My Absolute Biggest Apology Ever

Hello again, fellow Fanfictioners. I must say that I am completely ashamed of myself for nearly three years of inactivity regarding my stories. I have no excuses for it and I'm not going to bore you with any inexcusable explanations. I am just so very sorry.

But fear not, even though my postings have not been, I have continued my stories offline. I have a few updates prepared and I am hoping to get them up and become active once more no later than March 15, 2013. I look forward to meeting my new fans and hopefully regain my old friends. I know many of you are very disappointed in me and probably have unfollowed me and distrust this promise. I completely understand and I will not beg those of you to return.

My stories as they stand:

The Rescued Espeon: For the fans of my second story I have very good news. I am about four chapters away from completing this story and I will be updating this story more frequently.

A Meister's Battle Within: I am two more chapters further and I will focus my attention more into this story upon completion of The Rescued Espeon.

Our Adventures through Unova: With the long chapters and intermingling storylines of possibly my most complicated story, I will be less focused upon this story for a while longer. Now, I am about three fourths of the way through a new chapter (to reflect my current dedication for it).

She was Living a Lie?: Unfortunately, I have been in writer's block for this story for a very long time. I just can't seem to get past two elevenths of a chapter without throwing it out. I have the ideas, I just can't get them down in words.

Heroes United: Once again, I am completely redoing this story, there are going to be drastic changes made to this story that will completely change it.

Again, I deeply apologize and I deserve, and sort of request, any insults and complaints anyone may have for me.