A new day, a new chance to get closer to Karin, Kazune thought as he woke up. Kazune only wanted to try and make Karin realize who she really was. Then, maybe, Karin would be a little more open to him. Plus, today was a special day.

"Wake up Karin! Training starts again with this new school year!" yelled Kazune as soon as he was dressed and by her bedroom door.

Karin heard Kazune's voice in her dream. A new day is just another bit of time, Karin thought bitterly. Karin…definitely not a morning person.

"I'm not gonna train Kazune-kun! I need sleep!" Karin mumbled before she fell back into her pillow. A few moments later, her blanket was torn off of her body. She blinked her groggy eyes to see who had interrupted her dream time.

"Get up I said!" Kazune said. He was wearing a gray training suit to start the day off.

"You're so mean in the morning!" Karin screamed before pushing Kazune out of her room to get herself dressed and ready for school.

-Half an hour later-

"Come on Karin-chan. We're going to be late~!" Himeka said tugging at her friend's arm.

"I'm coming! Why are we in such a rush to get to school?"

"Today's National Free Hug Day~!"

Karin scrunched her face up in question. "Whaa?"

"Every year they choose one boy and one girl at our school who get to be the representatives for the holiday and anyone can hug them~." Himeka explained.

Karin shrugged, "I still don't get it."

Himeka stopped ad looked at Karin dead in the eye. "So, you wouldn't want to be the representative for the girls and then you wouldn't have an excuse to hug your crush~?"

"To school we goooooooooo!" Karin yelled enthusiastically. Karin took a hold of Himeka's hand and dragged her all the way to their school's gates. Once they arrived at the school billboard, where announcements of special events were, they noticed a huge crowd gathered around one specific area. It was most likely the Free Hug Day representatives.

"Hanazono-san~!" Micchi yelled at he squeezed the breath out of Karin.

"Hi...Micchi...can you let go?" Karin struggled to say; still crushed against her friend's chest. When Micchi finally released her, Karin saw the two names for the representatives.

Karin couldn't believe her eyes. "No way!" she exclaimed; although she was really only shocked by one name and that name was the male representative's name.

Female representative: Miyon Yi
Male representative: Kuyjou Kazune