Bella POV

Here I am sitting here eight months after my eighteenth birthday party still thinking about what Edward said to me in the woods that day bringing my whole world down; I offered him my life and he just takes me out into the woods and bluntly tells me I was a pet to him and his family. My dad told me a month after the Cullen's left that if I don't get out of my zombie state that he was going to send me to my mother's house.

So the next day I was back to my original self before I even met the Cullen's, I did start riding motorcycle's, I cliff dived, and hung out with a bunch of werewolves, I am pretty sure if my dad knew that he would have a heart attack so that leaves me with today; it's kind of funny when the Cullen's were here they were my life but with them gone I have gotten closer with my dad having the father daughter relationship.

"Hey daddy" I said coming into the kitchen before the last day of school

"Hey baby girl, you ready for graduation?" he asked me

"I sure am, I got my letter of acceptance from Texas Southern University" I told him with a smile on my face

"Really, you're going to my hometown college?" he asked me tearing up

"Yes daddy" I told him getting a big bear hug

"Ok, baby girl time to go to school" he told me

With that I was off to school even though today would be a short day of consisting of our last test; then tomorrow is graduation. By the time I got home I only had enough time to make Charlie's supper and get the house clean for my mom and stepfather's arrival in the morning before graduation. I just got done with supper when I heard my dad's car pull up and turn off.

"Hey Bells" my dad greeted

"Hey dad" I greeted back

"How was your day sweetie?" he asked me after he sat down with his plate

"It was good, got everything taken care of for tomorrow" I told him

Later on that night I was laying down in my bed thinking of this past year how it went by fast and that I never would have thought anything would have happened the way it did. The last thought I had before I fell asleep is what is in store for me when I go to college.

The alarm woke me up about eight in the morning feeling refreshed; headed downstairs to get some breakfast, once I was downstairs and fixing breakfast I heard footsteps behind me and before I turned around I felt a kiss on my head.

"Smells good Bells" my dad said

"Thanks dad, so when is mom and Phil supposed to be at the airport to be picked?" I asked him

"They said about nine o'clock" he replied

"Okay who's going to pick them up?" I asked him sitting down eating breakfast

"Well, how about we both go since I requested off for the day" he told me

"Sure, I will like that" I told him getting everything put away

After the dishes were clean I went upstairs and got a shower; went back downstairs to see my dad sitting on the couch waiting for me so we can head to Seattle to pick my mom and Phil up from the airport. We got to the airport with five minutes to spare before they get off the plane; ten minutes later we see them walking towards us, I see my mom crying before she pulls me into a hug. When we got home my mother was fussing over me and crying mumbling 'my little girl is growing up' I brushed it off knowing today is an emotional day.

Once the last name was called to get their diploma there were cheers and everyone was tossing their caps in the air; after graduation my parents wanted to take me out to lunch even though I told them it wasn't necessary we spent few hours together before heading home to rest.

"I'm going to bed" I told them

"Okay baby girl, see you in the morning" my dad told him after receiving hugs and kissing on the head I headed up to bed.

It's been two weeks after graduation and I was hanging out in La Push with Jacob and the pack; having the time of my life before I head to Texas to get ready for school, it was just after nine that I headed home. When I got home I noticed the lights off; I could feel something was wrong at first I brushed it off but when I opened the door I couldn't hear my dad's snores, I turned the lights on and what I was greeted with was heart wrenching there was my parents lifeless bodies drained of blood, I went over and next to my dad was a note.


I was coming looking for you; but all I found was your parent's so my friends and I killed them, hope you can live with the guilt that they died because of you.


I couldn't help but shiver; all I remember is that I sat down feeling tears run down my face, I looked around and the first thought to do was call Jacob.

"Bella?" Jacob asked

"Jake, please come" was all I could manage to get out

"Okay, I will be there" he said hanging up the phone

I don't know how long it was until I heard the door open and someone pull me up from sitting next to my parent's I look up and see that it was Jacob holding me to him.

"Bella, what happened?" he asked

"All I know is that I came home and they were like this and they left a note." I told him handing him the note

I could tell that he was done reading the note because all of a sudden I feel him shaking really bad; I turn and looked at him and noticed that he was looking at the back door like he wanted to escape, I touched his arm and waited for him to look at me when he finally did all I could do was nod my head as to tell him to go cool off, a minute later you could hear a pained howl, then answering howls.

"I'm sorry" was all I could get out before Jacob rushed back in

"The pack are coming Bella, then we will help you with anything that you need." He told me

Within few seconds the door was opened and you could hear gasps and pained breaths, I looked up and saw everyone there they even got Billy here and you could see the shadows in his eyes from losing his best friend, we all just stood there before we went over what would happen.

We called the police so they can get the statement from everyone to know what's all happened and where everyone were at; after they left we started to plan the funeral's thinking it would be better if my parents were buried here where I would be able to come and visit; the funerals were together had basically the whole town there and everyone had nice things to say about my dad; everyone that didn't know my mom were there to comfort me and in my time of need.

I kept my dad's house, the truck he bought me but I went to Phoenix, AZ and took care of my mom's house and cars, after all of that; I read the wills from both parents and saw that my mom and stepfather said I could do whatever I want with their house and cars but the money they had was mine, my dad wanted me to keep the house and everything he owned was mine. After everything was taken care of I headed to Houston Texas so I can get everything ready for school.