Name: The DemonMage - The PokegirlWorld Saga

Author: ChaosDriver

Chapters 1

Not author note: this was a story that I enjoyed but for some reason was removed from this and any site I may be a bastard for doing this but I'm going to and if you don't like then that's just to fucking bad

The DemonMage: Life in the Pokegirl World

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Pokegirls

Part1: The Arrival


The Power of a Psychic

A bright flash announced the arrival of the person known in different worlds as Naruto Oniriyousha or more commonly known by his enemies as The DemonMage.

Not even out of his teen years, at the age of sixteen, he's already the ruler of a successful trading nation simply called Wave. His main expertise lies in Magic so powerful that even some deities tremble in fear. His familiars and staff, strangely consistent of mostly females, are some of the strongest combatants throughout the 'verses.

However, even for someone as powerful as he too much pressure at once can get to him. So having decided he used a self created trans-dimensional spell to launch himself into a random universe, hoping to alleviate the bore of paperwork and ruling by having a bit of an adventure.

He just hoped that his girls will forgive him once he returns. Because, although he will never admit or show it, even he feels uneasy before the wrath of a woman scorned.

Looking around Naruto found himself at the middle of the road. A couple of hundred meters in front of him stood a typical looking research center and next to it stood a dojo like structure surrounded by a highly fenced gate.

Coincidently the gate itself seemed opened.

Looking at a sign above the gate he reads a peculiar text.

-Spank Town's Pokegirl Research and Storage Center Butthole-

Puzzled he was just about to take a closer look when he heard several people approaching from behind. Utilizing his highly honed threat rating senses he quickly activated his telepathic abilities and read the surface thoughts of the handful of boys practically running towards him.

'Starter pokegirls? What the hell is a pokegirl and why would someone need a starter?' Naruto wondered.

Being as good a telepath as he is the teen could of course just break into one or each of the boys' minds 'But that would just take all the fun out of it!' he thought with a his famous devil-may-care smirk.

Going with the flow he effortlessly intergraded himself into the back of the group and followed them, eventually entering the research center.

A unique looking girl greeted the group once inside "Hello and welcome to Butthole Research Center, I am Katie." as she introduced herself the catlike ears on the top of her head flickered a little as the catlike tail coming from her behind swished from side to side in excitement, all in all she looked like some type of catgirl "I hope you are all excited to get your starter pokegirls today." she said smiling brightly and jiggling her decent sized bust a bit as if trying to put them on display "If you all just take the door unto your left and precede to the fifth door on your left hand side you encounter the professor will be with you in a second."

The excited looks not having dissipated in the slightest the group of four boys all but ran through the indicated corridor, with Naruto slowly trailing behind them with a look of regal indifference on his face although the gleam in his eyes was there if you knew what to look for.

Looking around Naruto passed several large windows showing different kind of female human looking creatures, some looking almost completely human while others had an extra pair of limbs. The strange and almost consistent scenario replayed itself in each room with the females putting themselves on display, although from some of the blank looks on their faces not all of it was entirely out of want.

Checking over the other four boys the taste of arousal and anticipation was almost visible, which gave Naruto a somewhat clear if a little disturbing picture of what was going on in this world he landed in.

After a good five minutes of walking they group finally arrived in a large room containing a podium on which a lab coat wearing individual stood. On the left of him a huge computer could be found and on the right a device could be found with a plaque reading 'Pokegirl Transfer System'. At the back of the room a dozen or so red devices could be found and next to that a dozen belts could be found containing five red and white balls and one empty slot.

He looked the man, whom he presumed to be the professor, over and saw a steel look in the guy's eye. A look which demanded only the utmost respect. His hair was a common brown and his height was around 1,75m. Not all that tall but the height of the podium added to the respectable air the person gave off. Naruto guessed his age to be around forty to forty-five.

The man cleared his throat "Good afternoon, I'm Professor Harold Dick. Please call me Professor Hard or Professor Dick, whichever you prefer." he gestured towards the group "You are all here to receive your first pokegirl and start your journey into becoming certified Tamers and perhaps even Harem Masters. As each of you undoubtedly known the Hardcore League isn't for the faint of heart and most of you could easily get killed. As one of the few places where anything goes and where there are no rules most beginning trainers early on journey to the surrounding leagues to build up their Harem and train. Most of those don't return to this League but those who do intimately come to know the power and harshness of it. Most of the battles end up leading to all out harem to harem fights and although most end up without real bloodshed it isn't unknown for Tamers to not only loose their pokegirls but also their lives. Although it is frowned upon killing Tamers is aloud." suddenly the man sported a truly ugly grin "For those of you pigheaded enough to stay in this League from the get go, let's just say it has been good knowing you." with a sharp whistle a side door opened and in stepped five females that Naruto deduced to be these so called pokegirls "One by one I want you to step forward to enter your name in the terminal to your right. It will register you as an official certified Tamer and allow you access to this center's storage area. Once done plug the pokedex I give you in the same terminal and it will automatically register that 'dex as yours. After that you can choose one of the five girls as your starter, get your belt and be on your way."

Naruto watched as the four fought to go first until finally one came out as the winner and stepped forward. He quietly watched as the guy entered his name in the terminal plugged in the red device the called a pokedex and chose one of the girls, who once picked gave one of those enlarged white and red balls. A beam shot out of the ball and touched the girl in which the beam and the ball promptly disappeared.

'It looks to be some kind of dimensional prison.' using his magical senses Naruto examined the ball form a distance 'It uses almost no magic! I wonder how it works?'.

During his internal musings another two of the so called Tamers have come and gone and Naruto waited patiently for his turn.

A minute later he was called front and center as only he, the professor and a strange yellow colored girl remained. Knowing that he has absolutely no records in this world he quickly takes over the mind of the professor as he simultaneously gave the pokegirl a mental nudge, meeting some pathetic resistance, knocking her out.

"Now then professor." Naruto began evenly "You are going to make me a thorough file listing me as a citizen to this country with all the needed licenses and papers to be one of these so called Tamers, once finished you will return to your please and remember nothing of what was done while under my thrall."

The man gave no other indication of having understood the orders then walking towards his computer and starting to type rapidly.

Within half an hour he seemed done and gleaming from the professor's mind that he had used several, often illegal, methods to worm his, mostly faked, data into the league system he was satisfied. With a quick snap the thrall broke and the pokegirl once again found herself upright. Both with no knowledge of anything that happened.

The professor quickly snapped out of his trance as I made my way to the terminal while hoping that everything would work out. Fortunately luck was on his side as both he and his new pokedex easily registered into the system.

Finally it came down to getting a pokegirl.

Just as I made my way to the pokegirl Professor Dick spoke "I wouldn't choose her if I were you."

"Why not?" Naruto asked wonderingly.

Dick seemed to shake his head in exasperation "I didn't really expect anymore then four Tamers today so quickly had to round up another girl. Unfortunately A-Bra's aren't really suited for starter pokegirls. They are arguably one of the weakest and sleep most of the day away. Besides that they don't really have any real attacks and are physically quite frail." he coughed "If you give me a few days I can probably get you something more usefull."

Intrigued despite himself Naruto quickly entered the mind of the A-Bra, once again encountering a weak resistance. What he found out was more then he wished he had.

'Slaves, sextoys and trading commodity that's the basics of how these people treat these girls. Any will is forcefully taken and any disrespect can be punished by deleting who they were and judging from the mental block on this girl she has been through that at least once.' Naruto seated in anger at the inside. Sure he had his familiars bound to himself but if anyone even ever thought about treating his girls in any way then with respect he would devour their intestines and bade in their blood.

A thorough analysis of the memories she does have show nothing but pain and abuse 'Whippings, beatings and even burnings. If I ever see that bastards who did that I will gladly show them how she felt.' Naruto had already made up his mind before he himself was even conscious of the decision 'Methodically starved and brought on the brink of something called a feral state.' he hadn't really got all the theory behind the world yet, because quite frankly he just didn't feel up to it right at that moment. The only thing stopping him from killing everything in sight were his years of practice in burying his real feelings behind a cool façade.

In a crisp and regal tone Naruto just said "That won't be necessary, I will take her."

The professor just gave him a look that clearly stated how much he questioned his intelligence but ultimately he just shrugged his shoulders "Fine, it's your life."

Naruto calmly walked towards the girl, still with a cool look on his face, and extended his hand. The girl hesitantly gave him her ball and he quickly recalled her, having gleamed how by watching the other Tamers.

Without a word he picked up his new belt, tied it around his waist and left the center. He hoped to find a nice quiet clearing to sort out what he had gotten into exactly.

After a walk of half an hour Naruto finally arrived at a small clearing in a small forest just at the east of Spank Town. With a quick application of his magic a comfortable looking wooden lodge, a technique he once used by a shinobi of the Elemental Countries and converted for his own use, shot out of the ground. A few quick conjurations and two nicely furnished bedrooms appeared in the impressive space of the lodge. The application of a few magical seals made the lodge impenetrable to all but the toughest of fighters and invisible to all but the best of mages.

Walking into the living room Naruto absentmindedly changed his black robe into a more standard black jacket to better blend in with the natives of this world and dropped his illusion changing to his true appearance of 1,82m, neck length white hair, silver colored eyes and lean muscled shape. His skin tight crimson shirt, black baggy pants and jacket with a crimson colored hydra on the back completed the look.

No longer able to contain his curiosity he first opened his pokedex.

"Hi, I am the pokedex of Naruto Oniriyousha of Spank Town."

Looking at the display he wondered about some of the info but let it slide for now.

Name: Oniriyousha, Naruto

Age: 16

Residence: Spank Town, Hardcore

Status: Active

Rank: 00


Tamer Y

Master Tamer Y

Researcher N

Watcher N

Breeder N

Active Harem

Name Species Type Level

1 ? A-Bra Psychic 09

2 N/A

3 N/A

4 N/A

5 N/A

6 N/A

Naruto shook his head in confusion, although he got the gist of it. Looking at the photo added to his profile he quickly came to the conclusion that he had to retake it. No one in this world would recognize him so he found no reason to hide his true appearance.

With a feint snap and a hiss the picture was updated and added to his profile. A quick base search through all the available options of his 'dex revealed a section dedicated to a whole library full of information about the world he landed in making his inner bookworm jump up and down in excitement, not that it showed on his face of course.

'Unfortunately it might be best to start with introductions to this pokegirl they gave me.' Naruto thought with a barely recognizable frown 'And find out why they gave her to me exactly.'

A few moments of fiddling with the shrunken red and white ball produced some results as it opened, spewing out a red light that transformed itself into the same girl from earlier.

The girl looked startled for a moment once she finally appeared. With a quick look around she finally rested her gaze on the white haired youth. She gave a small, almost unnoticeable, sigh as her gaze shifted into something Naruto concluded as resignation and no small amount of fear.

Naruto just looked at her passively, his neutral face not once changing expressions. After a full five minutes of silence Naruto finally spoke "What is your name?"

With a dear caught in highlights expression she questioned in a whisper "M-m-master?"

Not batting an eyelash at the honorific, he has been called Master daily after all, Naruto questioned once again "What is your name?"

Feeling incredibly insure about of herself and this situation and fearful of any punishment the pokegirl tried to answer as best she could "My previous master called me Jean."

Almost immediately after she said that she cringed in fear. She knew all Tamers hated a pokegirl revering to anyone else as Master and a it was a huge unspoken taboo to talk to them about previous so called 'owners'.

As minutes went by and she felt no strike or whip she hesitantly opened her eyes once again, to find herself starring into the hypnotic silver pools of Naruto's eyes. Almost immediately she felt herself relax as her new Master used his magic to calm her.

A blink later it felt as if nothing happened as she suddenly looked over at her Master who was entering something into his pokedex.

Looking over his dex at the girl Naruto could finally see her relax as he quickly worked at entering her name and other characteristics into the red handheld device. While doing so he gave her a good and long once over. Her skin appeared a strange goldenrod yellow, he looked at it for a while not really understanding how such a color could be strangely appealing on the girl. Just above her eyebrows on her forehead are two small yellow antennae, which just looked peculiar. Her beautiful heart-shaped face was surrounded by a long mane of deep and rich red hair. Almost glued onto her A-cup bust is a small weathered green strapless top and her panties are barely concealed by a threadbare micro shirt. Her feet are clad in a pair of heavily worn green slippers. All in all it made her look like an abused whore down on her luck.

Naruto couldn't help but let a brief look of pity shine through his eyes, which fortunately for him remained concealed by his pokedex.

With a snap and a hiss he took a picture of the girl's face and finalized the update on his pokegirl's profile.

After looking through his pokedex for a few minutes and remembering the speech given by Professor Dick Naruto found that all things pointed towards pokegirls being some type of warriors, while the Tamers are some kind of team leaders.

After he gave the girl another once over he could hardly contain his disbelief 'How can she ever survive in any real combat in clothes like those and with a haggard appearance like that.' he finished his thoughts revering to the skinny appearance of the girl.

He sighed, he had his work cut out for him "Stay here." he ordered the girl as he left the living room to prepare a bath for the girl.

Jean watched her new Master leave 'So far so good.' she thought 'I wonder how long it will last.'

She could still remember her last. He also appeared rather friendly at first and after the abusive master she had before him she relished into the false feeling of protection. It changed however after a few days. The guy liked to starve his pokegirl into 'fighting harder for food' as he said it.

'I just wanted so hard to believe all the abuse to be over.' she almost sobbed at the thought of him.

Fortunately he finally decided her to be too much trouble because of her many hours of sleep and her seemingly inability to evolve.

'I'm just worthless!' she cried mentally as she heard water running into something 'This Master will notice it soon as well and then I'll be dumped once again to some sort of research center or to other less desirable elements.' she shivered at the thought of various criminal elements in the world.

Anymore doom and gloom thoughts were cut of by the arrival of her Master.

As he walked out of the living room various thoughts flashed through his head, the most common thought of what he should do with the new responsibility dropped into his lap.

He finally arrived at an, until now, empty room. With a few swift conjurations a decent sized bathroom appeared complete with a decent sized furo. An application of elemental magic combined the Oxygen and Hydrogen in air into enough water to fill it and with some fire magic the water got a relaxing temperature.

As he was about to leave the room he stopped and pulled a few large towels and a nice silk bathrobe out of his personal stuff-space. He gave the room one last look and left the room to collect his new servant.

He found her were he left her looking like some one just killed her puppy "Jean." he uttered.

"M-m-master?" she answered quickly hiding and wiping of the few tears that fell down her face.

"Stand up and follow me." Naruto demanded as he once again turned around, confident that his order was followed upon.

Within moments the two found themselves in the newly made bathroom. Naruto turned his attention back on the girl and in a completely even tone of voice commanded "Strip!"

She saw it coming the moment they entered the bathroom 'He's going to order me to strip and bade him.' she thought 'And after that he will probably tame me.

She didn't really know what to think about that. On the one hand it would be good to be tamed be a male once again, but on the other hand she had been pretty burned from tamers by the actions of her previous two.

She looked up from her thoughts as she heard him command her to strip 'I knew it.' she sighed mentally as she began to methodically remove the few scraps of cloth that was her outfit.

As she removed her skirt she suddenly stiffened in horror 'STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!' she mentally screamed at herself 'You know most tamers will punish any pokegirl for not putting on a show while undressing.'

With fear literally pouring of her she turned her attention back to her Tamer. Almost automatically her gaze pulled itself into those hypnotic pools of his, his neutral expression doing nothing to diminish the comfort of those soulful eyes. For the first time she noticed that she couldn't read her Tamer at all and would have panicked again weren't it for those same eyes calming her of all her worries.

While distracted by those eyes she shed the rest of her clothing and stood there for the entire world to see. In an almost eager fashion she awaited the actions of her Tamer as he slowly made his way towards her. She almost melted into him when he gently guided her by the waist towards the furo, only her experiences with abusive tamers preventing her.

She couldn't help but question "M-master?" as he gently helped her into the water. He himself taking a seat on a stool behind her.

She sighed in an almost organic bliss as her Tamer slowly began to wash her hair, gently massaging her scalp. From seemingly nowhere he pulled a bottle of shampoo as he began to clean the weeks of dirt and grime of her head and hair, slowly revealing her shiny and long red hair back into the world.

As she felt she couldn't get any closer to heaven he stopped washing her hair and scooted a little closer while pulling a sponge from somewhere and messaging her skin with a especially well smelling body wash. Within minutes she experienced a small orgasm that seemed to lazy stretch on and on. It seemed to go mostly unnoticed to her Tamer when she looked lazily at him when she finished.

A few minutes later, still in post orgasmic bliss, her Tamer carefully pulled her out of the furo and began to dry her. Almost agonizingly slow he dried her from top to bottom, causing her to sigh in appreciation.

As he finished he pulled a, what seemed like silk, robe from were it hanged on the wall and put it around her. The relaxing clean smell of it lulled her in an especially sleepy state as she was gently guided to a nice looking bedroom. The sheets on the bed were already pulled back and she was laid to rest on the bed with extreme care. Before she realized the covers were pulled over her and she fell asleep.

As he quietly left the room Naruto quickly returned to the living room and dropped unto one of the couches. He cracked his muscles and bones a bit as he shifted in a more comfortable position as he picked up his pokedex once again.

Before long he found various texts about the world and several containing the word pokegirl. With just a brief look at the list he selected one that should help.

-The Basics of Pokegirls

A pokegirl is a remnant of the war with master criminal Sukebe. In the war used as weapons of mass destruction the armies of Sukebe have long since disbanded with his death. Unfortunately with his death the armies scattered over the world. Without a master the pokegirls began to loose their intelligence and rational thought and came into a frenzied state nowadays called a Feral state. They searched for someone who could Tame them to return their ability to think. In return they bound themselves to those humans and performed various tasks. It soon became apparent that Feral pokegirls became a problem to the safety of the human race and various governments began to convert themselves into Leagues to combat those dangers. It became clear early on that these governments lacked man power and they began to encourage people to become something they call Tamers to deal with the problems for them.-

Naruto quickly went on to read more about the various politics, rules, regulations and other information related too this world.

As he read more and more one little question kept plaguing him 'What exactly is taming?'

The more he read the more frustrated he became. He read through a good deal of the public archive and nowhere was explained what taming was. Ultimately he associated taming with training and just left it at that. It didn't explain everything but it would have to do until he found out otherwise.

He finally came to a section that particularly interested him.

-Types and their Weaknesses

Pokegirls are each classified into up to three types. Most have a signal type which brings to it different weaknesses and strengths. Every good Tamer has to note that it is always better to at least fight against someone which is neutral type against your own. If you fight against someone whose type is strong against your own you will most likely lose swiftly, which is why being a Tamer requires a bit of tactical expertise.-

'Hmm. A-Bra is a psychic type pokegirl.' Naruto quickly checked his pokegirl's file


A-BRA, the Psychic Snoozer Pokegirl

Type: Near Human

Element: Psychic

Frequency: Rare

Diet: human style food

Role: A-bra are often found working in security or with administrators or researchers. Not very popular due to their down time.

Libido:: Low

Strong Vs: Fighting, Poison, Psychic

Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost

Attacks: Teleport, Foresight, Confusion

Enhancements: Telepathy

Evolves: Ka-D-Bra (normal), Alaka-Wham (evolved Ka-D-Bra; normal)

Evolves From: Nymph (Psi Crystal)

'I known exactly how I'm going to train her.' Naruto thought with a smirk.

Still sleeping Jean suddenly shivered in fear.

Unbidden of the time Naruto continued on to read, until his stomach finally decided enough is enough and gave a roar.


Startled from his reading Naruto checked the time and found out that he had been reading for almost a day 'Has it really been so long already?' he wondered.

Not even tired in the least (he has long since gotten past the need for sleep, an hour of meditation a week usually being enough to go on) he quietly closed the pokedex and stood up.

Checking the silent alarm he placed to alert him to the waking of his servant he noticed it still working 'She hasn't woken up yet?' he wondered silently in surprise.

A quick check of his pokedex reproduced the reason as he read in wonder 'A-Bra's sleep around eighteen hours a day?' he thought 'She's probably more tire then usual because of her frailer then normal state, which explains why she is still asleep.'

With a start Naruto remembered that he hasn't even gotten any food. Luckily he remembered that every trainer gained a starting capital, which should be enough for food and some other supplies he read about.

A fifteen minute walk brought him to the center of the town and the small shopping district. Some grocery and potion shopping later Naruto could be found back at the lodge within the hour.

He returned to a still quiet cabin as he began to put the stuff away in his recently created kitchen. Within half an hour a decent dinner stood spread out the kitchen table.

With a start Naruto noticed the alarm going off, signaling the awakening of his pokegirl 'Must have awoken from the smell of the food.'

With a relaxed feeling she awoke 'I can't remember ever feeling so good waking.' she thought lazily, slowly the sent of good food entered her nose 'Hmm, smells good.' she mentally commented.

Feeling the silk of the bathrobe she fell asleep in she awoke completely with a start 'OH GOD! I fell asleep!' she thought in panic 'What will he do?'

With a feeling of dread in her stomach she stepped out of the comfort of bed and went in search of her clothes, unfortunately she couldn't find them 'Where are they?' she thought panicking all the more.

Finally she resigned herself to her fate and went to search for her Tamer. She easily found him following the sent of food.

With fear gripping her thoughts she waited obediently next to her Tamer as he finished setting the table. As she noticed his eyes on her she internally cringed and waited for the verbal or physical abuse to begin only for him to simply say "Take a seat."

Opening her eyes she looked at the place he gestured and found a seat with a plate in front of it stacked with all types of mouthwatering food. Hesitantly she obeyed and seated herself as her Tamer began to eat.

After a few minutes of silence her Tamer suddenly asked "Well? Aren't you going to eat?"

She swallowed her suddenly dry throat and hesitantly looked the food over.

With the feel of his eyes on her she softly stuttered "Y-yes, M-m-master." and took a couple of bites.

After the first few bites her poor abused stomach suddenly demanded more of the heavenly substance and she suddenly began to eat at a frenzied pace. As the last crumb left her plate she suddenly realized what kind of manners she displayed in front of her new Tamer and paled.

Hesitantly she turned her attention back towards him only to once again find herself trapped into the comforting silvery eyes of her Tamer. She was unable to even try to look away, all she could do was enjoy the look of comfort shining through them.

Suddenly he broke eye contact and started to do the dishes. Before she could even think about getting up to help he suddenly spoke "I have put some new clothes on your bed, your old ones were despicable and badly tarnished." before she could even process something as monumental for a pokegirl as that he continued on "Get dressed and meet me in the living room once done."

Jean took the order for what it was and went to the room she slept in and found her bed made and a new set of clothes lying on it. She could only look at it in disbelief.

Most tamers like their pokegirls to display as much flesh as possible, which often caused those pokegirls to wear uncomfortable or restricting clothes. However what lay on the bed looked almost comfortable.

A red sports bra lay on top of the pile, while beneath it laid some red panties both the same color as her hair. Underneath that lay a comfortable look pair of black baggy pants accompanied with a light pink top made in such a way to accentuate her small bosom giving it a playful sexy look.

As she looked at the brown hiking boots she almost cried in relief, anything else would have been a killer to her feet during those long trips. She could still remember those blisters she received with her first Tamer.

As she put everything on she made her way to the living room to find her Tamer waiting for her.

As always Naruto portrayed a perfectly calm exterior. He looked regal even in his altered outfit and showed to the entire world that he could show a calm front in any situation.

Internally he grinned like a little schoolboy. The absolute vision that walked through the door into the living room stood in sharp contrast to the absolute wreck she looked the day before. Of course she still looked a bit frail but it's nothing a few weeks training and diet wouldn't cure.

Personally he's absolutely fascinated by the whole concept behind pokegirls, especially one aspect in which they can still function in even the worst of conditions. A normal human who had been treated like she had been treated would have died long ago, but she still kept going despite the hardships.

He could even go as far to say that he respected her.

Something he doesn't give easily.

The moment she stepped in front of him he noticed something peculiar. She stood as if presenting herself to him, as if his opinion meant everything.

He found it slightly strange.

However once he looked into her eyes he found the reason. Buried beneath a metaphorically ton of shields a small spark of hope rested. A hope he has come in contact with often in his travels and a hope primarily seen in abuse victims.

A hope for acceptance.

Understanding her just a little bit he let a bit of his respect for her show in his eyes, just enough for only the sharpest of observers to notice.

The small hesitant smile on her face and the beaming one in her eyes was all the reward he needed.

The moment passed however and he came back to the important things " How are the clothes?" Naruto questioned.

Jean seemed to freeze for a moment before she hesitantly replied "M-master, they a-are too m-m-much. Pokegirls don't get stuff of such quality and tamers who do give stuff like that to their pokegirls are mostly seen as outcasts and…"

Naruto interrupted her with a disappointed sigh, a sigh which seemed to have a profound impact on her as she trembled a little "Enough." he ordered quietly, volume not lessening the demand of obedience one bit "I see I will have to start your training right from the start. It's kind of disappointing but it seems most people in this world are just too stupid to understand some things." he grumbled the last part under his breath " Now listen closely."

Having caught the 'this world' part she nonetheless ignored it in favor of obeying her Tamer "Yes, Master." she answered a little bit more sure of herself, obedience she could do.

The slight nod the only indication that he heard her Naruto continued his earlier explanation "Equipment in a fight can mean everything. I can lead you around in skimpy and uncomfortable clothing all I want and it wouldn't help the slightest in a battle. So pay attention and learn this lesson well, because I will only say it once." he gave her a second to absorb what he said "From now on you will wear clothes that fit and are comfortable, because you are useless to me as anything less then your best."

Jean seemed to swell with a sense of pride as the small hope that she may have a use registered 'I will do anything to become the best I can be and make my trainer proud.'

Boy would she regret those words later in the day.

"Good, I see you understand." Naruto exclaimed.

Jean nodded in agreement "Yes, Master! Comfortable clothes will improve my combat performance."

He acknowledge her understanding with a flicker of a smile before he went on "I have been readying a lot about your type and kind when you were asleep and I found several interesting bits of information. It seems your talents lie in the mental side of things, e.g. telepathic, telekinetic and empathic powers." seeing her subconsciously nod he went on "While all of that theory is pretty interesting it means nothing if practice shows a difference and of course a generalization is never a good thing to base the abilities of one person on. That would only lead to underestimating or overestimating someone or thing. On that note I want you to do something for me."

Jean looked a little apprehensive but she nonetheless asked "What do you want me to do, Master?"

"I want you to teleport to the other side of the room on my mark." Naruto ordered.

She agreed "Understood, Master."

Naruto briefly centered himself and activated his magical senses as he commanded "Now."

To Naruto the disappearance and reappearance felt like a dam bursting open. The power poured of her as she switched from one place to the other, it only confirmed a theory he had been having for a while now.

He looked directly at Jean as she rematerialized "It is as I feared. You have so much power and so little control that your body can't handle it and it slowly disintegrates growing weaker and weaker after each use." he paused a little "Your body can't handle your immense power and so has to rest and recover, ergo why you sleep so much." Naruto said clinically "Now." he began once again "There are two ways to fix this problem, or actually three ways in your case if you count evolution. The first is beefing up your body to handle your power. This will extend your endurance and you will ultimately require less and less sleep. Of course with such a frail body as yours it would go painfully slow, but its manageable." he gave her a moment to process his statement "The second option is to train you mentally to handle your power. This will improve your control which will ultimately give less strain on the body and make you require less sleep. This will of course go faster as your mind is already quite developed and your whole genetic make up is actually built for this kind of stuff."

Give the girl a look he found her in some kind of internal conflict, he decided to end it swiftly by talking once again "Others might decide they prefer one over the other and extensively train in that specific direction." he went on to say in his in his usual monotone "I, on the other hand, find such people fools and will train you both methods at the same time. You will become powerful even if I have to work you through the ground." he finished with his patented devil-may-care smirk.

Jean gulped, a little intimidated by the smirk.

"Now, I think it's time to introduce you to the room I prepared for your training." he gestured for her to follow him "You will get intimately familiar with it as we won't be leaving this lodge until I find you ready."

Jean looked around in barely concealed awe as she stepped into an honest to God exercise paradise. Weights, mats, benches and even a pokelympic sized swimming pool and all of this in what from the outside seems like a small room.

It really wasn't the first time she noticed something unusual with her Tamer, but only now could she collect the courage to ask him about it "H-how is t-this possible, M-m-master?"

As Naruto turned his attention on her she found him giving her an unreadable look, so when he opened his mouth she automatically presumed the worst "I'm a Mage." luckily her fears were once again unfounded.

'A Mage?' she thought 'It sounds logical, but I have never heard of a Mage whom is capable of all that my Tamer is capable of.'

All thoughts were cut off as she suddenly hissed in want. Her Tamer had taken of his jacket exposing a wonderfully tight crimson shirt exposing his impressive muscles to the world.

'It has been a while since I've been properly tamed.' she thought while panting slightly.

Luckily for her she was able to suppress her need by the time her Tamer ordered her to sit opposite him on a mat.

As he began to speak she had to fight a little to stay coherent and stop staring. It took a while but she succeeded "Your training schedule will be quite simple. As you are only awake for a total of eight hours a day we will have to cram as much as possible into your skull. Everyday after waking you will have twenty minutes to dress, eat and get ready before heading towards this place. The first three hours will consist of physical exercises, after that you will have a forty minute break followed by three hours of mental exercises. The last hour can be used to eat dinner, take a bath and prepare for sleep." he paused "Any questions?"

She shook her head a little "No, Master."

'Her physical exercises went well.' Naruto concluded as he looked at his half-dead looking servant 'Of course she had to take a lot of breaks, but I wouldn't have expected otherwise with a body as frail and abused as hers.'

He started her on a few simple stretching exercises. It's always best to warm-up before any strenuous activity or Jean would have cramps in the morning. After that he ordered her to run a few laps around the pool. She tired quickly but managed to go on longer then Naruto had expected.

After giving her a breather he ordered her to lift weights and he began to slowly instruct her so she would use every important muscle group at least once.

After a little bit of swimming the time was almost up and he only strapped a few weights on her arms and legs, three kilos each. He decided to leave dodge training for the next day.

As he looked at her taking a break he thought about the time 'Probably won't have a lot of time left before she has to go to sleep. Probably another hour or so left.'

He ordered her to come to him "Jean, come over here. I want to test your mental strength before ending training for the day."

She obeyed without question and took a lotus position in front of him "I want you to look me in the eyes." once again she obeyed "Clear you mind and raise your mental shields."

Without a word she obeyed. As Naruto watched her magic put up a crude, but effective, shield.

Unfortunately for her, to someone with his capabilities it would prove less then satisfactory "Defend yourself!" Naruto demanded as he slowly began to build his attack.

Quickly Jean seemed to be experiencing some trouble. As it became harder and harder to combat the effect of Naruto's mental intrusions she began to sweat.

A second later it was all over as Jean's shield cracked and shattered in pieces.

Naruto sighed and his disappointment must have showed as he felt Jean's depression build.

With a pull on his magic he left the girl's mind and decided to once again utilize a small trick of his, he has been using more and more as of late. With a small pull on his massive magic reserves he channeled some power too his eyes.

The effect was twofold. First the one the magic is intended for feels a subtle pull to make eye contact. The second effect projects a calming feeling from his eyes to the recipient.

Within a minute the girl came out of her depression and Naruto could continue his lessons "Whomever thought you has been doing a crack job of it." he began while thinking 'The abuse she received wouldn't have helped in strengthening her shields either.' nothing of his inner thoughts showed as he continued speaking "However it doesn't really matter I'll get you up to my standards in no time."

Jean immediately visibly perked up at the mention of such training. She straightened herself out as she paid as much attention as her relative high intelligence aloud.

"Unfortunately I myself trained for years to accomplish the level of proficiency in the mental arts that I have today. Luckily for you I know various methods to speed up the process." suddenly his patented devil-may-care smirk appeared on his face "Unluckily those methods will hurt like a son-of-a-bitch!" regaining his composure he went on "By entering your mind I can show you various tricks and techniques that will speed up the process, by seeing such intimate examples you will learn much faster. I will teach you art of telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, reading minds, silently entering minds, bashing minds, wrecking minds, shattering minds and recreating the mind. As a side effect to the teaching method used you will experience mental fatigue a lot faster then usual however." he paused a little to let the information be absorbed "Do you understand?"

Totally dazed and amazed by the prospect of the training and experience she could gain Jean didn't answer for a few moments, until the usual fear of punishment came back on the forefront of her mind "Y-yes, M-m-master."

"Good." Naruto said immediately "Give yourself a few seconds, then lower your shields and relax."

She breathed out most of her nervousness and slowly lowered her shields. A few seconds later the A-Bra gave a nod, a sign for the teaching to begin.

Naruto gently entered her mind, taking extra care from destroying anything. He began by slowly connecting with her and by the mental equivalent of holding her hand began to guide her.

Easy at first and faster and faster he began to show her his clan's tricks, his own tricks and those picked up at various other sources. All of them aimed to reinforce her shields and better protect her mind from intruders.

As he stopped roughly an hour had passed and Jean looked dead on her feet as he helped her stand up. He gave her the tiniest of smiles as he gently guided her to the bathroom.

A few waves of his hands and a liberal use of water and fire magic created a furo containing water at perfect temperature.

As he disrobed Jean he found her dazed and half asleep. Without a word he lowered her in the furo and bathed her.

As the minutes passed he cleaned her up, took out of the furo, dried her and clothed her in a fresh robe. He quickly leaded her to her room, disrobe her once again and dressed her into a pair of pink silk pajamas.

Without a backwards look he exited the bedroom and went back to the bathroom. He picked up the disposed clothes and retreated to his own bedroom, he had some work of his own to do.

As a Seal's Master in his own clan's style of Seal magic Naruto has done this many times for himself, his familiars and even his troops. The sacred art of his clan has been kept a closely guarded secret and only a few of his closest confidants and familiars have been able to study it.

Like most aspects of magic it can be draining and tiring work, but Naruto has gotten used to it and his massive reserves help to put a damper on the biggest strain.

As he picked up the first article of clothing he began the time consuming job of enchanting his pokegirl's primary battle outfit.

As a person coming from a heavily battle orientated society and veteran of a few wars himself he knows the value of good equipment. A life can hang on the quality of a warrior's or mage's gear and a servant of his only gets the best.

Fortunately for them and him he is the best.

Wordlessly he began to etch seals in the soles of the boots. One set for endurance, one for comfort, one for size adjusting, one for self-cleaning, one for indestructibility and one for mending. All basic enchantments, but nonetheless valuable.

After he finished those he came to his personal specialty: resistance enchantments. A set for each element was added, a set for physical damage, a set for ki damage and even a set for most mind magic (or psychic as they call it in this world). Especially the last set was hard to make, as only an accomplished Mind Mage could really design them.

It would explain why he was the one who invented them.

As he finally finished he went to work on the pair of black baggy pants. The basic sets were finished in a few minutes and the resistance sets followed them a few hours later.

Finally the pink tank top followed the others. The basic and resistance seals were finished after a few hours.

He took one last look at his work and was about to add his magic to the seals to activate them, when he suddenly got an idea 'Yes, that might work!' he thought excitedly.

He quickly searched through his stuff space until he found a white piece of silk. With a few applications of precise wind magic he cut the silk into a nice ribbon. Once done he quickly went to work and added the same basic and resistance Seal sets as did to the others. It was hard, seeing as the material he had to work with was rather small, but doable. Finally he added one last special transformation seal set.

Especially this last set was hard to do. He had to specifically order the seals in such a way that he got what he wanted. To accomplish this he even had to invent a few new seals, but after an unmeasured amount of time his hard work paid off. He quickly added his magic to activate the seals.

With a quietly whispered word the ordinary looking ribbon changed into a quite remarkable looking robe. The material of the robe looked an almost ethereal white, it would be blinding when cast in a certain light. Embroiled along the edge of the robe and cowl is a light yellow wave pattern, barely noticeable from a distance. On the back a large white and yellow yin and yang symbol can be found, giving the robe a more alluring and mysterious look.

Satisfied Naruto once again whispered something under his breath and the robe returned to its white ribbon state.

He finally remembered that he still had to activate the seals of the other clothing. He worked on the boots and the pink top and finally arrived at the black baggy pants. As was about to activate the seals on the pants, he suddenly stopped and added one last set.

Without a sound he activated the seals on the pants, causing the pants to change into the same ethereal white as the robe.

Satisfied he relaxed and dropped himself on his bed, only to jump off it as he looked at the time.

'Once again I let my work distract me.' Naruto thought as he quickly left his room to prepare lunch, never once dropping the regal mask he once again slipped into place.

She woke up from the smell of food.

It took a while to register where she was until the events of the past two days came back to her.

She had a new Tamer and he seemed to be quite nice, if a bit emotionless and hard to read.

She remembered the mental techniques she learned last night and began to get excited. It is a hardly known fact but A-Bra's and their evolutions revel in gaining new information and increasing their knowledge. It is one of the reasons they are such good Alpha's, tacticians and advisors.

She sighed a little in comfort 'Well it's time to get up and eat.'

Still a bit weary she stepped out of bed slowly. Looking herself over in a nearby mirror she found herself in a pair of comfortable, pink, silk pajamas.

She stared at them in disbelieve 'Who is my new Tamer to give his pokegirl and property so much wealth?' as she thought it over she could only come to one conclusion 'He must come from a wealthy and influential family, but even then they wouldn't spoil their property so. Besides that I have never heard of the Oniriyousha family or clan.'

She just shook her head in a sort of resigned resignation as the clues just didn't fit, and let it be.

After she took a quick look around the room she couldn't find the clothes she wore yesterday and reluctantly left the room, following the sent of food to her Tamer.

As she looked at him busily setting the table a strange heat entered her being 'Why hasn't he tamed me yet? Is he trying to make me suffer?' she finally started to use her fast intelligence, ruthlessly repressed by her previous tamers with fear and abuse, to come to a reasonable answer 'It doesn't fit with how he has acted up till now. All of his actions have seem to lead towards one thing, making me as powerful as possible.'

All of those strange actions she observed in the last few days seemed to point to one thing, she just couldn't seem to piece it together or maybe she was just afraid of the answer.

Any further musings where cut off as a deep baritone and slightly husky voice spoke "Eat."

Jean felt herself get wet just by the tone of his voice and a slight fog entered her mind. Luckily for her the very same techniques taught to her last night got her mind back under her control and she slowly began to eat her lunch.

Lunch passed quietly as the two ate in a comfortable silence.

"Now that you are done eating." her Tamer began "You can return to your room and change into your clothes. I have them laid out over your bed."

'Your room.' he mind echoed as she stood up from the table 'Pokegirls don't have property, everything is their Tamer's. It is a fact that most Tamers love to rub into their faces to keep them disciplined and in their control.' she racked her brain for an answer 'What is so different about him, or is it all a game.'

It frustrated her to no end. She just couldn't get her Tamer and the thought that he was playing a game was almost absurd 'If he is playing then he hasn't slipped even once. It could be possible, but even with his remarkable mental state the chances are slim to none.'

She finally came to a hesitant decision 'I will put a little of my trust in him for now and see how it will go from there.'

Her mental dialogue finished she entered her supposed room and found her clothes where her Tamer said it would be. She looked a little surprised at seeing white pants instead of black, but thought nothing of it.

As she finished dressing herself she made her way to the training room.

She found her Tamer seemingly waiting for her in front of the training room door "Master?" Jean uttered to get Naruto's attention "Why haven't you put me in my pokebal yet?"

Naruto quirked an eyebrow on his otherwise emotionless face "Are you question my orders?"

She almost fled in terror, suddenly reminded of how her last two tamers acted when orders were questioned "No, Master." she answered quickly, while gathering some courage for her next statement "B-but it just isn't done." she said hesitantly.

Naruto kept his face utterly blank for a few heartbeats, causing her to almost run away screaming in fear "You know Jean?" Naruto suddenly began as he turned around and opened the training room door "I have no use for those who can't think for themselves." with that he entered and slowly walked away from her "I'll ball you tonight."

As she saw him walk of she let out a huge sigh of relief and as the conversation rewound itself in her head she suddenly smiled brightly. She felt as if she just had a test and had been found worthy.

'So I have to think for myself, huh?' she thought with a small smile 'I can do that!'

Naruto internally smiled as his respect for his pokegirl went up a notch.

He helped her through her physical exercises, already seeing an improvement from yesterday, as he thought about her earlier question.

From reading files on his pokedex he knows that most pokegirls view their balls as a home and safe haven of sorts. They can change the interiors of their balls to anything they want and for most it is the one possession that no one can take from them, or that's at least what he got from reading through the lines. It only got confirmed when he entered Jean's mind last night, when he found a small sense of longing in her thoughts.

He gently watched Jean as she took a break before going into the next exercise, before going back to his thoughts.

Her bold question earlier should only be rewarded and for now their seemed no greater reward then giving her what she wanted.

As he turned his attention back to his pokegirl he watched her finish the last exercises "Very Good, Jean." he praised her lightly "You finished a half an hour faster then yesterday, which gives us some time to practice another exercise." he pulled out one of his personally created throwing knives "Dodge-practice." he finished with a smirk.

Without warning the blade soared through the air at the pokegirl, whose fatigued look dropped from her face as she rolled to the side just in time for the blade to pass her. As the diamond shaped, flat blade impacted on the ground it disappeared instantly and returned to Naruto's hand.

Naruto's smirk turned a little feral as he pretended to examine his blade "As a primary user of the mind arts you will have a glaring weakness when fatigued; you will be a sitting duck." he threw his knife again, only for Jean to dodge it, barely "Now most tamers wouldn't care and just say something like 'my pokegirl is so great she won't get fatigued'. I see them as idiots as everyone gets tired every once in a while." he grinned as he threw his knife for a third time "As you are right now." he muttered as she dodge once again by the skin of her teeth "So we are going to make sure that even without your mental abilities…" he threw his knife once again "…you will still be able to keep out of harms way." a lock of her fell to the ground as Jean leaned to the side just in time for the knife to pass her "If we had a few years I might have taught you to be able to fight physically as well." he said while pulling a second knife from his jacket and throwing both of them at once "But quite frankly I would get bored." he finished as both knives were dodged rather sloppily.

A half an hour later Naruto finally stopped hurling knives at his pokegirl. As he looked Jean over his eyes expressed but a bit of the pride he felt. Although she got a few nicks and scrapes she looked overall to be fine and as he expected the small tears in her clothes mended perfectly (his knives more then up to the job of bypassing any indestructible enchantment, they are his master pieces after all).

While he looked at the few cuts he pulled out a substance, simply known as potion in this world, from his stuff space. He gently walked to Jean her eyes looking at him wearily as he approached.

Without any warning whatsoever he was suddenly kneeling beside her as he gently applied the potion to all of the different cuts, the small bit remaining he offered to her to drink "Here drink up."

She almost shakily reached for it and slowly brought it to her dry lips.

As she drank she seemed to visibly improve before Naruto's very eyes and once finished she gave out a heartfelt "Thank you, Master."

He only nodded and set down on a nearby bench.

A few seconds later he felt his A-Bra join him and cuddle into him. He was surprised when she sighed in contentment, but showed nothing of it as he wrapped an arm around her.

That's how the two of them shared the forty minute break.

As Jean took in his sent she almost creamed 'Jean needs taming.' she started to rub herself against her Tamer 'Jean needs Master bad. Jean want Master. Master should grab Jean and play with Jean.'

As her thoughts continued further into taming her Tamer suddenly stood up, letting her loose her train of thought. She had just enough mental power left to pull herself back into coherency and dampen her growing arousal using various mental tricks she had learned the other day.

As she turned back to reality she found her Tamer once again occupying a mat, seemingly waiting for her to sit opposite him.

When she dropped herself into a lotus position he began to speak "Clear your mind, drop your defenses and relax."

Once she did she felt a gentle tug and met her Tamer in centre of her own mind. Once again she was showed a multitude of tricks and techniques used for protecting one's mind.

Luckily her ingrained thirst for knowledge held back her more lustful thoughts.

As time seemed to became meaningless she learned and learned and learned. More and more she gained as Naruto showed to her the art of his clan.

With a gasp she came back to the world as she left the haven of her own mind, her mind delightfully fatigued. Still open to the world, her shields still inactive, she looked at her Tamer in an almost worshipping manner.

Only when he spoke did she shook herself out of it "I have taught you all the basics you will need." she actually creamed herself as he uttered basics, meaning that there would be so much more left to explore "The rest you will have to find out on your own through trial and error." she nodded in understanding "Now take a few minutes to rebuild your shields as you see fit and I will test them."

"Yes, Master." she said instantly as she reemerged into her own mind and began to break, build and strengthen her defenses.

Before long she finished and returned herself back to the world and found her gaze directly locked with her Tamer's. As she looked into his eyes, she felt a small tug on her mind. Instantly she remembered the few times she calmed down when looking into those silvery pools and it suddenly all clicked.

Unflinchingly she lowered her shields a little and felt what she thought she would, a sense of calm.

Abruptly it stopped and as she looked at her Tamer she thought she saw a hint of pride in his eyes, however when she blinked it was gone.

After a few moments pause Naruto suddenly broke the silence "I see that you are done." she nodded in agreement "So let's test your new shields shall we?"

Before Jean could even answer in agreement she felt a very subtle probe around her shield, so feint she almost missed it. Without really thinking about it she slowly boxed the probe in and gently pushed it out of her mind, effectively expelling the attack.

Just as the probe left her a sudden pressure began to build at the center of her shields. Stronger and stronger the attack got until it took her all to just hold her shields.

With a crack they broke.

A little winded she felt her attacker move into her mind evading all of her useless information pitfalls. Finally he bumped into her second, much stronger, shield.

As the pressure began to build she easily held the assailant at bay and began to prepare her counter measures. Without warning her information pitfalls began to slowly be sucked to the assailant. She hoped to be able to at least delay him with the useless information stored in them.

Unfortunately for her the pressure suddenly build and her second shield exploded, blowing her concentration and scattering her pitfalls.

By the time she regained her concentration her third and forth shields were destroyed and her final, fifth shield, was under attack.

Knowing she didn't have much time and her energy was pretty much depleted Jean activated her last ditch defenses. Without warning information pitfalls opened everywhere around the intruder.

All of them having but one purpose…


She succeeded in buying herself some time and began to rigorously work on expelling the assailant. First she build temporary shield around the attacker, then she dropped the fifth shield and used the energy gained to reinforce the shields around the target. Using the last bit of energy she flung him out of her mind, while slowly rebuilding her fifth, forth and third shields. They wouldn't hold up for long, but once the attacker left she could rebuild them almost instantly.

Finally she literally threw him out and took a few precious seconds to rebuild before exiting her mind.

As she opened her eyes she found her eyes once again locked to her Tamer's.

He seemed to mull something over as his eyes clouded a little, before they got back into focus "Well done. You have applied what I taught you in such a way that you can expel medium skilled opponents almost instantly and most masters would have trouble entering your core." he paused a little as if unsure he should add the next bit "I'm proud of you."

Outwardly she gave off a hesitant half smile, while inwardly she beamed like a three year old who obtained a new toy, at the praise of her Tamer and teacher.

Suddenly her Tamer spoke once again "However your still have a long way to go."

As he finished his statement Jean suddenly felt a subtle probe at her fifth shield, just before all her shields and defenses shattered. She felt herself lying bare to her Tamer as her whole being lay open before her.

As fast as he entered he left, leaving her to rebuild her defenses once again.

Humbled she looked her Master in the eye and only found understanding and encouragement. She took the unspoken lesson to heart as her Tamer gave her some time.

A few minutes later the comfortable silence was broken as Naruto spoke up "You now have a basic understanding in protection of the mind and entering of another's mind, so it's time for me to teach you something closely related: telepathy."

"I already have an understanding of Telepathy, Master!" Jean interrupted with a bit of pride in the tone of her voice.

Naruto raised an eyebrow "Indeed?"

She nodded her head "All A-bra's have an intuitive understanding of the art."

His face still blank he just simply said "Show me."

Without any concentration Jean's voice entered Naruto's mind ~See, Master?~

Naruto nodded in acceptance "That's adequate for now. So let's move on to something else; telekinesis."

"But Master…" she began carefully "…telekinesis is a technique I won't learn until my next evolution."

"Are you questioning me?" Naruto asked, his face carefully blank and neutral.

She tensed and was about to shout her denials, when she silently remembered his statement earlier in the day 'He said "I have no use for those who can't think for themselves" so that should mean he wants me to question him, right?'

She decided to take her chance as she hesitantly answered "Y-yes?"

He simply said "Good." and left it at that as he began to explain "Everyone, in essence, can learn all that I have taught you and will teach you. All it takes is time and effort. The problem with that is that most people don't have the time, because they don't have the lifespan to learn, or they just don't take the effort needed." he paused a little, giving her time to take it all in "So to answer your unspoken question: no you don't have to evolve to learn telekinesis."

She nodded in acceptance and understanding as she said "Yes, Master. Thank you for explaining."

"Good." he began "Lower your shields and let me enter your mind, I will show you how to manipulate your energies to get the desired effect."

Without question she followed the now routine procedure and gently lowered all of her defenses. A second later she was pulled into her mind as her Tamer showed her how to use her magic to lift and move objects. A second later he once again left her mind, leaving her to do so as well.

Once more in control of herself she heard her Tamer begin to speak "Now I want you to practice until you can hold everything in this room in the air for at least a full minute."

Her eyes almost popped out of her head as she looked around the room and found a multitude of different heavy items to lift. She sighed softly and began to get to work, starting with the smallest item.

A second later a plastic cup floated easily to her mind as she smiled at her first success with the skill. When she looked around she almost groaned in despair at all the work left for her to do.

Without a word she continued her training.

It was around dinnertime that things got a little weird for Jean. Although she was more tired then she had ever been, she was also incredibly horny. It's rare for an A-Bra to be horny as they usually have a very low libido and their lengthy sleep patterns make them more of a quickie kind of pokegirl.

Fast and easily sated.

However the past few days have been catching up to her as the long pause between taming, the euphoric feeling of learning and the almost orgasmic feelings of accomplishment have been bringing the girl towards he limit.

It didn't help that she had been consciously suppressing the first few signs of turning feral.

'The real problem is how do I propose a taming to my Tamer. Most don't expect A-Bra's to ask for them and just tame them every once in a while.' she sighed mentally 'Unfortunately Jean is nearing Jean's breaking point.' she could only stare hungrily at her Tamer as he seemed to almost sensually eat 'Tamer not even Master as Master hasn't tamed his Jean yet.' she almost growled in annoyance as she ruthlessly suppressed her Feral state once again, the only thing holding it back are her newly attuned mental shields 'At this rate I'll slowly go insane.'

Jean looked her Tamer over and decided to subtly direct her Tamer to the action she wanted "When is Master going to tame Jean?" or she could just ask bluntly.

Naruto arched an eyebrow at his normally shy and quiet pokegirl and asked in his usual regal tone "And what pray tell is taming?"

Would she be in a clear state of mind Jean would have questioned her Tamer's lack of knowledge in the sexual side of pokegirl handling, now however she just wanted to get laid "You know, sex, doing the nasty, humping each other, going at it, getting down and dirty, getting sweaty or otherwise known as fucking."

The only sign of Naruto's surprise would be the ever so slight widening of his eyes as his pokegirl began listing various words for sexual intercourse. Before she noticed, however, his expression changed back to neutral as he began to think.

'It does clear up a lot of the strange information I've read about.' he thought while keeping his eyes locked on the smoky look in the eyes of his girl 'It's not like I'm a stranger to sex itself, the girls back home have been demanding such activities for a while now.' his thoughts turned a bit more perverted 'Not that I'm all to against their requests.

A plus of being the former Kyuubi container and one of the most powerful Mages of all time is the unbelievable stamina and energy it gave him. Another plus to being a Mage is that he could fabricate all kinds of magical tricks to further stimulate and heighten the pleasure of his partners.

'I can still remember that one time when I created a few Doppelgangers and we had a massive orgy in my bedroom back in the tower.' he thought with a slightly dreamy look of remembrance in his eyes.

He shook himself out of his thoughts and turned his attention back to his A-Bra. He made sure she was looking in his eyes when he gave her a predatory looking smirk, the one that had never failed to get his familiars in the mood.

As he heard a small gasp of pure want he gently pulled her from her chair and walked to the bathroom.

Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Make her dirty and clean at the same time.

As she was lead to the bathroom she could only think one thing 'I hope I didn't do anything wrong.'

As her Tamer excruciatingly slowly began to push the strap of her pink top down her arm all such thought left her as the wonderful sensation of being touched went through her. As he began to slowly kiss down her neck from behind her any thought at all disappeared, the only thing left was pure pleasure.

As she gave into the emotion she didn't even feel as the other strap was slid down as well until he began to kiss the other side of her neck. Slowly the wet, hot kisses trailed her neck, when she was suddenly turned around and given a scorching hard kiss.

As his tongue entered her mouth she almost orgasmed as his organ made a strange vibrating sensation, while gently caressing her tongue. She let out a soft moan as he suddenly increased the passion, dueling with her tongue in an almost frenzied pace. His hand went along her still clothed body, passing her belly button and stomach as it finally came to rest on the underside of her left breast. Slowly he began to play with it as her moaning increased and the nipple of her small A-cup breast came to attention.

Calmly he pulled his other arm from the small of her back, slowly trailing it along her back until it came to rest on the underside of her right breast. With practiced skill he began to play with that one as well as the moaning kept getting louder and louder until Jean had to break off the kiss. With a loud scream she threw back her head and came, the torrent of emotions of the last day disappearing to leave a feeling of comfort and contentment.

As her orgasm passed her legs finally gave out and she fell to the bathroom floor.

Naruto was quick to catch her and gently lay her down on a large towel he placed earlier. Slowly and gently he began to remove her pink tank top, exposing her sportsbra to the world. As he looked down he admired the twin peaks still standing erect and almost poking through her bra. He gently massaged both breasts once again, taking the time to rub the peaks with his thumb every now and then. A few moments of his ministrations made the sound of moans return once again as his A-Bra decided to voice her approval.

He stopped his actions, to the loud the loud disapproval of his pokegirl, as he gently pulled her back up to give himself access to the clasp of her bra. The sounds of disapproval stopped as he began to kiss along her collarbone up to her neck and finally entered his tongue into her mouth once again.

As he gently massaged her tongue with his own he finally worked the clasp of the bra and exposed her breasts for the entire world to see. He gently placed her back onto her back and gave a final kiss as he pulled himself away from her to admire the view.

As he looked down on her he found every boys wet dream staring back at him. Her light yellow skin sparkled in the soft light of the bathroom. Her beautiful, long, vibrant, dark red hair was tussled and spread out over the towel. Her pinky lips looked slightly swollen from activity and her eyes were smoky with need. Finally her perfect looking but smallish breast stood at attention, her nipples pointing straight up.

Naruto could no longer control himself as he began to kiss all over her torso with want and need. The increase of the noise that came from the A-Bra did nothing to calm him as he began to gently lower her white pants, quickly followed by her dark red panties.

As he beheld her in all of her glory Naruto gently knelt before her slit and turned his attention back on her breasts. He slowly lowered his mouth onto the nipple of her left breast, as his left hand went to her right breast.

Jean gasped as the sensations hit her. Her left nipple felt extremely cold while her right felt extremely hot. The duo sensations of extremes had her juices flowing, coating the towel with a white sparkling liquid. It seemed the Mage brought his elemental abilities to play.

As she felt her orgasm built once again she thought she couldn't feel any better, until the almost forgotten right hand began to move along her slit as if searching for something.

Apparently it was found as a small nub was suddenly pressed out above her vagina. The hand began to gently play with it while Jean felt the pressure built and built. Just as she reached the edge a small shock blasted through her clitoris, making her come like a fright train.

On and on it went as Naruto kept her expertly exited by utilizing his hands and mouth and combining it with alternately warming, freezing and shocking her sensitive bits. As her mind blanked out from the pleasure his actions suddenly stopped giving the A-Bra a chance to recover.

As her vision cleared Jean suddenly stared at a completely nude Naruto, his dick looking almost painfully erect as he slowly knelt before his prize. Jean gasped as he entered her in one swift stroke, his need awfully apparent, and began to slowly build up a pace.

As his tool began to work her over his hands didn't stay idle as he used one hand to pull her up by her hair and urgently began to kiss her. The other slowly trailed down her back, until it reached her ass, and began to slowly kneed the flesh.

As she began to feel another orgasm build Naruto suddenly stopped. She moaned in disappointment and let out an embarrassingly sounding squeak as he turned her around on her knees. He gently caressed up and down her arms as he placed them on the outer edge of the furo.

Without warning he entered her once again in one fast earthshaking stroke and began to hammer into her. Her red hair flailing everywhere as she desperately tried to hold on to the tub.

Her moans turned into groans that turned into breathless squeaks as she thoroughly got herself fucked out of her mind. She briefly worried about friction burns, but forgot all about them as she gasped out her most earth-shattering orgasm yet. As she came down from it and tried to regain her breath she suddenly felt thick spurts of seed fill her more then willing cunt and was pulled over again.

The long hours of training and taming finally took their toll on her and she passed out mid-orgasm.

When Jean came to she felt a pair of hands massaging her breasts, the moan that followed that action was pure pleasure. When she come out of her pleasure induced state she opened her eyes to find herself in the furo being thoroughly cleaned by her Master.

"A-bra?" she questioned.

"You are in taming shock." her Master exclaimed "Just relax and let me clean you up."

She didn't need to be told twice as she gently pressed her back into her Master's chest. She sighed as she cuddled a little further into him, closed her eyes and relaxed, enjoying the sensation of being bathed.

As her Master's hands left her she mewed a little in disappointment. That disappointment turned a little into confusion as she felt herself being picked up. When she opened her eyes the confusion turned into delight. Her Master slowly dried her with a fresh looking, white, fluffy towel.

She enjoyed the sensations the towel produced with a quiet murmur of approval. The feeling stopped all to soon as she was declared dry and swiftly dressed back into her clothes.

She would have questioned their clean state if she wasn't just able to stand half awake on her feet.

She opened her eyes completely as she asked in a confused manner "A-Bra?"

Her Master seemed to get the gist of it as he answered her question "It's a white silk ribbon. See it as a gift for all the hard work you have been doing in the last few days."

Jean beamed with pride as she gave her trainer a passionate kiss in thanks. Before she knew it a red colored beam collided with her, returning her to her pokebal for a definitely earned period of rest.

The last thing she heard was a whispered "Good night."

During her break in training the next day Jean found herself with a little bit off time to once again try and piece together the strange actions of her Master to date 'His actions of the past few days are strange and his ignorance concerning the meaning of taming are even stranger.' she slightly grinned in triumph as the pieces finally fit 'It all makes sense now! He's an off-worlder, a dimensional-traveler. I heard of those in myths and legends but never expected to meet one, let alone one be my Master.' her grin widened 'That comment about being disappointed about the stupidity of people in 'this world' finally makes sense now.'

As her conclusion finally began to set in she began to think 'So what does that mean for me?' she pondered about it a little longer 'He doesn't seem to want me to act like a normal girl. He doesn't have any issues with being called Master and the whole taming situation didn't really seem strange to him. He seems to be pretty familiar with giving orders and being listened to.' she sighed a little 'On the other hand he doesn't really seem to expect me to dumb down any of my responses. He doesn't want me to follow him obediently like a good little brainless fucktoy and he doesn't seem to want to show me around all his friends so he can share the wealth.' she growled at the last thought, being forcefully reminded of her past tamers.

She glanced at her Master working out himself and was reminded of the night before 'He was so different, so tender and gently.' she sighed dreamily 'So hard and fast at the right times and the magical things he can do with his tongue.' she drooled a little at the end.

Suddenly she was snapped out of her trance as her Master walked up to her "Ready for some more training?"

"Yes, Master." she responded obediently while walking after him, checking out his tight behind all the way.

The night brought with it a special after dinner desert as Naruto decided to have a little fun in the tub. Instead of just standing outside of the tub cleaning his pokegirl he decided to join her, stripping naked and stepping in after her.

As he sat down he saw his pokegirl sitting demurely, almost shyly, at the other side. The situation got even stranger as she visibly tried to hide her more private areas, she seamed almost ashamed.

When he moved a little closer she submissively bent her head downwards, her cheeks gaining a strangely alluring pink color, in sharp contrast with her yellow colored skin.

He finally reached her and gently pulled her back against his chest, his throbbing erection positioning itself in her ass-crack.

"M-m-master?" Jean stuttered while he began to absently play with her breasts.

"Is something the matter Jean?" Naruto huskily purred in the poor girl's ear, his ministrations and the slight vibrations against Jean's ear causing her to moan slightly.

"N-nothing." she stuttered a little to quickly as he began to play with her nipples using his magically cooled fingers, the sharp contrast of the heat of the bathwater causing Jean to start to pant.

"Then why do you suddenly seem so embarrassed…" Naruto began as he flicked on cooled finger against her clitoris, causing her reddened cheeks to flush just a little more "…while you were so enthusiastic yesterday, hmmm?" he breathed out the last in a cold breath, causing delightful Goosebumps at the back of his pokegirl's neck.

She barely managed to get out the words between pants, but his servant finally answered his question "It's just that -pant- last night -groan- was so woooooonderful." she drew out the last as a orgasm hit her. As she regained a little of her bearings she added "I'm just so confused. No one has ever treated me like that." she finished in a near whisper.

"Ssh." Naruto silenced her "Let's forget about the past and concentrate on the present." he finished as he really got into the taming session.

He made his girl face him as he gently brushed her lips with his in a silent offer of comfort. The second, much more passionate kiss, was initiated by her. It was a lot more needy and he saw no reason to not give into her.

He suddenly felt a hand trailing the lean muscles on his stomach, slowly going southwards. As it gently wrapped around his cock he gave into the sensation and enjoyed the pleasure his A-Bra gave him as she slowly jerked him off.

Not caring to stay idle as she pleasure him Naruto moved a hand of his own and trailed it to her honey pot. He gently entered her pussy with one of his fingers, the water giving it an odd but nonetheless pleasing sensation.

As he entered a second finger he felt her pussy tighten around them in a viselike grip, almost as if trying to milk them. As he brushed his thumb over her clitoris she suddenly moaned and began to increase the speed of her hand job.

He couldn't help but groan himself as he reached the edge of his own orgasm. Determined to get her off first he added a third finger and frenzied his pace.

The last brush of her nub with his thumb seemed to do it as she screamed her release. At the same time he let loose his control on his own orgasm, causing jet after jet of sperm to shoot out of his dick. All of it lazily drifted and dispersed in the hot water.

Slowly recharging his half erect dick he used a bit of his energy to return it to its fully erect state.

His A-Bra seemed to hum in approval as she slowly began to play with her own tits. A predatory smirk appeared on his face as he swiftly turned her around and impaled her sopping cunt on his dick.

The swiftness of his action seemed to spur on his A-Bra as she began to ride him like a horse. Faster and faster they went as the groans and moans turned into silent screams.

Ultimately it was Jean who came first as she creamed her third release to the heavens, unwilling to yield just yet Naruto held out. He slowly pumped in and out of her as his A-Bra returned to the living.

Unwilling to let the slight to her abilities stand Jean started to bounce up and down once again. Her bouncing tits making an enticing show, giving him no choice but to touch them, fondle them and tease them.

He finally couldn't hold it anymore as she began to massage and milk him for all he was worth as she came for the forth time.

He watched her dropping forwards, seemingly spent, and caught her just into to lean her back into his chest. He gently caressed her hair, as they both cuddled and relaxed in the afterglow of their activities.

He finally decided that it was tie for them to get out as he watched Jean slowly fall asleep.

He carried her out of the furo, used a time reducing drying charm and swiftly clothed her. A second later she was back in her pokeball, able to rest and recuperate.

It was only after that one day that she truly began to believe in her trainer. A week into her two week training an event happened that created a level of trust in her Master that she would have never thought possible.


They were once again having a mental battle of wills. As always Naruto proved to be unyielding. She tried every trick she learned and some of the ones she invented herself. To her personal shame she even tried seduction, while logically she knew it hadn't ever worked and wouldn't work then.

Unfortunately thinking about that incident gave her such a loss in concentration that she was blasted of her feet and smacked against the wall behind her with a loud…


When she collided she heard something in her body crack and felt some bones break.

As she lay there in a daze, feeling as if a truck had hit her, her Master suddenly came into view. She could hardly concentrate but she thought she saw something like genuine concern blazing in his silvery eyes.

She then did something that for her species of pokegirl is an automatic action when in contact with people. Something that had never worked on him before and would have once again failed if it weren't for his emotional state at the time.

She entered his mind.

It really wasn't even her intention to do so, but she entered it nonetheless. Later on she would be glad she did however, as what she found out on in that moment would stay with her till the day she died.

She found a sense of respect for her. A sense of worry for her condition at that moment and most important to her, she found love. Unyielding and unlimited love and all of that, all of that love, directed solely at her.

The abused one, the pathetic one, the useless one.

She has been ridiculed by tamers and researchers alike as a waste of space. But this one person, her tamer, held only love and respect for her.

As consciousness finally left her she had only one new thought and one new burning determination; she would do anything to please her Tamer, for him she would die.


The taming after that gave her the most precious gift yet, a delta-bond. Now, even though his shield stayed just as strong, she can break through his mind with a bit of effort and reach that one place in his mind reserved solely for her.

It never failed to brighten her day.

As she returned her thoughts back to the present she found her Master a ways ahead of her. Today was a special day. Her Master had decided to give her a day off and had agreed with her to take a walk through the forests.

Secretly she hoped to encounter a feral to prove herself to her Master and boaster his harem a little. Although it would cut into her time with Master she had long ago decided to become his Alpha, besides she still had a little problem with sleeping. Although the exercises and mental training did seem to help. She could stay awake for up to half a day already.

When she looked ahead of herself she heard a little growl and found her prayers to be answered.

A Feral Pokegirl.

As Naruto heard a low rumbling sound he suddenly found himself face to face with one ugly motherfucker. From head to toe the creature seemed to be riddled with metallic spikes. On what he assumed was its head a thick mane of dirty gray hear hang. At the chest area a pair of hairy lumps formed in what he expected to be a pair of misshapen breasts.

Intrigued despite himself he pulled out his pokedex and aimed it at the misshapen creature "Youma, the Demon Pokegirl. Once used as the shocktroopers and cannonfodder of the Legions of Terror. Nowadays they are almost extinct because of their often times bad temper and ugly appearance."

As the digital voice of his pokedex finished he looked at the screen, which revealed some other interesting information.

Level 08 YOUMA, the Demon Pokegirl

Type: Semihuman

Element: Magic/various

Frequency: Rare

Diet: special

Role: Legions of Terror

Libido: Average

Strong Vs: Normal

Weak Vs: Megami

He smirked a little at the pokegirl, it seemed to frighten her a bit as she back off a few steps 'Perfect.' he thought 'This is exactly what I need a low level Feral pokegirl. She will come in handy at the next training exercise for Jean.'

He stepped back a little as he went through all the information on pokegirl battle he had read about. It was about time to put theory into practice.

"Jean, I choose you." he found the fraise a bit retarded put it seemed to be the universal line of identifying the one you would use.

Jean seemed to snap out of whatever thoughts she was in as he ordered her to get ready. With a calm ease the pokegirl stepped in front of her Master and readied her mental attacks. Although limited in her techniques the extra training with Naruto had sharpened her skills, increased her level and gotten her a skill most A-Bra's wouldn't learn until they evolved; telekinesis. She had just the other day reached the goal set to her a week and a half earlier.

The Feral Youma didn't seem inclined to wait as it noisily and sloppily charged the psychic pokegirl. Although fast the girl had nothing on the sheer mental reaction speed of the A-Bra.

As Naruto yelled "Jean, Confusion." the girl's attack struck through. It halted the Feral girl in her tracks as it began to run around in circles.

Naruto looked at the circling pokegirl and decided to end it quickly. His pokegirls opponent clearly not coherent enough to resist anymore.

"Jean, finish her off with telekinesis." he finally ordered as the Youma completed her third round.

Slowly the Youma began to rise into the air, while Jean concentrated on lifting her up. As she reached a height of two meters and victory seemed sure the area was suddenly bathed in a bright white light.

Once it disappeared those present found the former beastlike form of the Youma changed into something completely different.

Her form had changed drastically. Her height had stayed mostly the same, about a meter seventy-two. Her once messy tangled hair changed to a shiny metallic looking silver color, the only real indication that she wasn't human. Her breast lost their hair and spikes, rounding out nicely at a high C-cup. Her skin changed into a deeply tanned brown. Her body overall lost their spikes as her legs smoothed out and her but gained a soft quality.

Furthermore she appeared completely naked.

Naruto quickly pointed his pokedex towards the changed pokegirl "Daimon, the Schemin' Demon Pokegirl. Daimons were the planners of the old Legions of Terror. Nowadays they are mostly used as planners by various Tamers and Researchers.

Level 08 DAIMON, the Schemin' Demon Pokegirl

Type: Near Human

Element: Magic/Dark

Frequency: Uncommon to Rare

Diet: fear

Role: Legions of Terror strategist and planning

Libido: Average

Strong Vs: Normal, Psychic

Weak Vs: 'Purifying' magic (like a Megami uses)

So surprised was his pokegirl that she let go of her telekinesis attack and dropped the newly evolved girl to the ground.

The A-Bra seemed to gulp a little. With the evolution as it is her opponent would be immune to her Psychic attacks. Unfortunately those are her only type of attacks and although her body has been conditioned admirably she is nowhere near taking on a physically enhanced opponent like a Daimon.

Naruto never kept his eyes from the battle, interested in how his pokegirl would try and overcome her glaring weakness ~Any ideas, Master?~ he heard his pokegirl ask him using telepathy.

He smirked, he had been saving this for a special occasion ~Concentrate some magic on your ribbon and utter 'Pugna Activate'.~

"Pugna Activate." Jean shouted as in a small flash of light her ribbon disappeared, leaving her hair to fall loose over her shoulders, and an ethereal white robe appeared around the pokegirl.

~Master?~ the pokegirl asked sounding less then sure of herself.

Naruto's smirk widened as his creation worked perfectly ~It's a battle robe. Designed to lessen the impact of most attacks. It should come in handy here.~ he paused a little ~To return it back in ribbon form simply say 'Pugna Deactivate'.~

Jean gave a mental nod as she watched her opponent finally charge at her. Her dodging practice and the less then perfect state of the Daimon the only reason she could evade the attack.

She found the girl using Glare at her and felt herself weakening. Almost in despair she dodge the Fury Swipes attack, followed by a Scratch attack. The next Scratch attack hit home as a long, but superficial gash opened on her cheek.

As Jean recovered the Daimon was back on the offensive and charged her with another Fury Swipes attack. Luckily all of those attacks were simply absorbed by her magical battlerobe.

When the attack failed to do any damage Jean finally came out of her despair and back to her senses as she began to think of a plan. When she got one she almost hit herself at her stupidity.

After a quick look at her surrounding she found the perfect spot and as swiftly as possible made her way toward it.

As Naruto followed the path of his pokegirl he noticed her plan immediately and prepared to give the command.

The Daimon put up an extra burst of speed, quickly gaining on the A-Bra. She curled her claws in preparation as she finally reached her target as she swiped down she suddenly heard "Teleport." and found her target missing. The sight of a large three was the last thing she saw before darkness claimed her.

Naruto easily threw a pokeball as his A-Bra returned to his side. The button on the ball blinked once, twice and a third time before all was silent. After a moment or two passed Naruto deemed the pokegirl captured and used a bit of his own telekinesis to return the ball to its position on his belt.

Once done he turned his attention towards his pokegirl "So what did you do wrong?"

The A-Bra sweated a little, afraid to have disappointed her Master "I toyed with it and didn't finish it of when I had the chance."

"And?" he directly added as she finished talking.

She bowed her head submissively "As she evolved I despaired at the sudden disadvantage I had and didn't think clearly. I froze and it almost caused me the match."

Naruto simply nodded in agreement "That's all true." he paused a bit "However it is also true that you ultimately got your act together and came up with a simple but devious plan." he added after a few seconds "You did good."

As he walked away Naruto could almost feel the beaming smile burning at his back. He could never stay too angry with any of his girls and besides that she overcame a major disadvantage. He could let a few beauty mistakes slide for that.

Naruto sighed as he relaxed his muscles in the furo. He had put the A-Bra back into her pokebal earlier that day. After the battle and a celebratory taming session she was worn out, so he gave her a period of well deserved rest.

As he went over the battle he quickly went over various tactical errors made by Jeans as well as his new Daimon. It intrigued him that one of the most revered (or should that be feared) tactical pokegirls could be reduced to such a pitiful state. The only thing on her mind seemed to be clubber, clubber, and clubber.

"Such a waste." he sighed out loud, as the usual mask he wore was dropped in favor of his regular personality 'It's not like anyone is present anyway.'

He stretched a little as he came out of the furo. His back popped wonderfully as he walked towards the pile of clothes he discarded earlier in a random corner.

'Love those cleaning enchantments.' he thought with a little smirk as he smelled the everlasting fresh state of his clothes.

As he pulled on the last article of clothing, his jacket, he walked out of the bathroom heading towards his bedroom. He still had a job to do after all.

'If only all jobs could be as easy.' he mentally mumbled, while pulling out a certain pokeball.

"Come, Daimon." he yelled in favor of the traditional I Screw You activation sequence 'It would sound idiotic to say otherwise.'

When the Daimon came out of her ball Naruto gave her quick look over. Although he held no real love or hate for the creature, more of a slight indifference, he could admit in the privacy of his own mind that she is a stunningly beautiful member of the female species.

Her long silver metallic hair swayed in a gentle none existing breeze, flaring gently over her butt. Her soft and gentle facial expression belied the crazed madness floating in her eyes, mostly brought on by her feral state. As her soft pouty lips curled into a smirk, Naruto got ready to defend himself.

Suddenly the Daimon charged.

She was brought to a halt, however, when she suddenly floated into the hair. She flayed her arms and legs uselessly as she struggled to get loose. It is a widely known fact that Dark pokegirls are all but immune to any psychic attacks.

It is however much less known that as with everything there is a certain limit, as is the case in this incident. Naruto's psychic abilities are just much more powerful then the Daimon's Dark type alone can negate. Which in this case resulted into a floating Dark type Pokegirl, suspended by Mind Magic.

Finally Naruto grew weary of the continued struggle of the Daimon and entered its mind, only to hastily jump out again a second later 'Just as I thought. The Feral state these pokegirls develop not only disrupt their hormones distribution but it also shatters the mind, bit by bit.'

Even he shuddered a little as he thought back about the small amount of time he spent in the mind of his pokegirl. Her mental plane was shattered, broken and burst throughout the plane. It could be best described as a piece of glass broken in an accident and then sloppily put together, leaving bits and pieces out.

'It would however explain why most Feralborn pokegirls never learn the ability to speak and are considered less intelligent then Domesticated pokegirls. Their minds are just too far gone to be healed by normal means.' he grinned 'It does make her a perfect subject, however, too teach Jean all about Mind Healing.'

He finally turned his attention back to the suspended pokegirl, once again having lost himself in thought, and gave her a better once over. As he searched for any left over damage he smirked as he found none.

Her useless struggles soon aggravated him and he began to put a special piece of enchanted rope out of his stuff space 'Ah the good times I had with this rope.' of view of the instances he used it flashed through his brain 'Especially Anko doesn't seem to get enough of it, although Tsunade seems to crave it more then any.' he could still remember the first time he used it to subdue the succubus in disguise, he was so sexually naïve back then and saw those perverted novels of Jiraiya more as techniques to subdue the opposite gender 'And subdue they did. I don't think I've ever heard my familiars complain about the actions spurred on by me reading those books.' he smirked as another thought hit him 'Although the sexual tension, at the tower, prior to first time I actually did the final deed could be cut with a knife.' he shook his head 'And I found it strange when I kept finding my servants and familiars lying half naked in my bed, which only let to more disciplinary actions involving this rope.'

While he was partially lost in memories he completely paralyzed the pokegirl from the neck down with some Lightning Magic designed to scramble the various nerves throughout the body. As he floated her towards him a certain liquid could be found dripping down the girl's inner thighs, it seemed that although she loved to struggle the Daimon wasn't totally against being immobilized.

The blazing fire burning in her eyes seemed to give testament to those thoughts as it dissolved bit by bit the longer she remained restrained. The defiance shown in them grew weaker and weaker as she seemed to loose herself into the loss of control.

Naruto decided to start simple and only bound her arms. A quick wave of his hand conjured a large metal hook, which he imbedded in the sealing with a quick burst of telekinesis.

Still holding her suspended in the air he pulled the rope through the hook. He finally let her go and as she started to charge towards him once again he pulled the rope tight. She became suspended in such a way that only her toes touched the ground, her arms stretched straight up and her deeply tanned C-cup breasts bounced lightly.

As she stopped standing on her toes her arms seemed to grow tired and she had to quickly stretch once again to reach the floor and rest. Her heavy breaths grew in speed as her arousal grew exponentially.

With a wave of his hand Naruto disappeared his clothes to neatly appear in a pile on his bed, his arousal obvious for the world and the Daimon to see.

The Daimon licked her lips as she stared at the prize she had been searching for earlier in the forest and just now when she was let out of her pokebal. All of her being literally screamed to be tamed as her nipples grew steadily harder and her cunt grew steadily wetter.

Naruto slowly approached to stand in front of her. He gave her quick look over, taking great delight in the begging look in her eyes. He slowly raised a hand and began to lightly tease her as he preformed feather-light touches on her beautiful bouncy breasts.

He stretched out one finger as he slowly traced a spiral around her left breast. She moaned in pleasure as he began to get closer and closer to the nipple, only for the sound to turn into a groan of torture as he pulled his finger back just before reaching it.

"Dai-Mon." the pokegirl panted while presenting her breasts further towards Naruto, while at the same time trying her best to keep her toes on the ground.

Naruto just smirked mischievously in response as he raised his other hand. Slowly he began the small game again as he trailed a spiral around her right breast. The Daimon moaned erotically as his ministrations continued. Closer and closer he went until finally he reached the nipple and…


The mischievous smirk never left his face as another much larger groan of disappointment and want sounded throughout the room.

Naruto took a step away from the Daimon, causing the girl to whimper. He looked her directly in the eyes and found the earlier fire of deviance gone completely. He gave a small nod and, having proved his dominance as a Master and Tamer, stepped directly in front of her.

In one fluent motion he entered the girl, causing a loooong drawn out moan. As he expected she appeared completely submissive, never instigating anything as he took her hard and heavy. He pulled her legs around his waist locking them over each other at his ass. His frenzied pace increased as he got better access and she hesitantly began to counter his motions.

He reached his mouth towards a nipple and licked it like a lollipop. Her groans turned into silent squeaks, as her hair flew everywhere. Finally he bit down gently down on her nipple as he pinched the other.

She came as a banshee, wailing her orgasm for whole the world to hear.

Naruto felt his balls tighten as his Daimon's pussy began to tighten around his cock like a vice. As the girl's orgasm went on and on he almost lost it many a time, bet he managed to hold back at last.

The Daimon gasped as she finally returned to the world. Her pause was however brief as the pleasure once again built up as Naruto never once slowed his pace. The ministrations on her breasts hit her next as the pleasure continued the built. Finally she couldn't take it anymore as a tongue began to ravish her mouth, while it made a slight humming sensation.

Her second orgasm came a lot more quiet, because of the dampening effect of Naruto's mouth on her own.

Naruto groaned in his pokegirl's mouth as her pussy once again clamped on his cock. Slowly it began to milk his tool, his balls tightened and he finally couldn't hold it anymore. With a long drawn out dampened groan he came and came and came. Jets of sperm entered the sterile womb of his sexy partner.

When he came down of his high he found blank eyes staring back at him "Da-daim-daimon?"

Naruto sighed as her ruthlessly repressed his libido 'It seems the Taming Shock and the orgasms proved to much for the girl.'

He gently embraced her and used a bit of Water Magic to clean the girl and himself of off excess fluids. He loosened the bonds and gently lowered her before putting her into his bed. He returned the rope back to his stuff space and gently lay next to his recently tamed pokegirl.

He gave her small peck on the lips as he positioned her head on his broad chest "From now on you will be called Urd." he decided after a few seconds of thought.

As he lay next to her he decided to take his weekly rest and fell into a deep trance, not to be woken for a few hours.

Naruto sighed lazily and stretched. He looked down on his chest and found the Daimon he named Urd wrapped around him. He tried to gently make her let go, but he failed miserably. He shook her bit to wake her up, but that failed as well and she only tightened her grip.

Finally he just gave up doing it the mundane way and teleported out of the grip. When he looked behind him he found Urd cuddling his pillow to her chest and squeezing the living shit out of it.

He just quirked an eyebrow and decided it wasn't any of his concern as he pondered another, much bigger, problem:


Luckily by living with so many females prepared him for any such emergencies, as he has a virtual shopping mall of female clothes and undergarments in his stuff space. The problem, however, lay in the choosing of the right clothing.

Fortunately his choice could be made a lot easier by utilizing his pokedex. As he activated the system his harem appeared on screen.

Active Harem

Name Species Type Level

1 Jean A-Bra Psychic 17

2 Urd Daimon Magic/Dark 08

3 N/A

4 N/A

5 N/A

6 N/A

The needed information wasn't present however and he decided to highlight Urd, creating a pop up with the updated information he got since her capture.

Urd - Level 08

DAIMON, the Schemin' Demon Pokegirl

Type: Near Human

Element: Magic/Dark

Frequency: Uncommon to Rare

Diet: fear

Role: Legions of Terror strategist and planning

Libido: Average

Strong Vs: Normal, Psychic

Weak Vs: 'Purifying' magic (like a Megami uses)

Attacks: Glare, Leer, Scratch, Fury Swipes, Burst (variations apply)

Enhancements: Enhanced Reflexes, Strength x3, Speed x3, Endurance x3

Evolves: Droido (Moon Stone), Demoness (orgasm), Succubus (mechanism uncertain)

Evolves From: Youma (stress, orgasm, or battle)

He grinned as he got the information he needed 'So she mainly uses magical attacks to immobilize their opponents and then finish them physically.' he pondered about the collected information 'So she will need a flexible outfit for easy dodging if her immobilizing attacks ever fails or her opponent ever comes to close.'

It took him a while but he finally found what he was looking for in his stuff space dimension 'Ah spandex, the light and flexible material. Usefull for quickly getting out of any situation. Unfortunately it's easily destroyed, however it's nothing a few Seals can't solve.' as he looked a little further in his personal dimension he found another item he had been searching for "Perfect!" he exclaimed while picking up beautifully crafted necklace.

As he stepped back into his bedroom he found Urd still sleeping, so he turned towards his worktable to get to work.

First he picked up the spandex suit. The suit itself was a full body silver lycra suit, with a zipper at the back. It left only the head and hands unclothed. He was quick to put the basic seal sets on the suit and quickly followed them up with the resistance seal sets.

As he looked the outfit over an idea suddenly popped into his 'Yes, those would be perfect.'

He quickly used his telekinesis to call the items from his stuff space 'These should work.' he thought as he looked over the boots and gloves he just called.

He began with the boots. Low-heeled black leather boots able to reach a height to just below the knees. Build for endurance and comfort the boots would come in handy for long hikes. He quickly went to work enchanting them with the basic and resistance seal sets.

He finally got to the long black leather gloves. They reach to just below the elbow. Build for comfort, grip and shock absorbance they would be usefull when his pokegirl decided to get up close and personal. The enchantments were put on in quick succession, once again Naruto added the basic and resistance seal sets.

Naruto quietly admired his work as he finished with the last item. The pieces of clothing/armor would look splendid on his pokegirl Urd, but it still missed something.

He turned his attention on the silver medallion. The beautifully crafted medallion hangs from but a simple string, which for some reason makes such a contrast that the sparkling image of the moon is enhanced. He remembered receiving the piece as a gift from the Land of the Moon, when they came on a diplomatic mission to his lands.

Now it would be put to good use by his servant.

He turns the medallion around and began to agonizingly slow engrave the various Seals he needed. Once again he had to invent a few Seal combinations to get the right transformation, but as he finished he had the feeling that he got it right. He finally added the basic and resistance sets and he finished. At last he used his magic to activate all the seals on the clothing.

When he whispered the activation phrase of the medallion he heard a gasp followed by a surprised sounding "Daimon-mon?"

He almost groaned out loud as he was once again caught off guard, while being emerged in his work. An annoying quirk he didn't seem to get rid of, but which seems to delight in haunting him. Even alarms are ignored when he is in 'The Zone', as his familiars call it.

Naruto turned to look at his familiar and found her on his bed looking at the material in his hands. He decided to follow her actions and looked at his hands as well.

He smirked at what he found.

A light absorbing black ankle-length cape could be found in his hands. The material seemed made out of shadow itself as a dark aura surrounded it. The clasp contained the same image as the medallion, a now eerily beautiful engraving of a silvery colored moon, used to clasp the cape around the neck.

He once again whispered a phrase, causing the cape to return to its medallion form.

He once again heard a gasp and turned his full attention on his second pokegirl "These are for you, Urd." he said gesturing towards the assortment of clothes he enchanted.

Urd gave an unsure smile as she got out of bed, naked as the day she was born. Wearily she walked to the pile of clothes, quickly touched them and pulled her hand back.

As nothing happened she relaxed and picked up the full body suit first "Daimon?" she asked gesturing towards the suit.

Naruto guessed that she didn't know how to put it on, so he calmly helped her dress. Ten minutes later she was clothed and Naruto looked in approval as she tested the flexibility of the outfit, causing some interesting effects..

The silver bodysuit hugged her curves perfectly, outlining her perfect breast and ass. While the leather boots and gloves fit tightly, which gave her a slightly naughty look. She looked like the textbook version of the evil sorceress.

Naruto stopped her from stretching as he approached her with the medallion in hand.

She looked at it wearily, but any noise of protest was caught of as Naruto gave her a knee jerking kiss. She molded herself to him while he pulled his arms around her neck, fastening the medallion.

He let go over her as he finished his task and took a step back. He looked at Urd as she slowly looked the medallion over and began to finger it.

When she finally got bored of it Naruto decided cough, gaining her full attention "To make it change shape say 'Pugna Activate'."

"Daimon." she tried "Daina, Dagna, Dugna, Dugna Daimon, Dugna Daimate, Dugna Daivate." she tried again and again "Dugna Daitivate, Dugna Daictivate, Dugna Dactivate." the final one finally came close enough as a black cape shimmered around her neck leading all the way down towards her ankles "Daimon!" she cheered in accomplishment.

Naruto smiled lightly at the accomplishment 'It's almost unheard of for a Feralborn pokegirl to utter anything else then the name of her species.' he thought to himself 'It shows good promise for later.'

"Good job, Urd." he praised the Daimon "Now say 'Pugna Deactivate' to return the cape into its original state and I'll go see for something to eat."

As he left the room he heard "Pugna Daactivate." quickly followed with the footsteps of his newest servant.

Author Notes:

The first chapter of Chaos driver's pokegirl fic is…


This is just a little something I have been working on since last Friday or something. I didn't feel like writing another chapter for some of my other stories, so I made a future fic involving one of my other fics.

This story is a pokegirl crossover with my Naruto story 'The Demon Mage'. Most unexplained or vague background information in this chapter can be traced back to my other story or will be written about in future chapters.

For those of you who haven't read my other story and don't want to take the effort to do so should known that Oniriyousha Naruto is the same as Uzumaki Naruto from the Manga and anime series Naruto.

This story is hugely created through plot bunnies and my mind's inability to create different scenarios about pokegirls. I will only continue the story with enough response, otherwise it will probably be put on a back burner and eventually forgotten entirely. So please if you find this story interesting review or if you find it repulsive and retarded review as well, you will responsible for me continuing this or not.


This is probably an AU fic in the Pokegirl World, because quite frankly I can't be bothered to compare notes with all of the mainstream pokegirl fics.


For those of you who want to know what pokegirls are just Google 'Pokegirl', 'Pokegirls' or 'Pokegirl World'.

The A-Bra Jean is derived of the Telepath Jean Grey from the Comic series 'X-men'.

The Daimon Urd is derived of the Goddess Urd of the Anime series 'Oh My Goddess'.

Pokedex Entry

Name: Oniriyousha, Naruto

Age: 16

Residence: Spank Town, Hardcore

Status: Active

Rank: 04


Tamer Y

Master Tamer Y

Researcher N

Watcher N

Breeder N

Active Harem

Name Species Type Level

1 Jean A-Bra Psychic 17

2 Urd Daimon Dark/Magic 08

3 N/A

4 N/A

5 N/A

6 N/A