that knowing look in her eyes she new I was getting mad and that I was going to do something to those two air heads. I went up to them grab the first hard book that came into view and smacked them on the back of the head then punched each in the stomach and said "hey! Beeves and but head leave him alone if you don't want the rest of the school to know that you got hit by a GIRL." They left gaping for air muttering things back like you'll regret this and so. Then I turned to the boy and asked if he was okay he said he was I asked him if he wanted to hang with me and my friend he said yes and since that day we have been best friends.

Back to the present day I was thinking who I could all to hang out. Mason and Eddie didn't come back from their camp till Sunday and Lissa was out with Chris buying some thing for his coking project that he had over the summer. Jill and Victoria who was also Jill's BFF were doing some last minuet school supply shopping. Everyone was out doing something I mean its only 12:00pm really it's still early I guess everyone likes to wake up at the crack of dawn. My parents were off buying a new living room set, I should have left with them. This is so boring I decided to text Lissa to see if she was able to go with me to buy the outfit I was going to wear for Christian's party. She said she was going to be here in like 2 hours. What can I do for 2 hours? Since I had already finished leaning my room I decided to go play with my dogs, I have three in total a Wolf-Malamute(my dads) his name is Admiral, a white Maltese-poodle (my moms and mine) her name is petite , and a Yorkshire terrier(mine present from Dimitri on my 16th b-day) her name is pooka.

So I went to change I put on a tight fitting v cut violet shirt, black shorts, and my Reebok easy tone and went for my dogs leashes. Then I got my keys lock the doors to my house and went next door to see if Olena wanted me to take her dogs for a run also they had to dogs Dimitri's Vassily a Bernese Mountain Dog and Viktoria's American Cocker Spaniel phoebe. As I enter the house I tie my dogs to the front porch, when I go inside the house I see Viktoria sitting on the couch. "Hey Vika, I thought you were with Jill?"

"I was but we didn't have a lot of things we had to buy and since we went walking we couldn't buy a lot, what are you doing?"

"I was actually coming to see if your mom wanted me to walk your dogs."

As I was saying this Olena came to see who had just arrived.

"Hey Olena how are you today?"

"I'm fine thank you sweetie, and yes I would really appreciate if you took them for a run if it's not too much?"

"No, hey Vika you want to come along"

"Yeah let me go change okay."

"Yeah okay, I'll go get the dogs and leashes" I stepped out to the back yard and went for the dogs they instantly recognized me and came up to lick my face. "How are you today" I cooed. Vika came out "okay I'm ready, lets go" she said as she tried to put the dogs on the leash. We stepped out to the front yard and I got my dogs and we started to walk towards the park near the house. "Hey Rose can I ask you something?"

"Vika you kind of are asking me something but sure go on ahead ask me."

"Do you know if Andre has a girlfriend or likes someone?" she asked turning red

"Lissa owes me 20 buck, I new you had a crush on him we were talking bout it so we made a bet, but as to your question I don't know if he likes someone but I do know he is not dating anyone. Why didn't you just ask Jill?"

"Because she's my best friend and she knows I have a crush on someone but I feel uncomfortable asking about her brother you know"

" I think she knows Vika she just doesn't want to say it we have all notice well at least the girls you know how clueless boys are don't worry we wont say anything to the guys." We stopped for the red light and she turn to look at me with a slight brush realizing that the girls knew about her crush the light turn green and we kept going we were almost at the park. "Thanks, but yeah I mean the biggest example at how clueless boys are is my brother, having the best girl next to him he goes for Natasha" she said with distaste. Its not that the girls didn't like her because in all honestly she was an okay girl it was just the fact that she happened to like Dimitri that caused for us not to like her.

"Yeah but lets not talk about your brother I still get extremely upset that he asked her to be his girl friend, lets talk about what your wearing for the party Saturday."

"I still haven't bought anything, what about you?"

"Actually I'm going with lissa to the mall at 2, do you want to come?"


"Lets do 2 laps around the park and then we can rest for 10 minuets and then we will head back to get ready okay." we did our 2 laps having small talk about clothes and just normal things. We were close to the house now so we slowed down. We let the dogs go in the back yard and we entered through the back, as we entered the house I heard that annoying voice of Tasha. "Hey Tori, Hi rose" (tori is what Tasha calls Viktoria).

Vika and I mumbled our hellos as we tried to catch our breath. Dimitri was starring at me and when he saw I turn his way he said hi I also mumbled a hi back not wanting to talk to him. I hate being around him when Tasha is with him he always end up ignoring me for her (and they have only been dating for two weeks can you imagine how it will get with the time). Olena came out with two bottle of water for Viktoria and me. "Thanks we said in unison we laughed at each other and Olena joined in. Not even Olena agreed that Dimitri should date Tasha not because she disliked her (which she did) but because she new I had a major crush on Dimitri for a long time now and she thought I was a better choice. "Hey Rose I'm going to go get ready and ill go to your house when I'm ready okay"

"Where are you guys going?" Dimitri asked looking at me luckily Viktoria answered for me "we are going to get outfits for Chris's party on Saturday"

"Rose you should have told me you needed to go to the mall you could have gone with Tasha and I" great now I had to talk to him

" I uh I was going to go till some time later in the week I didn't think about that besides I dint want to be a third wheel" I said with a bitter tone to my voice and I know he noticed it I just hope he wouldn't ask me about it.

"None sense you would have been welcomed to go with us besides you are dimi's Best Friend" Natasha said running her hand on MY Dimitri's arm. I wanted to end this conversation and leave not wanting to see THEM any more.

"I'll keep it in mind for next time thanks" I said bye to them and went to the kitchen and said bye to Olena then went for my dogs. As I came to the front I saw Dimitri looking at me through the living room window with a curious expression on his face I just turned around and went into my house leaving my dog run around they immediately went for their water bowls. I locked the front door and went to go take a quick shower and changed into my clothes to go to the mall. I was wearing a silky gray dress that had a pink at the bottom and a belt with some pink flats I blow dried my hair and applied a little bit of foundation some peachy blush and just mascara and eyeliner. Just went I was finishing up I heard the door close which was weird because I had locked it I went down with a bat in hand as I entered the living room I saw it was Vika and lissa. LLissa was wearing a black dress with white brims and black flats; Vika was wearing a red shirt with blue stripes and a waist high black skirt that had a bow in the middle (all dresses on profile). "Shit! You guys scared the crap out of me" "well the door was locked so we know were you guys hide the extra keys" lissa said as they sat down on the couches. "Yeah Rose, are you ready we're taking your car." "Yeah let me go get my bag" I said running to my room.

"Okay let's go"

Arriving at the mall we went straight to H&M, we were at the mall for about two hours we got our dresses and jewelry and shoes. "Uuuhhgg I'm tiered" I cried for the 10th time to the girls I was never the type of girl that can go all day shopping but Vika and lissa were. "Come on Rose just one more store I just need to buy some new underwear please" lissa begged, "fine" I grunted. By The Time we got home it was almost five and I was starving. We all went our separate ways which is funny because Vika lives to my right and lissa to my left. To lissa's left lives Dimitri's Sister Sonya and to Vika's Right lives Karolina, it was kind of funny that we all ended up with houses next to each other. When I walked into my house I expected my parents to be home but instead I found a voice message from my dad "hey kiz your mom and I are going to the office to check to do some work then we are going out for dinner we will be home around 9 okay, out can get take out or ask Olena if you can eat at their house okay bye we love you." Great now I get to eat by my self my life is so unfair. Just as I was finishing putting the clothes I bought away I herd the front door bell ring. When I went to go answer it I saw Olena and Dimitri "hey Rose honey your parents called me and told me to come and check if you wanted to come eat at the house we are having lasagna?" "yeah sure let me just go get my cell and keys" I locked up and we went to the Belikov house as we entered I noticed all the Belikov were at the house I heard a Paul scream aunty rose (he thought of me as his aunt because the Belikov considered me family) he was only 3 but he was pretty big for his age he looked a lot like Dimitri. "Hey Paul how are you?" "I'm fine thank you, do you want to come and watch Tangled it's a movie my daddy got me?" "no Paul dinner is ready" I heard Karolina behind me as we all took seats at the table lucky for me I got to sit right in between Viktoria and wait for wait for it… Dimitri. While eating we all had small talk made jokes and had a good time towards the end of our meals Sonya informed me of something. "Hey Rose the other day I heard two boys walking by the house they were talking about you." "What did they say?" its not like boys never talk about me they have been since they started hitting puberty I have all the right curves and have a tan complexion thanks to my fathers Turkish ethnicity. "Well one was the one doing the actual talking he was telling his friend that he was going to ask you to be his date for

Christians party this Saturday the other was telling him that he knows another 2 guys that want to ask you also, sounds like you have a lot of guys to choose from lucky you" she said with a laugh in her voice, I blushed while the rest of the table had smiles on their faces except for Dimitri who had scowl on his I wonder why?. "So do you know who your going with?" asked Karolina eyeing Dimitri "I uh I don't know yet we still have a week left so I still have time." "hey rose we were all planning a camping trip we actually leave on Wednesday and come back Friday after noon do you want to come?" asked Olena "who will be going?" " well all of us and Tasha so do you want to come?" before I could answer Vika And Paul both piped in with a chorus of please so I caved even though I dint want to spend three day with Tasha and Dimitri.