The past is placed back before Hayate had met Athena, in an alternate universe, where things were just a little more different. The present is not altered by this past, at least, not just yet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Prologue: The land before time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hayate sits on his bed, thinking about his past. He thought about the hard times he's gone through, now overcome by the stroke of luck he's gotten. There was still something he could not understand, why? Why can't he remember those last few days? What happened? He starts to reminisce about what happened, hoping for a clue for those days.

In the evening, when the sky is orange and half the sun is to be unseen, Hayate walks home, alone. In his mind he was thinking about how to get his own money since his parents are broke and always taking his money. He had about 10,000 yen saved up so far. 'If I keep going like this, I can live a normal life. I just hope they don't find my money again. Gosh, I can't imagine losing all that money.' He smiles and looks at the beautiful sky, still walking home. 'I'm sure it's going to be fine. I'm taking a different route so I should be fine from-' His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of many footsteps behind him. He checks where the noise had come from but sees no one. 'No. They've been following me?' He quickly hurries along. Rustling is heard to his left, only to stop because of a wall. 'They're going as far as to go into other people's yards. This isn't good.' He reaches a 3 way Y-shaped intersection. He faces the left side and 10 kids jump out of nowhere, surrounding him. "...Why? Why is this only happening to ME?"

Moments later, Hayate lies on the ground, beaten up, along with 6 of the kids. The other 4 had robbed him of his possessions. The other 6 look at him and laugh. "Well, this is typical. We are always left behind." Hayate stares at them in amazement. "What's wrong? Never seen us talk to you? Don't worry about it. Life isn't so bad. But I guess for you it is." The 6 kids get up and stretch. They look at Hayate again and all frown. "Well, don't bring too much things of value tomorrow. We don't have much of a choice, so we have to help them. Sorry." They bow and run away. Hayate stares at them as they run away. 'If only I was stronger. I need to be stronger...' His vision turns dark. He starts to lose his senses. He breath slows. 'I... have to...stronger...' He falls unconscious.

"Shouldn't we have helped him?"

"Help him with what? He deserves this."

"Yeah. You said it."

"But... Shouldn't we at least try to help him?"

"Exactly. We can't just let this continue. We need to help him."

"Fine. But first, we'll have to "Befriend" him."

"Why must we do this for everyone? You never even passed it."

"Well, I'm the one made it up! So we'll test him after getting to know him more."

"I guess it's better than leaving this alone. Let's do it."

The next day, Hayate has a normal day. He didn't get bullied yet, no one took his stuff yet, things were looking up for him. 'Wow. I wonder what happened. People would usually try to take my stuff or pick on me.' At 3 PM, he goes to a playground he often goes to. The people look at him and smiles. The bullies from yesterday give him his stuff back. 'This is new... I... I can't remember what happened...' His head starts to hurt. "Ow." He puts one hand on his head, as if to cover the wound. He starts to wonder what had happened the day before. He could not remember anything, not even his breakfast, his lunch, or being bullied. He could not remember anything, or at least, not enough. He can only remember being chased, and the kids leaving. It was not enough. He starts to walk home until someone stops him.

"H-hey." Said a shy voice. He turns around and sees a pink haired girl with long hair and green eyes. He sees that she was hesitant on talking to him. "I... I need to talk to you." She says as she avoids any eye contact with anyone. All the children stare at her, wondering what she was doing.

Hayate walks up to her. She was the same height as him. "What is it?" Hayate says with his salesmen smile. He had to do his best to make a new friend, whether or not it would work.

"Ah... Uh... My name is Hinagiku."

"Oi! Hayate! Go return these DVDs for me! Maria already went out somewhere. Can you go find her too? Hayate!" exclaimed his master.

"I'll be right there! Where are you anyways?" Hayate asked.

"Y-you don't need to know that at the moment! The DVDs are on top of the Movie TV!"

"Hai hai, Ojo-sama." Hayate sighs. It couldn't have gone any worse for him. "Hinagiku...?"

I... took a long time to come up with a name for this. The prologue name is a reference to a dinosaur movie that many people in America would know. If you can come up with a better title name for this, then please, tell me after I put more up. Also correct my spelling and/or grammar. I would appreciate it. Would also help if later on, you guys tell me what the genre should be. Also, I was thinking of how I should make this story. It will alternate between the present time and the past. Please do not get confused. And please do not say people are OOC. I have a very specific reason for it.