a/n: Hey everyone! Sorry for taking another long break! College is just too much fun! I'm sorry this chappie is so short-I swear I'll try updating more often!

After bringing Ino to his home to recuperate, Chouji has a talk with her, and soon, talking leads to…heated actions. Is this a setback for Ino? A plus for Chouji? What is Shikamaru going to think?

-Ino's POV-

"You have to eat, Ino."


I turned my back toward my teammate.

I was angry.


Infuriated with the world and everybody in it.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Does it matter?"



I threw myself up, my hair a mess, my icy blue eyes staring Chouji right in the face,

My cheeks drained.

But he didn't back down.

No, he didn't even flinch.

He just stared at me.

Stared harder than anyone could.

"Ino," he said again. "Please, just eat the soup. It'll warm you up, it'll make you feel better, I promise."

My eyes fell on the bowl of soup in question.

It sat on his nightstand, the steam still steadily rising.

I looked back at Chouji.

He was still staring.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, reaching for the bowl.

I picked up the spoon and shoved a spoonful in my mouth.

"There," I said in between mouthfuls. "Happy?"

I was hungrier than I wanted to admit.

"Not really."

"What now?"

"What's bugging you?"

"What do you think?"

"Why won't you tell me?"

"I bet the whole village knows by now. Why don't you go ask one of them?"

"Because I want to hear it from you."

I grunted. I snorted. I turned my body away from him, downing the soup faster than I was before.

"It's simple, really. Girl liked boy, boy took advantage of her, girl knew it but loved the boy too much to care. Boy slept with Girl's best friend. Girl finally was done putting up with his bullshit and called it quits, Boy doesn't give a shit and continues to try and ruin her life. Girl gives up. Her life is over, anyway." I spat out venomously.

Chouji continued to stare.

"Well? Is that the answer you were looking for?"

Just leave me alone.


"But you know what? I'm totally done with him. With Sasuke. With Sakura. With everyone. I don't need them, and they definitely don't need me."

"But Ino-"

"Trust? That shit is a myth. A big fat myth. People WILL turn on you, no matter who they are—your mom, your dad, your sister, your brother, your aunt, your uncle, your boyfriend, your girlfriend; And you know what sucks Chouji? There's not one damn thing you can do about it. I felt my eyes begin to sting as my vision blurred; the tear were coming back with vengeance, but I was so sick of crying, so sick of talking about my feelings, so sick of making people understand…I quickly raised my arm, violently wiping away the tears. "S-so take my advice and don't trust anyone in the first place."

People will hurt you

No matter who they are.

No matter who they were to you,

No matter what they did with you,

Or for you,

They'll eventually stop caring.

They'll just go away, disappear, and leave your ass behind.

"Human creatures are evil."

"What was that?"

I didn't even realize I was speaking aloud.

"Human creatures are evil." I say again, stronger than the first time. "They lie, they cheat, they tell you that they love you only for you to find them sleeping in your bed with your so-called best friend. They purposely try to hurt you and—"

I paused. Chouji grabbed my arm and was gripping it.


"Not everyone is like that," His voice was stern, yet calm at the same time. "Don't you dare say that, Ino. Don't you fucking dare. Not everyone wants to hurt you. Not everyone lies. People look up toyou, Ino Yamanaka. In fact, many people love you. Adore you. Obsess over you because you are so fucking worth it. Someone out there is pining over you, loving you, wishing they could have you, wishing they could kill whoever hurt you previously. That someone…"

My heart beat increased when he paused.

Why did he pause?

My mind was racing violently.

My throat was dry,

My lips, chapped.

Hands, clammy.

Why am I so nervous? This is Chouji, for Kami's sake! This shouldn't be—

"...that someone is me."

And that's when Chouji places his lips upon mine.

My heart stopped.

Chouji Akimichi was

Kissing me.

I pushed him away, my face completely flushed.

"What. The. Hell. .DOING?" I found myself screaming.

Chouji, what.

Chouji, why.

You can't love me.

You can't kiss me.

Nobody can.

"I'm trying to tell you-to show you, that you are loved, Ino." He responded, just as calmly as he had kissed me.

"Please, just let me.."



He pulled me close.

I gulped.

He caught my trembling lips once more.

Maybe I'm crazy.

Maybe I'm stupid.

But this time I...

I kissed him back.

To be continued...