The sequel to Kiss the Cook is finally here! Forgive the delay, my friends. I do not own Spiral.

"You're sure that's their destination?" the booming voice echoed throughout the hall. Everything was dark, it was a wonder nobody killed themselves, or supposedly nobody, at least. The chair was turned in the other direction, obscuring the speaker like a curtain drawn between him and everyone else. The only light was the light of a number of computer screens on the other side of the room.

"Positive, sir." A man, presumably young from the sound of his voice, bowed his head in affirmative response.

"Well, that's your territory then, isn't it? Go. I don't want any more mistakes."

Another figure nodded, "Sir."

With that the figure turned to leave, but not before the superior's voice rang again, "Don't forget. Use all the artillery you were given if necessary."

The figure nodded again, "Yes, sir."

A booming laugh echoed from the superior's chair, "It's time…to crush the hope of the Blade Children. Let us find out…exactly how much you can take, Narumi Ayumu."

The overhead speaker buzzed obnoxiously, somehow overpowering the sounds of chaos that had manifested in the airport, "Last call for Flight 13-D, flight leaves in fifteen minutes."

Her feet pounded against the carpet, her caramel braids flapping with the movement. She held her carry-on bag with two hands, struggling slightly with its weight. Occasionally, she would turn around and look back, making sure that he was still following at a relatively steady pace. He made no effort to keep up, and she could tell he was already unhappy with this to begin with. Once again, he would end up in some weird place with weird people and unable to escape the enthrall of the Blade Children. He really had to get another life.

She knew he hated this. He didn't even have to say anything. This was definitely something he did not like. He would much rather be sleeping on the roof of his high school with a cooking magazine over his face. He didn't even really have to give an expression to emanate how much he disliked this predicament. However, just the fact that he was doing this again meant something, and she knew it. She could see it in his eyes, despite his ever-present facade. He was driven by the instinct to keep her safe. They had to go somewhere, somewhere other than home. That's what they had been told. Here they were, about to fly off again.

Her words almost stuttered out of her mouth. It felt like she almost had to gag just to find her voice.

"C'mon, N-Narumi-san! We're going to be late!"

She quickly hurried on, neglecting to linger her attention on him. The young woman bit her lip, almost feeling the blood rushing to her head as her mind wandered off again.

This whole thing was tough on her too. Truthfully now she had no idea when she'd get to see home again. But in the least, she had to be grateful. After all, even though she couldn't return just yet, the air fares were already paid for them, thanks to a little help.

Now that their previous hiding spot had been detected, they had to be displaced once again. At their hosts' request, they were to go off to another rendezvous point in almost the middle of nowhere. However, given the time of year, this almost middle of nowhere at least had some entertainment, or so she read in a pamphlet she had confiscated from her hosts. So, while she was here, she might as well have a little fun. Nevertheless, there was still one thing that never failed to rain on her party.

This 'thing' plodded along yards behind her, his dank cloud of doom looming over his head and spreading his mood to anyone who gave him a second look.

She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know what his problem was, especially considering the events of the past few days. In fact, to be honest with herself, she tried with everything she could to avoid the subject. Somehow, she figured that maybe his foul mood had to do with her. But now wasn't the time to think about that.

"Narumi-san! Hurry it up already!" she puffed out her cheeks. Her small boots scuffed against the floor as she stopped and waited for him to catch up. If she didn't know better, by the way he looked right now she wondered if he might drop her off on the next plane then hightail it back to Japan. That would never happen, of course, she reasoned, for one of the same reasons that he was sulking right now.

Unwilling to test her theory, she kept her mouth shut and gave him a bright smile, a ray of sunshine counteracting his walking thunderstorm. As he plodded closer she fell into step beside him, her eyes wandering from the floor to the ceiling and back. Neither said anything for a long time, and she hazarded a glance at him before she turned away, trying to rid herself of the strange feelings that arose in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't tell exactly what it was, but something about his pensive frustrated expression stirred something uncomfortable inside her.

Unintentionally, she curled one arm tightly around herself and clutched her coat collar tightly in her fingertips. She suddenly felt cold.

If only things were simple again.

After another few moments he nudged her with his elbow, his gaze still fixed forward. She glanced up at him, and he lightly grunted as his eyes grazed over her quickly, "Hn."

It wasn't much, but it was enough. She shook her head lightly and let it go, unconsciously edging a little closer to him. He said nothing and both continued to board the plane.

It took a lot longer to find their seats than he wanted, that was for sure. She looked back at him with questioning eyes, silently wondering if he wanted the window-seat. He shook his head and nodded for her to go in first, a decision he would later regret just a little bit. She obeyed, scooting in and situating herself as she sat down and smoothed out her coat a little bit.

He followed, sitting next to her silently. Once again, neither said anything and he stole a glance at her as she stared at the ground, her shoulders tucked in nervously as she twirled one lock of hair around her fingers. He leaned his elbow on the armrest and rested his chin in his hand just as a stocky older gentleman checked the seat number and sat in the seat beside him.

His brown eyes hit the floor before glancing at her again. He gritted his teeth, swallowed lightly, and growled as his gaze lingered on her face a little too long, jerking his head away from her. Finally, she sighed and spoke up, "Narumi-san, I—"

She was cut off by the loudspeaker as the pilot instructed the passengers to put on seatbelts. With a sigh she went silent again and stared out the window until her eyelids started to droop.

Ayumu would occasionally look over as the young girl slowly drifted off to sleep, occasionally falling into a sleepy grunt or mumble. After a little while she began to get restless and shift around, trying to get more comfortable. Still unsatisfied, she turned around and fumbled about for something to lean on in his direction. He leaned his right arm on the armrest between them as she clutched at his arm, clinging to it and nuzzling her face into his shoulder, clearly still asleep.

The older gentleman cleared his throat lowly and began to speak, "So, son, where are you and yer lil' lady headed?"

Trying to avoid the urge to glare at him, Ayumu shook his head, "We're not—"

"Aww, now don't go trying to deny it, me boy. I may not see like I use ta, but I ain't that blind."

Ayumu just shook his head. This old man was spouting nonsense. Nonsense that was really the last thing he wanted to think about.

After a while, the old man slumped in his chair and snored lightly. Ayumu took the time to organize his thoughts of the last couple days, excluding the parts that were completely unnecessary at the moment.

It was the day after they had escaped the fair. Destrier was eating breakfast at the table while Flynn and Jack made a point to talk to him. Flynn shoved two tickets in his face, and all of them spoke quietly, "Narumi, these are two plane tickets. Use them to get out of here."

Ayumu raised an eyebrow, to which Jack sighed in response, "It's not safe for you here anymore, but you can't go back to Japan. You hafta take the lady and go."

Destrier spoke lowly from the kitchen table, swallowing a piece of toast, "The Hunters are on the move."

The brunet frowned and took the tickets as Flynn leaned forward, whispering at this point, "Be careful, Narumi. There are those out there who would rather have your noggin on a platter than help you out. Don't trust anyone unless they mention the Savior Project."

"Savior Project?"

Flynn interjected, "You'll find out more later, but if you want Hiyono safe, you have to trust us on this."

"We have a contact up there. If you go meet up 'em now, you should have a safe haven for another couple weeks until we can figure out what to do." Jack continued.

He sighed and glanced down at the woman on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and shook his head, stopping one of the stewards and asking her for a pillow. When she returned, he took the pillow and lifted Hiyono's head from his shoulder, prying his arm out of her grasp and laying the pillow on the arm of the chair for her to rest on.

So now he was destined for another nightmare in order to find one person with a limited description that may or may not be there so he could seek shelter from something that may or may not still be a threat to him. Lovely.

Going into the middle of nowhere again, just to hide away like a rat in the attic. It was crazy and he hated it.

Yes, this one was rather uneventful, but hang in there for me. My GREATEST thanks so much to those who read and reviewed Kiss the Cook, you guys are so awesome! Take care, my friends. Lord bless, I'm praying for you! Mind you, I may be a little late on chapters this time as well, but I'm going to try my best. Forgive me that it's so late.

Preview: When the two teens finally arrive at their destination, the next most difficult step is trying to find their contact with the little bit of information that they were given. However, when the Hunters manage to get a piece of crucial information, finding the right contact in time becomes detrimental. Meanwhile, Ayumu becomes increasingly distant and uncooperative. And with all communications with the other Blade Children cut off, Ayumu begins to feel as if he's stepped into another horrendous nightmare. But how will they survive when they have no idea who to trust?