Part One

A/N: An Alt Universe, Sookie's POV, story starts at Rhodes summit, this story is in four parts and has all be written, so will publish whole thing quickly. Beta'd by the lovely Gaijinvamp who painstakingly sifted through my Grammar gremlins, my spelling slips and my general massacring of the great English language to bring this reader friendly version of my story LOL. So a big thank you to her and the what must be her patience of a saint.

Enjoy JoxX...

I held the stake high above my head. I swallowed the lump in my throat. This was it. This was my opportunity. A chance at freedom. It was the perfect opportunity, as the hotel crumbled around me, bombed by terrorists. No one would ever know I killed my husband and his progeny. They would be presumed to have perished in the attack that was causing the very foundations of the hotel to shake. And me? Well, I would play the dutiful widow, grief stricken and heartbroken; I'd speak out against hate and intolerance with a solemn face.

When the dust settled, I would dance on Eric Northman's grave. Pam, his progeny, however, I would be sad to see go. We had developed something that looked oddly like a friendship; you know if you squinted at it, and were willing to ignore her blatant attempts at seducing me, or pushing me into the lying, cheating arms of my husband.

Not my finest hour; starting a story with me about to commit a double homicide before breakfast and without even having my morning coffee. You might wonder what has driven a woman to this point and juncture in her life. Ironically, it's my life that flashes before my eyes as I am about to take someone else's life, unlife-, whatever. I am sick of the PC bullshit.

I think how shinny, bright and new I was only two years ago. That was before I knew I had made a deal with the devil and now I was married to him. Maybe if I start somewhere near the beginning it will make some sort of sense, not that it ever did in the first place. Me? I blame it on being totally naive, which is a nice word for stupid.

Two years ago I lived in Podunk, Louisiana. Bon Temps, to be exact. My name was Sookie Stackhouse. Back then I was twenty two and a simple barmaid. How I long for that simple life again. I remember so clearly the day it all began to change:

I had come home from work and Gran was sitting on the porch swing. It was a beautiful day. I say it was beautiful day, because, somehow that day was extra lovely. Don't ask me why, it was just so. It was one of those days where you are just glad to be alive, and had that extra pep, or spring in your step.

Gran called me over to sit with her and she dropped the 'you're part fairy' bomb. I honest to goodness shit you not! Yup! Part Fairy! Nothing like Tinker Bell - think bigger, prettier and meaner! Not only that, within minutes of discovering this, I met my real Grandfather, Fintan Brigant, half Fairy, over six hundred years old and the son of a prince, no less.

I am real short on family; there's me, my Gran, my brother Jason, and that's the kit and caboodle, the rest are dead. As you can imagine, I welcomed him with open arms. A few months passed and he asked for my help. I'd been raised to help people in need, so like a fool I offered to help anyway I could.

Now at this point there is something you should know about me, I am telepathic. As in I can read your thoughts... like the ones you're having now... you know the ones... wow, bullshit, freak... I can hear you loud and clear.

This has put major dampeners on my love life and at that point it was zero. With an outlook of me finding a man when hell freezes over and a forecast of intermittent blizzards of sleazy men who want to know if I am blonde all the way down.

When Fintan asked if I would be willing to marry a handsome, powerful Vampire. I answered there was no harm in looking. Vampires had been out of the coffin so to speak for the last two years I was yet to meet one. Imagine when I saw Eric Northman for the first time. Imagine a blond Nordic god who was beautiful and funny, charming and witty. I thought it was love at first sight. Fate had stepped into my life and given me my very own Adonis. Surely this was my reward for twenty two years of no sex, church every Sunday, praying for every creature that crossed my path that needed help, and listening to every hateful and vile thing anyone ever thought about me. Added to that, I could only hear his spoken voice. His mind to me was a blank, calm sea of nothingness. Sheer bliss.

It must be preordained, fate, meant to be, I told myself. Ye-ah... I don't read romance novels anymore, in fact I am a staunch advocate against them. Harlequin Ltd is my Public Enemy Number One... actually Number Two, the dead guy I happened to be married to, is Number One. After the first meeting I had stars in my eyes. Of course I agreed, it wasn't like I would get a better offer any time soon. "Crazy Sookie", the locals called me. By doing this, there would be peace between the Fairies and the Vampires, that just made me extra pious, like the goody two shoes I was. This man was gorgeous and he wanted to marry me. We were gonna be sooo happy together. I would be Mrs Eric Northman. Wife. Life would be perfect.

And it was for the first three months. Now I can't stand the sight of him, he makes me sick. In fact he makes my skin crawl. You see, while I had stars in my eyes, wedding catalogues and magazines in my hands. Behind closed doors, my fate was being sealed, signed and delivered. Not once was I told I would belong to the Vampire I was marrying, like chattel. When Eric asked, "Will you be mine?" It was the most romantic thing I had ever heard. And like a lamb to the slaughter, I replied with a breathy, "Yes." As I stuck my own neck on the butchers block, in a room full of people with super hearing. Not that I knew. To me it was just an intimate moment between me and my future husband. Wrong.

If I am honest, all the signs were there, even my Gran warned me. But I wanted to get married, I wanted to be normal, so very badly. Luckily I did follow one piece of advice my Gran gave me, she said that a woman's allure is in her mystery. Gran was always proud of me, just as I am, but she suggested that I should keep my telepathy under wraps to add to my mystery. It proves Gran spoke to 'stars-in-her-eyes' Sookie style, I laughed at that. I understand now that she didn't want me to lay all my cards on the table. She knew. She knew I would need something that was just mine. She knew that the supernatural world was no place for a girl like me. It was my telepathy that revealed the extent of the lie I'd been living under.

Whoever said ignorance is bliss was so right. In one day my whole world crumbled. My Gran had just died the week before, peacefully in her sleep. I discovered that the maid Eric had hired to help me around the house, while I mourned my grandmother's death ,was actually hired to service her master, since I wasn't much in the mood having lost my Gran. I miss her everyday, I just thank the lord that she didn't get to witness my slap in the face, when I realised that my perfect marriage was a lie. My husband married me because he owed the fairies a debt; he never wanted me, I was a burden to him. An embarrassment. For the whole time that we been together he slept with fangbangers and whores; some with a pulse and some without. He made a fool outta me all 'round town.

I am a Vampire, get over it. *slap* You agreed to this.*slap* Your human concept of marriage is ridiculous. *slap* There is no divorce. *slap* Your existence is to serve mine. *slap* Vampires do not do monogamy. *slap* Don't blame me because your family failed to inform you of this. *slap* I broke no promises.*slap* Eric didn't physically hit me, but each one of those statements was like a well aimed slap. Like I had been drenched in ice water, it was hard to breathe.

Now two years later, I see myself as lucky-unlucky... Lucky as in Eric has never forced himself on me, in fact, he no longer tries to have sex with me at all. I think after the billionth time of telling him how much he disgusts me, he's finally gotten the message. If I have to belong to a Vampire, I guess I am lucky, as Eric is better than most. But unlucky that I belong to Vampire in the first place. My Fairy relatives? I haven't seen them since I demanded a divorce - funny that. Like flies on shit when they want something; but when I want something-nowhere to be seen. "This number is no longer in use."

A violent tremor jerks me out of memory lane, my hand is still hovering over Eric's lifeless body clutching the stake. I realise I've never seen my husband at rest before. He looks so peaceful, beautiful even. Like an angel. One fat tear rolls down my face when I realise I can't do it. I can't kill him. I scream, raw and guttural, drenched in my pain and the disappointment of my life.

I don't hate Eric enough. I don't hate him enough to live with hating myself; to become a killer. I throw the stake across the room. My fists begin to pummel the dead weight in front of me. I sob and cry and call him every god-forsaken name in the world, as the building begins to tear itself apart.

"Sookie, wh... what's wrong?" Eric suddenly stirs. I immediately land on my ass in the shock of waking him.

"Sookie?" he repeats his voice groggy.

"Eric we have to get out of here! The building is collapsing!" I cry out.

"Day time... need to rest...," he mumbles, turning his head away from me. That just lights my fuse, selfish bastard! I get up and punch him in the face with everything I got.

"Sookie," he mumbles again. Slowly trying to bat my hands out of the way.

"Yeah, remember me... only your fucking wife! Now do one thing right by me in your miserable life and help me, to help us, get out of here. Or I swear to god, I am leaving you and Pam to rot in a hotel that is blowing up!" That got him moving.

I rolled Pam into a coffin I managed to haul over to her bed, sealing her in it. I help Eric wrap up, in bed sheets anything I could find, his movements are sluggish at best. "Fires in all the corridors, the only way out is through the window."

Eric wastes no time hitting the special Vampire safe glass with a chair, smashing it, he lifts Pam's coffin out, I can already smell his burning flesh, I gag.

"Get on my back," I do as instructed, for once in my life without argument. We toboggan down the sloping side of the Pyramid of Gizha Hotel and as soon as we hit the ground, Eric collapses. I call over stunned rescue workers.

"For God's sake help!" I yell. "My husband and his child need to be put somewhere dark, they're Vampires."

The rescue workers exchange looks. I seen it a hundred times before 'what's a nice girl like you doing with Vampires'. "Ma am, we are concentrating on the living," a man in a yellow vest approaches us, is he kidding me? I am filled with righteous indignation, that I have no right to have since less than ten minutes ago I was planning to kill the man I was now trying to save.

"My husband has been living for over a thousand years, thank you very much. What gives you the right to play God? Huh? Huh? If you don't want to help, you bigot, I am sure the nice lady over there by the news truck would only be too glad to have my exclusive interview. My husband is the Vampire King of Louisiana, it's a story she'd chew her own arm off for."

Amazing what you can get done when you just willing to threaten some people. Suddenly I find myself as the on-site Vampire expert.

"Mrs Northman, we found half a body, aVampire... "

"They are still alive, if they aren't ash, they're still alive. They will regenerate. Set up an IV of blood and move them to the underground compound. The more injured they are, the more dangerous they will be when they rise. Sort them in that order."

Someone handed me a cup of coffee, I smiled at the kind gesture, "Don't mind me saying Ma'am, but you don't seem the type to be involved with Vampires," this was from Ed, my new best friend. He smelt promotion and stuck to me like white on rice.

"I'm not, it was an arranged marriage," I answered truthfully. And why not, I'd already let the cat out of bag that my husband was a Vampire monarch. I was sick of the lies and deceit. From now on, I, Sookie Stackhouse, would tell the truth... well, most of the time.

"I don't mean to scare you, but we need to get the crowd back and away from here. You need to call every Vampire in the area, and leave messages for them that they are needed down here, as soon as they rise. There are still Vampires in the wreckage and when the sun goes down they will rise. They will be disorientated and in bloodlust. They will need to feed and will follow pure instinct, that spells danger for the breathing population. We need uninjured Vampires to contain them." I was trying to plan ahead.

"Okay, I'll get right on it,"

"Ma'am I found two more wallets and a pair of ladies shoes in a pile of..."

"Ash and goo?"

The young rescue worker shifted uncomfortably, he gulped. "Yes," he said, with difficulty. He kept thinking about a pretty girl who worked at the bar, she just happened to be a Vampire. He genuinely cared and I was being a cynical bitch.

"Thank you, I'll take the wallets, and if you can just put the shoes in one of those bags over there, I'll make sure the victims are identified. You're doing a great job." I offered him a smile, he smiled weakly back.

I opened the wallets, Hugo Ayres, only one vampire year old from Dallas. I didn't know him. The other wallet belong to a name I couldn't pronounce if my life depended on it. I wrote down both names and ages, and details of their drivers licenses.

"Princess, thank God you're okay!" a big man came bounding up to me, covered in soot.

"Oh my God, Quinn, thank God you made it out... is... is Frannie okay?" Frannie was Quinn's sister, he had been my guard for the last two years.

"Thanks to you, if you hadn't knocked on our door when you did... How did you know?"

"Jake was a traitor, he was working with the Fellowship. I am sorry Quinn... I know you worked with him, but he didn't take his turning well. He warned me just before dawn of what he'd done."

"Son of a bitch!" Quinn said, rubbing his forehead like he couldn't believe it. "I need to do my job and get you out of here."

"I am not going."

"Not now, Sookie! Now is not the time to be stubborn!"

"I am not going and that is final! Do not forget I am your superior, don't make me pull rank on you."

Quinn backed down, "I meant no disrespect, please forgive me, your Highness."

Ed watched the exchanged between the two of us.

"Forgiven. Now that I am sure our Vampires are secure, why don't you follow Mike over there and help out. They are still pulling people out, there are yellow vests and hard hats over there," I nodded at a pile, a few yards from where I stood.

"I shouldn't leave you unguarded."

"Are you questioning me? Because if you are, it's noted, and I'll make sure Eric is aware of it. Now go."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"You weren't kidding when you said your husband was the King, huh?"


"You the vampire Queen?"

I laughed, "Not even close."

"But he called you "Highness.""

"I am sort of a human Princess and the supernatural world recognises the title. It's an old title from Ireland no longer in use, hence the arranged marriage. Humans couldn't really give a flying fuck. I was a barmaid two years ago, before I got married."

"Oh," Ed's most eloquent reply so far. Yeah, oh.

I continued to direct people with Ed, and took care of the possessions of the Vampires who seemed to have perished. Helping crews find humans, Weres (unknown to them) and Vampires alike. The sky had begun to streak with colours and it was time to get out of here. Quinn wasn't going to take "no" for an answer this time. He led me away, both of us covered in layers of grey soot.

He took me a few blocks from the scene leading me into a small diner. I realised I didn't have any money, no ID, nothing. But as soon as the waitress saw us, she said our money was no good anyway, and that we could have whatever we liked. I could have cried at the kindness.

I ate like I was a starving hostage. I couldn't believe I could eat at a time like this, but my body must have needed it, because I inhaled two cups of strong coffee, fried chicken, mac 'n cheese, and green beans.

After I scooped up the last mouthful, I felt Eric wake much later that usual, as the sky was now nearly fully dark. I shivered as the bond opened then closed. Grateful that even injured he had the foresight to close it. Quinn eyed me, following my gaze to the window.

"Is the Master awake?" he asked.

I just nodded. The "Master," now there's a word that stuck in my throat like year-old dry toast.

"What's it like? You know, being bonded?" Quinn asked softly.

Why did he have to be nice? My eyes filled with tears, "Like a constant reminder that my life is not my own," I whispered, as the tears breached their banks.

"Hey, now, none of that.. " he looked uncomfortable. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

"I know. It's just been a trying day."

"Why did you rescue him? Why save him if you are so unhappy? The crew I was working with told me what you did."

Shame flood my body, I swallowed hard, "I... I went to kill him." I needed to talk to someone. I chanced a look at Quinn, he'd been my guard for two years now, he was as good as anyone. Even though he felt sorry for me a lot of the time.

"I decided, as I had the stake in my hand it wasn't worth hating myself for him; for becoming a killer; that's not me,"

"Well I am glad you didn't. As Kings go Eric is as fair as Vampires can be. When he took my debt over from Nevada, he took me out of the pits. I doubt I would have lasted much longer in them. We'll just keep this between you and me. You're a hero. No one else needs to know about the rest."

Someone yelling my name brought me out of my mental stupor, "Thats me!" I called, putting my hand in the air.

"Telephone," said the waitress.

I got to the phone, "Hello?"

"Is this Sookie Northman?" said a male voice on the other end.

"Yes, this is she."

"Your Highness, I am Marcus Antoine, I am the Vampire palace liaison to Rhodes. I believe it's you we have to thank for the number of Vampire lives that have been saved."

"I don't know about that, but I did what I could, I helped humans too... was there a reason to your call?"

"Yes, Ma'am we have contained the area, but the rescue workers seem afraid to come back. I was wondering if you could come down again, as you seemed to have quite the fan club down here. They would trust you if you said it was okay."

"Alright. Is it okay?... look, never mind, I'll assess the situation for myself, I am coming now."

The line went dead, I had tried and failed many times to teach Vampires better phone manners in Louisiana, but alas, I only managed to teach one, a Mr Compton, who had great manners as it was, anyway.

"Quinn, we're needed down at the site again. Can you get their address here? I would like to send a thank you when this is all done," I asked. He smiled at me and went to do as I asked.

"I am not leaving you this time. If another Vampire takes you, Eric will have my head," Quinn informed me on the way there. He also said he knew Marcus personally, and that he wasn't too bad for a bloodsucker.


Marcus Antoine was nowhere to be seen, but when I got to the site I met Ed. He was with another Vampire. Before I, or anyone else for that matter, could say anything, the vampire had looked me up and down. "Bare your neck, I need to make this quick," he said briskly, grabbing hold of my shoulders in a painful grip.

"Get your fucking hands off me! What's your name, asshole?" I snarled with a ferocity I didn't think I was capable off.

"I would do as she says, she is Louisiana's Bonded," Quinn added. The Vampire's hands flew off my shoulders, my hand quickly followed. A loud crack sounded as I made contact with his face.

"How dare you? You shouldn't be treating anyone like that. It's assholes like you that give your race a bad name!" I snapped.

The Vampire looked livid, his fangs had run down. "Don't you bare your fangs at me! Check yourself! Oh no, you didn't... you gotta be kidding me! Are you trying to glamour me?"

Quinn growled beside me, I looked the Vampire straight in the eye and squared my shoulders. I may even have bared my teeth a little. Ed took several steps back. I could now feel the anger rolling of the Vampire, his fists clenched.

"Wallace," called a voice, it sounded the way a maker calls his childe. And that's just what it must have been, because Wallace (lame name for a Vampire btw) stiffened and broke eye contact, hanging his head slightly.

"Please accept my sincere apologies, Mrs Northman. I am Marcus Antoine," he turned to the other Vampire and whispered something low and fast. Wallace took off. I smiled and nodded at the handsome Vampire.

"Shit," gasped Ed, thinking he needed clean underwear. It was safe to say Ed would not have lasted long running in Vampires circles. "Weren't you scared?"

"No, wasn't like he would drain me in front of witnesses, if we had been alone it might have been a different story."

"Mrs Northman," Marcus said, in a way you would chastise a child.

"What? You don't think that lowly humans can cope with the knowledge there's both bad and good Vampires, just as there are people. It's so incredible that every Vampire on the planet seems to forget; you used to be us! If you can handle it, so can we. We're cut from the same cloth. Now if we are done chit-chatting, lets get's this show on the road."

"You are not what I expected, Mrs Northman."

"Thank you. I'll take that as complement. Now, how about we place a Vampire, and a human who is used to Vampires, with every crew. Would that be enough to insure your men's safety, so they can go back to work?" when I said human, I glanced first at Marcus to get his attention, then to Quinn, so they would understand I meant Were.

"Yes, that would be good," Ed replied.

"Is that do-able?" I asked Marcus.


"Just make sure that the Vampires understand the rescue workers are in charge here, their safety is paramount." I addressed Marcus, then turned to Ed, "Also understand that Vampires have enhanced senses, so inform your men that they should use these and trust them. You will have to work together if we are to save the remaining people."

With their new orders they quickly set to work. Quinn and I grabbed some yellow vests and hard hats and I began to shift through the debris where I could feel a woman was trapped. I could hear her praying in my mind. I hadn't lowered my shields all day to use my telepathy, but now we needed to work quickly.

It was the only bonus of the bond I had with Eric, taking his blood had strengthened my shields and made them easier to control. (despite having not had it for nearly two years, the effects still lasted) After a while Marcus joined us.

"Help me lift this," I pointed to a large slab of concrete. Marcus shooed me out of the way and lifted the slab with ease.

"Thanks," I knelt down, we had uncovered her hand, I took it in mine.

"Can you hear me? We are gonna get you out. Squeeze my hand if you hear me?"

The relief poured through, 'Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus,' her thoughts chanted. I beamed as she squeezed my hand. Quinn and Marcus made short work of removing the rest of the fallen masonry. I called over a medical crew to help her, as she was badly bruised and probably dehydrated. We continued like that till I was almost dead on my feet.

"Princess, you need to rest."

"You're right, I can hardly keep my eyes open."

"Mrs Northman, it has been a pleasure. It would please me greatly if you would accept this money to take care of your immediate needs as I know you have lost all your possessions in the attack." Marcus held out a wad of notes. I looked to Quinn, and he nodded saying it was alright to do so. As well as my guard, Quinn was also my teacher on royal etiquette – Vampire style.

"Thank you, it's most kind of you, and I am sure it will help greatly in making me more comfortable tonight."

"The King is a lucky man, much more astute than I had ever anticipated. I would never have thought a Human wife could be such an asset. I will make sure my Queen hears of your bravery and courage. You have saved many lives today, with your hands on approach and quick thinking."

"I just did what needed to be done, that's all," I half smiled taking the money and folding it up tightly in my hand. I took Quinn's hand in my other I needed the support over the rough terrain.

"I know you don't believe a word he just said, but it's true. You really took charge today and saved a lot of lives," Quinn said, as soon as we were out of ear shot from Marcus.

"Yeah, well, why don't I feel good then? My mind just keeps flashing to what I almost did this morning... "

"I've observed you for two years now, at court, at home... you are the sweetest, most caring woman I've ever met. I saw how Eric broke your heart, how happy you had been before then. I never thought you'd last past the first year, none of us did. But you have, you are strong, brave, and shovelled more Vampire shit than anyone in that kingdom combined. And the King knows it."

"What does that even mean? What are you saying?"

Quinn shook his head regretting he had said too much already, from his thoughts I could tell what he meant and it shocked me.

"If I killed myself, the King would be free of blame... that's it isn't?" I knew already the answer was yes.

"I shouldn't have said anything... I am sorry, it's not my place... none of the guys thinks he deserves you," Quinn was looking anywhere but at me.

"I am glad you did, maybe tomorrow you could help me with some questions that I have. C'mon I think I see a hotel up ahead."

I didn't shower or anything, I just crawled into the large double bed, Quinn lay down on the floor, "Get your ass up here, no funny business, just sleeping," I said to him.

"I shouldn't."

"I am not taking "no" for an answer," I mumbled sleepily. Any minute now I would be asleep and there would be no arguing, I felt the bed move as Quinn got in. A dreamless sleep took me under.

The next day I woke late afternoon wrapped in warmth. I felt disorientated for a few minutes as the events of the previous day came back to me. I guess I just felt lonely, I couldn't remember the last time someone had hugged me. I snuggled deeper into Quinn's arms, inadvertently stirring Quinn's morning wood. His erection pressing into my ass had me shooting out of bed and running for the bathroom. I took care of my human needs and switched on the shower.

Stepping under the shower I luxuriated in the warmth, and scrubbed every last bit of grime that reminded me of the awfulness that was yesterday. I walked back into the room wearing one of the hotel's robes, I realised now that I had a dilemma, there was no way I could wear what I had on yesterday.

As soon as I stepped into the room, Quinn looked up sleepily from the bed. "Hey," he smiled.

"Hey," I said awkwardly, pulling the robe tighter.

"Where you shoot off to?" Quinn grinned, as I blushed.

"Shower... I... I had to take care of my human needs."

"Ah," Quinn paused, looking me up and down, and not in a way that didn't do anything for me. I looked away brushing my fingers through my hair. "I better shower too, then we'll sort something out clothing-wise," Quinn said, getting off the bed, not a lick of shame on his handsome face as he strolled out of bed, saluting me in just his boxers. Oh, dear lord in heaven. "Don't answer the door to anyone," he called over his shoulder.

I called room service for breakfast, as I ended the call I heard the shower go on in the bathroom and there was a knock on the door. Using my telepathy, I determined who was behind the door. I could hear Bobby Burnham, one of Eric's day men, in fact, he was the lowliest of day men. Bobby hated yours truly and worshiped the ground Eric walked on. My heart was sinking rapidly, but perked up a bit when I read from his mind that he had clothes for me at least. I opened the door.

"Mrs Northman," he sneered, not even hiding the distain he had on his face. He looked round the room before he even addressed me again.

"Bobby, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I said dryly.

He turned up his nose at me. "A double room? With your guard? Really Mrs Northman?" he patronised me. I pulled him in too the room slamming the door shut behind him. I pushed him into a chair by the door, you know the kind, one of those random armchairs they are so fond of putting in hotel rooms- randomly.

"Now you listen to me, you vile little maggot! Keep your opinions to yourself! Now give me my damn clothes! Then you are going to get out of here and get Quinn some clothes and come right back! For your information, we are in a double room because there were no others available. Check for yourself before you go running back to the Master, who I saved yesterday, by the way, with your tall tales."

"I am sorr.."

"I don't want to hear it! What I want to hear, is you leaving and doing as you're told!"

"Yes, Ma'am."As Bobby left I could hear a slow clap from the bathroom door.

"About time, that little shit getting his comeuppance was long overdue," Quinn said.

I blushed, "I don't know what's wrong with me, I am not normally like this. I've just had enough. I just can't give two shits anymore... Listen to me, I've cussed more in the last two days then I have in the last two years."

"You survived a terrorist attack, it's bound to change your perspective a little."

"Yeah, I guess you're right... It feels like I've just woken up after a horrible nightmare... I don't know what will happen next, but I know I can't do this anymore... This is no life at all. I've been hiding behind the charities I help, since I am not allowed to work in any job. I've immersed myself in them hoping it will fill the void of how totally awful my life is. Does that make me sound like a spoilt brat?... I mean I know there are women, hell, even men out there, that would give anything to be in my position," I turned to Quinn.

"No, I don't think it's spoilt at all. You have all your physical needs met and then some, and I hate to sound like a total girl, but you're not having any of your emotional ones met at all."

I stood in deep thought just nodding at Quinn, it was true I couldn't fault him. I smiled a wicked grin. "Yeah that's true... you sound like a total girl," I laughed, lightening the mood. He growled and I rolled my eyes. "I feel like I should get an Oscar, for playing the dutiful wife, or one of those life time achievement awards... I am so sick of it!"

There was a knock on the door. Quinn sniffed the air, and we both said "food" at the same time. I ordered mountains of food. I'd been round Weres for a long time, they ate loads and burned it off just as fast. We dug in, during the meal Bobby returned with clothes for Quinn. I had dressed in the jeans and t-shirt Bobby provided, thankful he had brought underwear too.

"I am to escort you to the plane, it leaves at 9pm tonight," Bobby puffed up his chest like it was the most important job in the world.

"What money do you have?" I asked taking bite out of my toast. Bobby took out several hundred dollars from his pocket. "Leave it on the table and take a hike."


"Get!" I shooed him, "I am not getting on any plane. Inform his majesty, due to his very kind monetary donation I am making my own way home... Quinn? You taking the plane or coming with me?"

Quinn looked a little shocked, "I'll stay with you."

"I have to..." Bobby protested.

"I've had enough bullshit to last me a lifetime, several in fact... I suggest you don't try me today! And if the King has a problem with that, he can come and get me his own self. You can tell him that from me."

Bobby left without a word but his mind had plenty to say. He didn't understand why Eric didn't just off me or divorce me.

"You sure about this?" Quinn asked, looking up from his mountainous plate.

"Yes, I am," I sighed deeply. "I am going to my Gran's house. I am going to live there, and if Eric has a problem with it, he's just going to have to lock me up."

"You know he would," Quinn said, seriously.

"I know, but I can't pretend everything is hunky-dory anymore, when it's not. I can't back Eric up and do the loving wife routine, every time he needs to appear more human. I refuse to lie anymore, and I refuse to live a lie anymore. I can't do it. I've reached my limit."

"Okay, I'll help you as much as I can," Quinn patted my hand.

"Thanks, but I don't want you to get into trouble on my account."

There was a big silence we finished our plates... actually Quinn finished my plate as well as his own. The cell phone Bobby left for me, I left on the bed with the Sim removed and a note to indicate it was a gift for the cleaner, I didn't want to be reached.

We took the bus all the way to Shreveport, and didn't arrive until early morning. We took Quinn's truck the rest of the way. I nearly cried when we pulled up outside my Gran's home, I was just so relived. Quinn broke in to get us inside. It smelt musty, but nothing a good airing wouldn't take care off. Tired, I showed Quinn the spare room and I took my old bedroom.

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