I Think You Know

Author's Note: I don't own anything or anybody, and I don't own the Kid's Choice Awards, specifically.

So the feedback for this one-shot was overwhelming, to be honest. I love that you guys loved it, and I can't promise you a full story, because the cast are really difficult to write, but I will make this a two-shot... but only because you begged and groveled, and made me feel like a million bucks!

Don't forget that you can follow me on twitter at takethecurve, and also on tumblr at takethecurve . tumblr . com.

I Think You Know

Before I knew what was happening, she closed the door in my face. I stood there stunned. What had just happened? It was all such a blur. One minute, we're playing twenty questions, the next minute we're making out, and before my brain can even process that, she's gone.

I sat down on the floor with my back against the conjoining door, running a hand through my messy hair. After I let out a deep breath, I heard her voice on the other side of the door.

"It's okay, I miss you too, Sam."

What? Did I really just hear that? It's possible that she might know another Sam; it's not exactly an uncommon name, but something told me it was exactly who I thought it was.

So that's why she left. She's with Sam, and I didn't even know it. What the hell was I going to do now? If I had known she was with someone, would I have kissed her?

I tried to deny it, but I knew the answer was a resounding yes. It was impossible not to want to kiss her, to hold her, to want to be with her all the time. She was like a magnet for me. Everybody always marveled at our onscreen chemistry at work, but it's because we have real chemistry. You can't fake that kind of attraction.

I didn't want to eavesdrop any further, so I got up, closing and locking my side of the conjoining door before flopping myself across my bed.

I tried to sleep, honestly, but it just didn't happen like I wanted. Normally, this is never an issue. I can sleep at the drop of a hat, but all I could think about was Aislinn. Her face, her voice, her touch, her lips, the way her nails ran down my back, the way she moaned when I kissed her neck...

I tried to tell my brain to shut the hell up, and finally somewhere in the early hours of the morning it complied, most likely out of pure exhaustion. I didn't wake up until almost noon. I sat up and noticed a piece of paper poking out from underneath the door that led to Aislinn's room. I threw the covers off, and stumbled over to pick it up.

It was barely a sentence telling me that she had gone shopping, and that she'd see me later for the carpet. No mention of anything that went down last night.

I sighed, and made my way to the shower, hanging my Do Not Disturb sign on the outside of the room door on the way to the bathroom. The hot water helped ease the tension in my shoulders, but my mind was still running circles.

I needed to fix this, but how? She and I have to walk a red carpet in a few hours and act like we're totally cool, but how can we after what happened?




Four hours later




I knew she was back, because I could hear her tv in the next room. I saw on the edge of my bed, fully dressed for the red carpet, waiting. I'd had the whole afternoon to think about what to do, and I had decided, this wasn't over. Not by a long shot.

Finally, she knocked on the conjoining door. I took a deep breath, and strode over to let her in.

She looked amazing. There was no other word for it. Her dress flowed around her curvy shape perfectly, the color highlighting her always breathtaking blue eyes.

"You look beautiful," I told her.

She blushed.

"Thanks, you uh... you look nice too," she said, not really meeting my eyes.

"I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. We need to talk about what happened last night," I stated, stepping towards her.

"I... We have to go," she tried to reach for the door to the hallway.

I stepped between her and the door, blocking her.

"What are you doing?" she asked, finally looking me in the eye.

"I just want to know what happened, Ace. One minute, we're making out, and the next you shut a door in my face. I think I deserve a little explanation, don't you?"

"I shouldn't have kissed you," she whispered.

"But you did," I pointed out. "And it didn't seem like you didn't want to."

"I... I did... but..." she stammered.

"But what, Aislinn?" I pushed.

"There's something you don't know," she started.

"About Sam?" I fired back, unable to help myself.

I could tell she wasn't expecting that.

"How do you know about Sam?" she asked, clearly taken aback.

"If you don't want me to hear you, maybe you shouldn't talk to your boyfriend directly on the other side of my door," I pointed, nodding back to the doors between our rooms.

"I... "

We were interrupted by a knock on my door. I cursed to myself, knowing it was gonna be Lila, the one-woman caffeine show from last night. I turned to open the door.

"Okay, good, so you're both ready! We have a car outside to take you in, and then you'll walk the carpet. So far there aren't any specific interviews planned, but you may have to wing it if it happens. Smile, give some autographs, and then you'll get inside and take your seats. Any questions?" she spat.

We both shook our heads.

"What's wrong? Something's wrong? I can't have 'something's wrong'. I need happy, smiley!" she said, looking from my face to Aislinn's.

"It's nothing, just tired," Aislinn lied.

"Well, perk up! We have a long night ahead of us!"

The ride to the carpet was long and awkward to say the least. I wanted to talk to Aislinn, but Lila was with us the whole time, and I didn't want to give anybody any reason to start the gossip chain.

When we pulled up to the carpet, I noticed that Aislinn and I both took deep breaths, clearly trying to forget everything that's happened for the next few hours. This is what we do though, we act.

To every person we passed, they could never have guessed anything was wrong. Every picture was flawless, and every pose was held with purpose. I'm not gonna lie, though, I stood closer to her than I meant to. I put my arm around her, and I made sure that she knew we weren't done talking about this.

The show was fun, and I was secretly glad that our seats weren't that close, because Johnny Depp, who I endlessly admire, ended up taking a slime hose to the audience. I knew we would have to hit at least one after party, but I'm not ashamed to say that for all I cared, we could have skipped everything.

Hell, for all I cared, we could skip this whole awkward dance we were doing, go back to the hotel, and we'd get back to where we were last night... but I couldn't think like that.

Finally, after more forced socialization, we were in the car on the way back to the hotel. It was well after midnight, and Aislinn was clearly exhausted. I tried not to laugh as her eyelids drifted closed then would snap back open as she realized she was drifting. As we pulled up to the hotel, I momentarily forgot that I should be upset with her, and found myself slipping an arm around her waist as she shakily got out of the car.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," I whispered into her hair. I smiled as she leaned into me, letting me lead her to the elevators.

As she stumbled beside me down the hall, I tried to ask her where her key was, honestly, but she didn't answer me, or if she did, I couldn't make it out from the gibberish she sighed.

I fished my key out of my back pocket, and I cursed as Aislinn's limp form almost hit the ground before I caught her in the doorway. I tried to shake her awake enough to walk her back through the doorway between our rooms, but housekeeping had obviously been in and the door was locked on both sides, so I did the only thing I could think of. I picked her up, and placed her gently on my bed, slipping off her shoes and pulling the covers up over her.

I smiled as she sighed, turned on her side, and cuddled up to the pillows before a barely audible snore left her.

I looked around, wondering what the appropriate thing to do would be here. I looked around, and noticed the clutch purse thing she'd been carrying on the floor just inside the door. I picked it up, and momentarily felt awkward for going through it, but if she was sleeping in here, then I figured I could just go sleep in her room, but her key was either not in there, or not in one of the eleven pockets I peeped through before giving up.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, kicking off my shoes and shrugging out of my blazer. I looked back to see Aislinn's sleeping form. She looked so sweet and innocent, devoid of the worry and anxiousness I'd seen earlier. The bed was huge, and she didn't take up much space at all, so I finally told myself that I could just sleep on the other side of the bed.

My mind made up, I walked back in the bathroom to change into some shorts and a t-shirt, before turning out the lights and crawling into bed. There was a good three feet of space between us, but it was driving me crazy to be in bed with her, but to not be "in bed" with her.

Snap out of it, I told myself. She's only seventeen. You can't think about her like this! She's with one of your friends, for God's sakes.

As I thought about all the things I shouldn't be thinking about, I must've drifted off, because when I woke up again, I was almost sweating. I started to roll over, when I realized that an arm was around me from behind, clutching the front of my t-shirt. It was like an electric shock to realize that Aislinn had cuddled up behind me during the night. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck, and I couldn't stop the train of thoughts that ran through my head.

I gently rolled over to face her, brushing a piece of hair from her face behind her ear. I jumped when she spoke.

"That feels nice," she breathed.

"Are you awake?" I asked, confused.

"Barely," she sighed.

I tried to swallow the words that came out of my mouth next, but they didn't go down.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I told her, my hand having traveled from her ear to her shoulder before my fingers slowly ran down her arm. Sometime during the night, she must've shrugged out of her sweater.

"Me too," she whispered. The arm she had draped over me came to rest on my chest.

"We can pretend that night didn't happen if you want. I don't want you to feel guilty on my account," I whispered.

She opened her eyes, meeting mine.

"I don't want to pretend anymore," she said.

I couldn't help myself. As soon as the words left her mouth, I covered it with mine. A moan escaped behind our kiss as I wrapped my arm behind her waist, pulling her body flush with mine, her leg cocking itself over my hip. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth into the kiss, letting me take her deeply, and I felt like one of those cartoons with stars twirling over their heads.

I twitched as I felt her hand slide underneath my shirt, kneading into the skin of my lower back. I pulled my lips from hers, breathing deeply before kissing down her jaw line to worship her neck and shoulders.

The moan that fell from her pink lips snapped me back into reality, and I practically bolted out of the bed, my hand coming up behind my neck as I began to pace the room. Aislinn sat up, her sleepy face obviously confused.

"Did I do something?" she asked.

I let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Did you do anything? Are you kidding me right now, Ace?" I said rhetorically. "What about Sam? What is this?"

I pointed from myself to her.

"I... I don't know," she whispered, obviously taken aback.

I hated that we were doing this. I hated that I raised my voice at her.

I sat back down on the bed, and I took her tiny hands in my own.

"I don't wanna be that guy, Ace," I told her.

"Sam broke up with me," she spurted.

Whatever I was going to say next flew out of my head instantly. Did I just hear that right?

"What do you mean? You were just talking to him last night... er... night before last," I stammered.

"After I left, I told him what happened, and he told me that he had known for weeks that I had feelings for you," she explained. "I tried to tell him that it wasn't true, but he knew I was lying. He said he could see the way I looked at you."

"So that's it then? He just broke up with you?" I asked, confused by this sudden turn of events.

"Why do you think I was so exhausted? I was up half the night having 'the talk'. He said he didn't want to stand in the way of me being happy," she said. "It's not like we had been together that long, Munro. We've only been together since the wrap party."

No wonder, I thought. I had been totally sideswiped that she was dating him, but it had never occurred to me that it was a new relationship, but that explained why I had never seen them acting couple-ish. It was because we'd been off set, and I really hadn't seen that much of Aislinn until filming started back up.

"Right..." I stretched out the word.

Aislinn let out a shy smile as the tension left my shoulders.

"So..." she mused.

"So..." I mimicked.

"Would it be inappropriate if I kissed you right now?" she asked, biting her lip.

"Absolutely," I smirked, leaning in to touch my lips to hers.

It was like fireworks, honestly. Her hands crept behind my neck and into my hair, and I laid back on the bed, pulling her with me, side by side.

I kissed her deeply, my relief flowing out and into the kiss. I could feel her fingers tangling in my hair, and the sensation was amazing. I didn't want it to end, but my lack of sleep was catching up with me. I kissed her once, twice softly on her full pink lips, before pulling her to me and letting her rest her head against my chest. I looked down to see the shy smile creeping across her face as she hugged herself to me.

"We need to get some sleep," I whispered.

"Are you gonna kick me out to my room?" she asked playfully, looking back up at me.

"Do you want me to?" I countered.

She sighed and her hand began rubbing a soft circle in my back. I found myself wrapping my arms more tightly around her, smiling into her hair and whispering.

"I guess that's a no."