He strolled down the street. or what was left of the street. His servos whining and clunking, he knew he did not have long for this, or any world. His soul might be strong but his mechanical body was failing and failing fast. The techmarines have long since run out of spare parts of a critical nature for his 10,000 year old body. New designs existed and if he really wanted to he could order the techmarines to transfer what was left of his human body over and live another 1,000 years. But while his soul was strong, he was tired. 1,700 years is a long time, even for Space Marine of the Dark Angels Chapter.

His history was long, involved and convoluted. It had started right here on this island, a bit over 1,700 years ago. of course no human or even Space Marine can live that long, at least not without being encased in the shell of an Old One. about 1,500 years ago, give or take a decade or so, he lost both legs, and both arms while wearing a Tactical Dreadnought armor suit, in a teleporter malfunction. most of his internal organs were also smashed and twisted. As he had a long record of over 200 years as a Dark Angel, his officers decided to place him in a recently discovered dreadnought. They felt that he deserved the honor, given that he had lead the Chapter in more battles than any Dark Angel, barring the old ones, could recall.

He stopped in front of the once white house, well it once was a house, it was now a pile of ash and dirt. The 'yard', was tall, unkempt and wild. Of course, humans on this world had blasted themselves out of existence 1,000 years ago. With out the Emperor to guide them they had turned on themselves and destroyed most of life on the planet.

He was born here, he was 'recruited' here, all those years ago.. actually he was more like rescued from this very house, by his mentor. A pause as he dug deep into his memories and found the face of his first mentor, and father figure. As he thought about Master Librarian Captain Argus, his memories sharpened, and he could almost see and hear him walking down the street with a 8 year old version of himself in his arms, saving him from the brutal and uncaring 'family' he was left with. Well that was a long time ago. For over an eon, the Dark Angels had been his family. his brothers in arms, brother in heart, and thru the Geneseed they all carried, Brothers in Blood.

Captain Argus, had come to this planet due to an ancient text he had found in the Dark Angels Archives, it spoke of a child who would be the one to defeat the last remaining Chaos God. The text spoke of this world, this island, and even this place, in an ancient system of measurements that took months to compute and translate to something they could use. Captain Argus was given permission to see how true these words were, but he was not spared many resources to do this, just a Nova Class Strike Cruiser, and a small crew. This world if it held promise would be visited again in a few decades to recruit more Marines for the Dark Angels. This was the real reason he was allowed to go. This mission was successful in both of its goals, many hundreds of Dark Angels were recruited here over the next 500 years.

As he stared out at the only place he could remember prior to his service as a Dark Angel. He thought of the 50 or so Marines he had helped recruit the last time he walked these streets with his own legs. They were all long dead from battle wounds. But he recalled each face as they were on that day, the day they started down the long road to becoming a Dark Angel. Not all of them even survived the first geneseed injections, but 44 of them lived to serve in Scout Company for at least two decades. This was an unheard of survival rate, he only wished the Chapter Codex would have allowed him to recruit from here more often.

His radio blared into life, The current Chapter Master, asked if he was ready for his honor guard. He really did not want the fanfare, but his Brothers wanted to honor him, in his final moments. So he answered he was ready. On board the Chapter Fortress-Monastery, The Tower of Angels, the first Squad of the Deathwing Company disappears in a flash of light from the transporter room deep within the ship, and appeared only slightly off target, and fell into a double line, storm blasters at the ready. Company, Squad, and even personal banners, flying proudly as they stood rock still and waited.

The Current Supreme Grand Master of The Dark Angels, Sapphon, got out of the Land Raider that was about a block away, and leading the Chapter's Master Techmarine and two servitors, who quickly placed a banner on the back of the ancient Dreadnought, and made haste to return to the Land Raider.

Harry Potter had returned to Privet Drive, to die.