The story is kind of based off of The Cars song "Just What I needed" and if you like the story then checkout the song. (Please leave a review!)


"Finally!" I shouted to myself. I've spent the last four hours trying to figure out this update for the iCarly, and I am now only fifteen seconds from completion. –BEEP- FLASH-"What the hell!" Conveniently as my four hours' work came to its conclusion the power went out.

I sat there contemplating for a second when I heard "Frederly, How's the computer junk going?" followed by several loud thumps. I turned my face and body by attachment and looked at the smirking blond threw the clear studio door. Still on the other side of the door Sam slowly brought up her hand and waved it in the freaky queen of England style. Still smirking she walked in and asked, "How far did you get before the power crapped?"

I looked at her and then slapped my head in realization/frustration. "Only you could ruin four hours of my work just to wallow in your own twisted humor. "

Sam's smirk got bigger, smaller, and then settled on the original pace and said, "There are so many things wrong with what you said. First of all what kind of stupid nub says wallow. I mean that's almost as bad as saying bowels. Secondly, I could bring in any shmuck from the street and they would understand the beauty in my actions. Thirdly, well… There was only two reasons but.." She then raised her fist and punched me right in the gut.

"OOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" I screamed. I mean considering the whole gender and height difference it didn't hurt that much but It's like fluoride. It leaves that aftertaste that just plain pisses you off but I went along with it by retorting, "What the hell was that for?"

"Well I contemplated and I was like who likes a loser that can only think of two reasons soo here we are." Sam answered her voice dripping with humor. "So where are you taking me today?"

"Taking you today? What do I look like?" I asked and I saw her eyes light up and her mouth started to move when I said, "Don't answer please." She humored me and just laughed at me. We locked eyes and now were committed to a staring competition. After three minutes of staring she slowly lifted her hand and flicked me right above my eye. "Fine…" I had given in. (Heavy Sigh) "Let's go to the park, Puckett."

I started to walk towards the door when I heard Sam clear her throat so I turned around looked at her waiting for whatever comes next. She held out her arms and said, "Piggy back ride?"

I looked at her and I don't know what happened but well…"sure," I said.

Her eyes popped open and her mouth literally dropped, "Really," she said.

"Only to the front door though." I added as an afterthought.

"Cool," She held out her arms and jumped on my back. She hit me in the back of the head and said, "Giddy up Charlie!"

"Why name me Charlie" I asked hoping for something funny.

"Get it a Charlie Horse." She started laughing like a crack head at a Robin Williams comedy tour. She rested her chin on my head and it felt sort of nice.

We took the elevator down and when we had made our way to the front door. I got down on one knee and said, "We have arrived Princess Puckett watch your step as you het off and don't snicker at me saying get off." It was too late because she was already snickering. She got off me and we made our way to the park. I know you're probably wondering where Carly is but on every third Saturday, which it is today, she goes with Spencer to see her Granddad.

We were walking down the street when I felt a rock hit me in the side of the head. "Saaaammmmmm," I whined. "Look Freddork!" she said her voice brimming with the excitement of a three year old. "A cotton candy stand!" She practically screamed. "You better buy me some if you know whats good for you," she said in her best Mr. t. voice which to be honest does scare me just a tad.

"Fine," I sighed. "come one." We made our way to the park just chatting about how Asian people text because frankly I think its impossible but Sam didn't really care. We continued talking and eating our cotton candy until she finished hers and then poked me in the eye and took mine. I decided not to argue caused when she challenged me with an eyebrow raise and decided I'll just choose my battles.

As soon as Sam saw the swings she ran right to them and started jumping around them until she picked one and started swinging like a maniac on a mission. I just sort of admired her for a second because she looked sort of majestic and a twisted, demented sort of way. "What are you staring at Fredward?" she yelled through the air. I shook off my thoughts and ran to the swing next to her. We both just enjoyed the swings and each other's company.

Sam jumped off the swing and just stood there with her hands on her hips staring at me. "You comin'?" she inquired looking slightly annoyed. I jumped off and started running to nowhere and Sam followed me. I ran close to the pond without realizing it and Sam pushed me right in the freakin' water. I mean it's the middle of summer and a sunny day but my mom will throw a grade A fit when she sees me.

"You're dead Sam." I said trying to sound serious. I went to grab her leg but I missed and ended up swinging my arm into my face. Sam started laughing like a maniac until she laughed so hard and fell down until she rolled into the water. The two started splashing around until some cop came over and gave them a look. Sam got out of the water and gave the cop a look until he…well… fled the scene.

Sam helped me out and together we just sat out in the sun. "So I had a good time." She began awkwardly.

"Yeah it was nice." Freddie responded. "We should do it again some time."

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Sam said with a soft smile.

"Well yeah I guess I am." Freddie said with growing confidence.

"Okay then." Sam finished.

"Even though you waste most of time doing nonsense stuff."

"You would fall apart without my nonsense." Sam stated.

"Maybe you're right" Freddie said and softly smiled. The two leaned in and shared that priceless immortalized waterside kiss. Until a soccer ball hit Freddie in the head. The kiss broke apart and Sam went and kicked the kids ass. Literally. She came back and gave a look that's says "I don't think a soccer ball will hit you again so just shut up." And the two continued there fantasized kiss.
