Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or any of its characters. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Summary: Sasuke has a lover no one knows about. When he decides that going steady with said person might be worth a shot, his teammates realize they're not ready to give him up just yet. Canon verse. Sequel will contain Mpreg.

Pairings: SasuNaru/NaruSasu, SasuSakuNaru (platonic), SasuNeji/NejiSasu, NaruHina, NaruGaa, KakaIru, ShikaTema and more.

A/N: In this story, Kakashi did bring Naruto and Sasuke back to Konoha after their fight at the valley of the end. Most of the Akatsuki has fallen – as well as Orochimaru – including Itachi, who died by Sasuke's hands.

Beta Reader: The Lovely chase3136, who is doing a terrific job revising this!

The Longest Line


"I don't want to talk about it."

"You have to. We can't go on like this."

"There is nothing to talk about."

"Obviously there is, otherwise we wouldn't be sitting naked at your table, in your house, after we've just had sex".

Blank white eyes stared defiantly into steel ones that stared back coolly from across the small, round kitchen table.

Neji crossed his arms over his bare chest and waited patiently for the other man to ever so slowly light his cigarette like he had all the time in world – something the Hyuuga just knew he was doing on purpose to delay the conversation. That was just too damn bad, because Neji wasn't backing away anymore, even if it meant him staying there the whole night in his birthday suit, staring daggers at his companion.

Uchiha Sasuke took a drag on his cigarette and sat back in his chair, grunting softly so as to show how unpleased he was with being forced to face something he did not want to even take the time to consider.

"Why the fuck do you always have to complicate the simplest things, Hyuuga?" He asked dryly, scratching the – rather appealing, in Neji's opinion – curve of his neck.

"Because I'm getting kind of sick of not knowing what this is," the brown-haired Shinobi said, gesturing between himself and Sasuke. "It honestly bothers the hell out of me and I want something to define it."

Sasuke sighed before shaking his head from side to side.

"It was a mistake; that's all there is to it," he said.

Neji just had to roll his eyes at that.

"Look, Uchiha; the first time was a mistake, and so was the second, and the third, but by now, on our…" Neji started counting on his fingers, making a sarcastic kind of scowl "…seventeenth time fucking each other's' brains out I'd say this goes way beyond the lines of what a 'mistake' is supposed to be."

Sasuke made an annoyed clucking noise with his tongue but did not answer, instead focusing on smoking his cancer stick nonchalantly.

Neji inhaled sharply through his nose, making a disgusted face at the smell. He was fuming inside, but knew that he had to remain calm no matter what if he wanted to come out victorious of this whole situation. The Uchiha could be stubborn; but then again, so could he.

"It's not like I'm a prude or anything," Neji said, choosing his words wisely. "Theoretically, I'm all for one night stands and everything, but this has been going on for too long, and I'm becoming…rather... possessive of your…presence."

Sasuke quirked up an elegant eyebrow at him and set down his cigarette over the small grey ashtray in the middle of the table before resting his chin on one hand as a small, conceited smile made its appearance on his thin lips.

"You're becoming attached," he murmurs softly. "Please, don't tell me you're in lo…"

"I'm not," Neji's words cut through the sentence instantly. "But maybe I want to try and find out what it's like."

With triumph, Neji saw Sasuke's smile vanish as fast as the speed of light.

"No, you don't."

There it was – he was running away again.

"You don't know what I want," the older male defended.

Sasuke bit down on his bottom lip, looking at Neji as if he had never seen him before, various emotions reflected on his attractive features. There was denial, hesitation and stubbornness, but Neji was sure he could break down those barriers; he had come to know the last remaining Uchiha all too well throughout the years.

"What are you trying to say?" Sasuke asked, his voice dropping suddenly to a level that would be intimidating for most people, but causing Neji's heart to skip a beat – not in fear, but in pleasure. Sasuke could be very enticing when he was mad.

No, Neji thought. He wouldn't falter because he could not allow himself to show whatever weakness he possessed towards their current situation.

"I'm trying to say that I'm not a people person, Sasuke." He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "And neither are you. If we've come this far together despite how many women, and some men, we both have interested in us, it means we are mutually attracted to each other which, I believe, is something that shouldn't be wasted considering that we don't connect to people easily. It's just begging to be tested."

Sasuke blinked a few times, looking thoroughly confused and incredulous. To match his expression, Neji raised his eyebrows. Then, Sasuke laughed spitefully like it was the most absurd thing he had ever heard.

"Would you listen to yourself?" He said, running slim fingers over his shiny, bluish midnight hair. "You and me? Together? That's got to be the most absurd thing I've ever…"

"I don't see why not." Once again, Neji was forced to assertively interrupt the younger man, who didn't look pleased at all, but still shut his mouth to listen, even if it was out of habit considering they worked together and Neji was his superior. "We are both powerful, intelligent men. We get along well enough and it's more than obvious that our chemistry works for the both of us because not only is the sex great, but we content ourselves with only each other as sexual partners. And before you even think about throwing some smart assed remark, I was the one who took your virginity, so don't lie to me and say you have another lover, because, trust me, I would know."

Neji watched as Sasuke snorted at his words and stood up nimbly, turning his back away from the Hyuuga to walk over to the tiny sink and fill a glass with water.

Opaque eyes didn't resist the urge to relish on pale, fair skin that covered well defined and smooth muscles. It wasn't like Neji considered himself to be homosexual and experienced on how to appreciate the male body – hell, Sasuke had been his first and only male so far – but Sasuke really was eye candy. He was amazingly fit, tall yet slightly shorter than Neji and his flawless face was beautiful without being effeminate. Sasuke was the kind of gorgeous guy that had an air of mystery about him that made him unconsciously sensual. Somehow, since that night when they had gone out drinking together just to pass the time and ended up wasted in Sasuke's apartment, Neji had been drawn to him like a bee was drawn to pollen.

And right now, enjoying the mere sight of the other's naked body made Neji's own body kindle with lust once more. The memories of what happened not even half an hour earlier weren't helping this particular situation.

Fucking hormones, he thought, scolding himself internally.

Not for the first time, the Hyuuga understood all too well that it was that same need, that same attraction that made him lose control too fast for his liking.

He wanted Sasuke and he knew Sasuke wanted him. They were drawn to each other like magnets, hungry for power, and hungry for what they both could be and what they could learn together. It was not love, not yet, but who knew? Neji liked challenges, and Sasuke was definitely worth the time.

The older male jumped slightly when Sasuke turned to face him, leaning his back against the counter and supporting his hands on the surface behind him. Neji had to clear his dry throat at the view he was presented with, which consisted of Sasuke's charming – and rather respectable – manly pride.

"So, you are saying you want us to be in a relationship?" Sasuke asked, as if talking about the weather.

"I'm saying it's worth a shot."

"Is it?" This time it was Sasuke who was being sarcastic. "I'm not cut out for the relationship thing, Neji. I don't want to hold hands, or to go on dates. I don't want to meet your family and I don't want to be nice and lovey-dovey. I hate the concept of being with someone and everything that goes with it; it's disgusting."

"It's because you don't like any of those things that I think we should give it a try," Neji said, his own honesty amazing him. "I also happen to hate the typical couple concept, which makes me even more eager to see how things would turn out between us."

Sasuke actually smiled – a mischievous smile – as small, perfect teeth shone behind pinkish lips, causing Neji's nerves to shout in frustration with the need to touch, immediately. But he would have to be patient; he couldn't, wouldn't falter.

"You make it sound like such a lovely challenge." Mocking words came out of Sasuke's tempting mouth.

"It is if you want it to be."

Sasuke's smile grew wider, nastier at that.

"Then what would this joining consist of?" He seemed genuinely curious, even if his tone was slightly sardonic.

"Hanging out, getting to know more about each other, having sex whenever and wherever we want and, obviously, you giving me the undying pleasure of sleeping over instead of throwing me out as soon as you've satisfied your own needs."

"Come on, I never threw you out without satisfying your needs as well," Sasuke joked, tilting his head to the side.

"Don't try to be funny, that's beyond the point," Neji grumbled, throwing a lock of his long, loose hair away from his chest with a pettish gesture.

Sasuke watched him intently, now with a thoughtful expression, becoming serious all of a sudden. Neji was sure of what he would say next since the Uchiha tended to be so damn moralistic in the most inconvenient times.

"We're both guys."

Ah, there it was.

"And even though I'm not thinking about it right now, I'd like to have children someday."

"Yes, I already know all about your plans to continue your lineage."

The truth was; Neji was starting to get impatient. He didn't like to waste time talking, let alone waste his own tongue to convince someone to agree to do something that he himself wasn't sure about.

Instead of trying to push the subject further, Neji decided it was time to play dirty.

Sasuke's mouth was hanging slightly open by the time Neji got up to show him his own nude, very athletic form. Sasuke's eyes rolled down towards the visible hard-on the taller young man carried, a low appreciative sound coming out of his throat at the sight. The cigarette left on the ashtray on the kitchen table was still releasing the acid smoke, practically reduced to ashes by now, but neither man took notice of this.

Neji made his short way towards Sasuke until both their naked chests were pressed against each other, the Hyuuga's breath ghosting over Sasuke's nose, tantalizing. Sasuke tilted his head upwards ever so gently so as to make sure their lips were mere millimeters apart. However, neither of them made any gesture to kiss the other.

"I'm not asking you to fucking marry me, Uchiha," Neji whispered in a soft but firm voice while his hands searched for Sasuke's on the counter. "I'm just saying 'let's do it' as in 'something good might come out of us being together'. If it doesn't work out, we move on with our lives. If it does…well, I guess we'll have to think about it when the time comes."

Sasuke smelled of rain and soap and cigarettes. He also smelled of sex and something stronger that Neji could not identify. Whatever it was, it always turned him on.

"What about people's opinion?" Sasuke asked; his dark grey eyes glued to Neji's, muscles tensing in need with the familiar feeling of the others' cock pressed against his own hardening member. Neji was sure he would win this, one way or another, even if it was a dishonest way of winning. "And…" No one but Neji knew just how incoherent Sasuke could be when he was horny. "What about your name? I'm sure your uncle wouldn't be too happy about it."

Neji smirked and leaned closer, brushing his mouth seductively over Sasuke's left cheek. Sasuke took some sadistic pleasure out of being teased. It was like his brain cells turned into goo and stopped functioning properly while his arousal got the best out of his body and forced it to act upon it.

"We are both lonely guys who are too self-centered to care about anyone else, Uchiha," he murmured, licking lightly at Sasuke's jaw and stealing a moan from him. "So tell me, do you care about what people think?"

"Do I look like I give a fuck about that?" Sasuke asked huskily.

Maybe it was Sasuke's raspy voice, or the way his hands grabbed Neji's and his body rubbed possessively against him. Maybe it was just the chemistry working its way too fast. It didn't matter.

Sasuke was like a cat, wild, independent, and way too curious for his own good. He loved a good challenge and no matter what he said, he was damn bored out of his mind and tired of being alone. That's why Neji was certain that the younger one would give in eventually, even if it was just out of sheer boredom and curiosity.

"Well then, don't you worry that pretty little head of yours about me, because right now…" Sasuke made a very promiscuous sound as Neji bit hard on his neck. "…All you have to think about is what's going to happen next. Are you going to fuck me again or are you in for a switch of roles?"

Luckily, Sasuke did not take long to answer because in less than a second his mouth was glued to the Hyuuga's, teeth clashing and tongues ferociously battling for dominance, Sasuke's fingers letting go of Neji's hands to bury themselves in his long silky locks.

As soon as Sasuke wrapped his legs around Neji and moaned demandingly like his life depended on it, Neji complied at once, more than happy to oblige.

That was a night of many victories. Not only did Neji get to top more than once in the next hour and a half, but he finally got Sasuke to ask him to stay and share his bed, which, coming from him, could only mean one thing: he had silently accepted Neji's proposal.

It was on.
