Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. *But I wish I did*

Summary: Someone gave Danny a sugar rush.

This is set after Phantom Planet.

"How'd this happen!" One of Amity Park's citizens screamed.

"He's on a Sugar Rush!" Jazz, and Sam screamed as one.

"Aaahhhh!" Valerie screamed as the Red Huntress, now getting frustrated with the very hyper Danny, trying to get him to calm down up in the sky's.

"WHO GAVE FENTON SUGAR?" Dash yelled, as all of Amity Park watched from outside their houses at Danny, who was doing loopy-loops, spins, and going top speed across the sky laughing like a maniac.

Tucker was laughing his head off, recording Danny with his trusty P.D.A.

"Tucker!" Sam yelled.

"What, I mean look at him!" Tucker yelled laughing hysterically pointing to Danny, who was about 15 feet up in the air, still laughing, as Valerie went down to Sam ,Tucker, Jazz, and the rest of the crowd.

"Anyone else want to try?" She asked.

"Danny get down here now!" Sam ordered.

Danny stopped his laughing fit for a moment as he did a few back flips, and loops while saying, "I love you too Sammy, but you'd have to come get me yourself!"

Tucker was now on the floor clutching his sides to keep from laughing so hard, Sam flushed red for a brief second, and Jazz tried this time.

"Danny, want some chocolate?" She asked faking some enthusiasm.

"Nawah Chocolate makes me craazzzyyy!" Danny said swaying back and forth, chuckling.

Suddenly Danny sped towards the group, rushing past their heads, grabbing Tucker's red Beret.

A green blur was seen coming out of the distance, Danny threw Poor Tucker's beloved hat.

"Feettch Cujooo!" Danny dared yelling.

"Danny!" "You're so dead!" Was the Techno-geeks calls.

"Allweady am!" Danny countered, now playing with Cujo on the ground giggling.

Sam saw this as her chance and jumped on him, while Tucker tried to play a tug-o-war with Cujo for his 'precious hat'.

Hey at least he didn't take my beloved Susan, Tucker thought as he reclaimed his hat, pulling out his other P.D.A. named Susan kissing her as he continued his P.D.A named Amy out in hand taping.

He never noticed cujo pounce back on him stealing Susan, drool dripping until too late.

"SUSAN!" Tucker half screamed, half pleaded.

"JAZZ, THE THERMOS!" Sam yelled trying to contain Danny for a few moments.

"SAMMY!" He struggled to get out of her grasp, before realizing he could phase through.

Too late Sam already had the thermos in hand and was uncapping the device; a blue white light appeared sucking a screaming, and thrashing Danny in.

Everyone stood dumbfounded as Sam screw the cap back on.

Then Paulina decided to interrupt.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" She screeched.

"That was an example of why you shouldn't overload Danny on sugar." Sam said coolly to the crowd.

"I ask again." Dash stated.

"WHO GAVE FENTON SUGAR!" Dash yelled at the innocent faces.

Tucker came back covered in mud, also glowing green drool, Valerie Panting heavily on her hover board, Jazz stunned, and Sam trying to keep the thermos from shaking, at Danny's hyper gone wild protests.

Jack then walked up and said excitedly... "I was wondering if Danny liked fudge as much as me or not!"

The neighbors groaned, and went back into their homes.

Please review! Even though it's short. *Holds out a box of different kinds of cookies* I'll give yew a cookie! 8-)