Sunlight hitting the cameras of the newly episode of TDU as Melissa and Lily stands in front of the new cast of Total Drama series.

"As you now know that I'm Melissa and this is Lily" she gesture her hand towards her co-host, "Your new host for this reality show! But we're not the only ones who are in control of your people with challenges. A Senior Uni student will be showing all of us, including me and Lily the entire campus and the rules of the school" Melissa told the new cast with a small smile.

"Everyone please say hello to Kathleen Willis!"

"Hi" all the new students say in unison sounding un- interested in this kind of thing.

"Whoa hold up! Three female hosts? You don't think that's kinda sexist" Zakk interrupted the introduction.

"Well Zakk, glad to know the genders of the hosts interested you but just to let you know that we the crew of the show didn't pick the senior uni student, it was all up to the headmaster of the school to pick the student, and we us the host of the show, the crew only pick us cause the last 3 seasons of hosting as you may know them, Chris McLean and Chef Hacket, was very over control of their duties on this show." Melissa calmly explain

"Yeah whatever but why do you speak like that? I'm pretty sure all of us are older than you two and you act all high and mighty talking like that" Zakk asked smugly while cross his arms

"…. It's in the contract, and by the way we are only 2 years younger than you' Melissa starting to get bit annoyed with Zakk

"Anyways, Kathleen please introduces yourself and the school" Lily interrupting the small argument between her Co-host and a student.

"Well I'm Kathleen, as you know my name right now, You may prefer me as the typical A+ overachiever university student, I've been studying here in Portland University for over 4 years now in English writing" Kathleen introduced herself while adjusting her blue/green glasses.

"As your Host said, I was picked by the headmaster; Phillip McHart, probably because as I quote from the headmaster and teachers that I was 'One of the better students at this university'. This Uni have been around since mid-40s, as you can see the looks of the buildings are very quiet old looking but later this year we decided to put more modern buildings in this uni and getting rid of the old stuff that they kept from mid-40s." Kathleen started introducing by started some bit of history.

But the student doesn't look like they want to know the information except quite few people.

"Here we stand in the grand entrance of the uni the gate behind protects the uni from any criminals trying to break in our precious school or any bad things. If you want to exit the uni at later times you all will be given a swap card to get in and out the building to let the head office know who you are and etc. "

As what she said Kathleen gave all the students including the two hosts swap cards with a keychain necklace.

"From the grand entrance, there's a path way to the back buildings and few quiet spots where you can relax and hang out in-between classes or after," Kathleen continued. "You will be required to obey all rules while inside the uni-"

"Except when participating in challenges," Lily interjected.

"And attend classes bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, as the saying goes. There will be some leniency towards you but you are still expected to be punctual and do your best in classes. Now, are there any questions before we begin the tour?" Kathleen looked around briefly; no hands were raised, yet. She smiled, "okay then, let's go."

They walked around the university, stopping at the library, each building (momentarily going inside each one), and the small food court area. They visited the court yard, the dorms and the rec rooms. The contestants were starting to become restless, chatting amongst each other and practically jumping up and down.

Kathleen once again stood in front of the new students and the host, "We have finished our grand tour of the university and now we will put you in your dorms with a roommate or two"

"Thank you Kathleen" Lily thanked the senior student.

"Now the guys and girls will have two separate dorms buildings and also they have a security camera in the halls so nobody could sneak into each other rooms at midnight" Melissa said eying few people

"Guys on the Left and Girls on the right" Lily stated

"Now we are going to put you into the roommates that came on this show in order, since we have no clue that is going be friends with"

Couple of the students' morn and groan from hearing the news.

"First of the guys"

"In Room 234 is Matt and Skylar" the two boys looked at each other and nodded with a small smile

"In room 235 is Eric and Nick" the two shake each other hands and smile

"In room 236 is Rowan and Zakk" Rowan looked like he doesn't care but Zakk groan quietly

"In room 237 is Draco and Cotton" The boys looked and smirk at each other

"In Room 238 is Kent and Nathan" the guys smile at each other.

Now boys since you already have your dorms sorted out and Kathleen here will give you your timetables you may head to your dorms" Lily said with a smile

"Here are your timetable guys and we will explain it tomorrow when you're all fresh and awake" Kathleen said handing out the sheets.

The boys of the show gladly go off to their rooms and chat amount themselves

"Now girls the rooms you be in are: in Room 241 is Briana and Prue" the girls looked each other and gave a faked smile

"In room 242 is Luna and Keylie" the girls smile at each other

"In room 243 is Paige and Rosie" Paige scoffs and crossed her arms while Rosie have a worried look on her face.

"In room 244 is Lhia and Sofia" Lhia folded her arms and raised her eyebrow while Sofia put her arms on her hips and turn her head.

"Finally in room 245 is Tonia and Ali" the two smiled at each other.

"Now just like the guys here are your timetables and you can go off to your rooms and unpack everything and tell the guys to meet us in the common room at 7 o'clock sharp all freshen up for your first class of the day annnnd your first changelle " Lily said dismissing the girls.

The girls all carried or pull their bags up to their rooms and talked to each other

The two host and the senior student turn to faced the camera and said "Well this is the end of Episode three of TDU and this is just the beginning, tomorrow will be the first officially day of TDU for the students but they don't know what is coming for them, so see you soon folks!" Melissa said with a obviously faked grin.

The credits rolled in when the three girls walked away.

A:N here are my reasons for not updating this for nearly 5 months:

School is back on and I got loads of homework/Assignment is due quickly and its really hard to keep up and update stories.

I put of writing for a while and put all my stories on hiatus since lately I don't even feel like writing anymore but I'm coming back on tracks and updating one at the time.

I don't really like writing TDS anymore since my obsession for that show is way due and over with and I only liked FFNS now of it but I am willing to write my current stories and get it finished and done with rather leaving it and unfinished but it will take a lot of time.

I am truly sorry for putting this off for many months but I didn't mean it to happen but its really hard to update this since we have to plan it out first and swap documents though emails to each other for our parts of the story and since we lived in different states in Australia its kinda hard to connect with each other when we really want to update this, this chapter was the hardest of the three since we already written the first part two weeks ago but was stuck on the middle/ending but I finally got to finished it tonight.

You may noticed that I change my name cause my old name was really out of date and was there since early last year and I wanted a new one and you may see that I'm recently updating other stories from other fandom but I just have more ideas for that than for TDS.

I will certainly finish ALL of my stories but like I said it will take lots of time.

Sorry times billion for leaving you waiting :( xxo

Love from: YouPlusMeEqualsLoveBaby (Resigning as xxxDanceAcademyFanxxx) & Maddy48 xox