Merlin, why did I do that?

Or should I say him? Why did I do him?

Obviously, I was so upset over Tyler breaking it off with me that I found solace in my attractive dorm mate.

Merlin, I'm stupid.

I woke up early this morning, threw on my uniform and dashed out of the dormitory all before Malfoy even woke up. I just couldn't face him. He'd probably smirk at me or say something intellectual or, Merlin forbid, he'd actually try to do it again.

I'm still sore from yesterday. Because not only did we do it once, oh no, we went back for round two. And three. And four. Possibly even a fifth.

I only told him there would be a second time to rile him up. I wasn't really going to. But then I came out to the common room a little while later after finishing my homework and there he was…

Scorpius was sitting on the same couch that we had shagged on, reading a book. Yes, there he was on that couch that we had had amazing sex on and he was reading. It was like an insult to my womanhood.

"What are you reading?" I couldn't resist.

"An essay written by Teddy Lupin—maybe you know him?" He asks jokingly.

I had never heard Malfoy joke with me before, it was a sight to be beheld.

"Sure, I think I've met the guy a couple times."I joke back, sitting down next to him.

"What's the essay about?"

"The affects mandrakes have on petrified persons. Again, another topic of popular discussion that you might be familiar with."

Well, my mother was petrified by a basilisk in her third year.

"And what does Teddy Lupin have to say about that?"

"Well according to him the mandrakes have certain healing properties. I must agree with him in this case, as previous studies have shown, the mandrake properties have done wonders in recovering certain petrified persons to their original state. However, I believe that mandrakes may be used for other purposes: perhaps if someone was stunned and had lasting effects—"

And then I kissed him

That truly wasn't my fault though, he just had to look so damned attractive when he was acting all smart and saying all these big words…

"Rose?" I'm pulled from my thoughts by an annoying voice.

I look up from my table in the library to see Tyler looking at my remorsefully. Oh fuck. He can't be serious. No! He broke up with me, I fucked someone else: we're over. So done.

"Wood." I nod at him.

He seems to take that as an invitation to sit down next to me.

"Rose, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I was just being a jealous idiot."

I will not reply to that. We're done. We're over. And let's be honest: I wanted to dump him before; he just did my dirty work for me.

"Rose? Will you please stop ignoring me as I try to apologize?"

I glance up at Tyler and see him giving me his puppy dog eyes. Like that will happen.

"Look Tyler," I say, ending my silent treatment, "you said yesterday what I was going to say for awhile now. We're over. I don't know what's going on between us, but something is not right."

"You mean Malfoy." Tyler says venomously.

"What about Malfoy?

"He's the reason something isn't right between us. It's all his fucking fault we broke up."

Well I can't deny that Malfoy is about a hundred times more attractive than Tyler. Plus, he's a hell of a better snogger.

"Don't take it too hard, mate." Scorpius joins in the conversation, taking a seat on my right side. "Some girls just can't resist the charm."

I smack him automatically, it's like a reflex. I see Tyler's hand twitch toward his wand but out of the corner of my eye I see that Scorpius already has his wand ready. Stupid, testosterone filled boys.

"Well seeing as Rose has managed to resist the charm for seven years, I might be able to argue that fact."

Scorpius looks at me with a surprised, yet cocky expression on his face.

"Oh really? Did Rose ever tell you-?"

"All right! Enough! Both of you!" I whisper yell. (It is the library, after all.) "I'm done here. Fight or hex each other or whatever the hell you two want to do to each other, but leave me out of it."

I pack up my things and turn to face a surprised and slightly outraged Tyler. "But when Malfoy kicks your sorry arse, don't come crying to me."

And then I leave the library to the sound of Scorpius's raucous guffaws.

I'm going to be killed if my dad finds out about this. And judging by the murderous looks being passed between Tyler and Scorpius, it won't be long before the whole school knows what's going on with my love life.

And then some major shit is going down.

And it won't be good.