Lemony: Oh my sweet Gherkins, long time now see Nin-Ni my love.

Nin-Ni Chan: Lemony we're best friends right? Can I ask you something?

Lemony: Of course, Nin-Ni Chan.

Nin-Ni Chan: What is a 'Gherkin'?

Lesson's of Lust

Pairing: Momo and Aizen

"Ms. Hinamori." Aizen said sternly glowering down at the small girl in the third row of his classroom. Momo turned and tried to put on an innocent face but Aizen wasn't buying it.

"Pay attention." He said his tone icy cold as he turned back to the board and began to scribble with the dry erase marker screeching. Everyone in class winced at how cruelly he was treating the maker.

Sosuke Aizen was a teacher.

He taught junior year Civics, nothing more than the study of government. What he really taught was "how to be a political extremist"

The brunette turned on his heels when he heard a cellphone go off. Aizen's eyebrows furrowed into a tight scowl when he saw Momo trying to silence it. In one quick stride he stood in front of her desk with his hand out.

"Sorry..." Momo said innocently as she slid the now silenced phone into his hand.

"Sure you are." He replied coldly as he walked back to his desk and placed the phone in one of the drawers and slammed it. The entire class leapt in their seats at the loud sound.

"What is his malfunction?" Rukia whispered to Momo who shrugged,

"He's on his period." Hichigo chuckled, the two girl couldn't help but giggle.

For the past few weeks Aizen had been a foul mood. This sudden swing seemed to happen right around the time Momo and Toshiro made it clear to the student body that they were dating.

When Aizen caught wind of this he didn't know how to respond. He would see the two together hand and hand, walking to class. And just being...happy. He would watch enraged at the lustful expression Toshiro held when they were together.

He would love to wipe it right of his face.

Better yet, Aizen would rather wipe that white-haired midget off the face of the earth!

Once he looked out of his classroom window and saw them kiss. Aizen gritted his teeth so hard they nearly cracked.

Sosuke Aizen had no goddamn idea when he started having feelings for his student but he knew they were there. This wasn't love by any means, this was lust, desire, animalistic attraction and nothing more.

When ever he saw Momo walking his eyes would linger until he was forced to tear himself away. She was a beautiful young lady who could have her choice of men, Izuru and Toshiro nearly came to blows over the damned girl.

It killed Aizen on the inside to know that he could have her, but didn't have a way to get to her.

He tried concentrating on lesson instead of the object of his lust staring a hole into the back of his head. Momo scowled at Aizen so hard her face hurt, she hated when teachers took her phone! Now she would have to wait until after school to get it!

Toshiro had been sitting next to Momo undressing her with his eyes. Toshiro's normally cold eyes were burning with lust. His gaze raked up and down her small frame wishing he could rip her school skirt from her body. Toshiro unconsciously licked his lips.

Aizen turned around at the perfect moment to see Toshiro eyeing his Momo, he nearly snapped the marker in half.

"Mr. Hitsugaya." Aizen said trying to keep the acid in his tone from spilling into the command, Toshiro whipped his head to the front of the class.

"Pay attention!" Aizen said a bit snappish, Toshiro recoiled and kept his eyes to the front. Once Aizen finished his lesson he explained to the class that all they had to do for the rest of the period was read the next chapter in their booklets. He sat behind his desk and tried to focus on anything but Momo, he began to ruthlessly grade papers.

He looked up when he heard a small whimper, Aizen scanned the quiet classroom to see who made the sound. His brown eyes came to rest on Momo who was giggling and blushing furiously. Aizen then looked at Toshiro who was giving Momo a devilish smirk. The brunette presued his lips, he pretended to look down at papers his eyes hooded by his scholarly bangs. He watched to see what the hell to the two were doing…

Toshiro playfully let his fingers glide over Momo's sides just barely grazing her modest breast. Momo would flinch and then cover her mouth with a giggle. The white-haired boy shot her a coquettish grin. He repeated this action making Momo giggle and whimper,

Aizen watched the display with his chest inflating in rage…Toshiro was touching what belonged to him.

Finally Aizen just lost it.

"MS. HINAMORI!" He roared cringing slightly as stood and made his way to the front of the class, the entire class nearly jumped out the fucking window when they heard Aizen holler. Everyone looked at him as if he lost his damn mind, Aizen was one of the calmest teachers in the entire school and now he was suddenly freaking the fuck out.

Momo looked at Aizen scared for her life. He just yelled like DMX (Lemony: I'd be scared too)

"Detention…" Aizen seethed thru gritted teeth, his hateful gaze turned to Toshiro who looked at him with a quirked eyebrow.

"Get out of my classroom, Mr. Hitsugaya." He said letting his rage slip through his words. Toshiro scowled but quietly gathered his things and left, brushing past Aizen. The brunette's muscles tensed as Toshiro walked pasted him, he had to fight the urge to punch the boy in the throat.

For the rest of the class period Aizen watched Momo with a quirked eyebrow and a glare that would make Satan cringe.

~After School~

Aizen had been in classroom after the final bell rang, he rubbed his temples out of frustration. He thought back to the way he yelled at Momo, there was no doubt in his mind it had gotten around school.

Rumors travel fast.

He looked around his empty classroom and the image of Toshiro touching Momo shot back to him. Aizen scowled immediately.

Then he heard a soft knock at the classroom door, Aizen looked to his right and saw Momo cautiously peeking her head inside.

"Mr. Aizen?" She said softly, Aizen's eyes flickered up to her and his expression immediately darkened.

"Come in and take a seat, you and I need to have a little chat." He said coldly, Momo felt her stomach drop at how he addressed her. Sullenly she took a seat in the front row and looked at Aizen expectantly.

Aizen stood and began to pace the front of the classroom trying to think of what to say or do. He looked up at Momo and shook his head before he continued pacing. Momo swallowed hard with tears welling her eyes, she was rarely ever in trouble and she couldn't think of anything else to do.

"I'm sorry!" Momo finally blurted out, Aizen stopped pacing and approached the desk he leaned down and clasped his hands around the corners of it. Aizen removed his glasses and swept his hair back leaving one stubborn bang between his eyes. Momo looked at him, he looked completely different.

He looked damn good. (Lemony: I a bad-boy sense)

"You are not sorry," He growled, Momo sank down in her chair as he leaned in closer. "If you were, you wouldn't have been disrupting my class with that…that…clown!"

"But Mr. Aizen-"

"Hush. I'm not finished. I see you parade around with that idiot every minute of every day. Do you really think it necessary to let him touch in my class. In front of me…" Aizen seethed down at the frightened girl, he was so angry he couldn't control himself. Had this been any other woman Aizen wouldn't have cared less, but just seeing Momo with another man beside himself…

"Are you fucking him?" Aizen finally asked out of searing rage, Momo's eyes went impossibly wide for three reasons: One, he just cussed at her. Two, he was PISSED. Three, he just asked a very personal question.

Momo trembled furiously as she sank down further in the chair, she practically on the floor when Aizen grabbed both her shoulders and hoisted her back into the chair.

"Answer me…" Aizen seethed lowly,

"We…we…once…" Momo stammered, Aizen's head dropped between his shoulders. He took a step back from the desk and looked at Momo with his expression unreadable.

"Momo, tell me the truth, did you like it?" Aizen asked as softly as he could, Momo shrugged nervously.

"It was kinda-" Momo caught herself when she realized what she was about to say. She was about to tell her Civics teacher about her sex-life! This was not appropriate at all! Momo looked at everything but Aizen.

"Momo," Aizen said in an attempt to coax an answer out of the nervous girl,

"It was kinda rushed," Momo said practically whispering,

"What do you think sex with me would be like?" Aizen said approaching the desk once more, Momo nearly had a damn heart attack.

What the fuck kind of question was that?

"I don't know," Momo said in a small voice, Aizen smirked.

"Your about to find out," He purred, "You said you were sorry for disrupting my class. A simple apology isn't going to sate my need for…proper retribution."

Momo sat in her desk frozen. For the longest time she had fantasized about her teacher, but never once knew he…he was like this! She only agreed to go out with Toshiro because he could satisfy her carnal needs, but she always pretended he was Aizen. Momo couldn't count how many times she had lay awake a night trying to pleasure herself murmuring Aizen's name…

And now here she was…

Completely at his mercy.

Momo smirked and looked up Aizen who returned the smirk. She stood up from the desk,

"What will sate your need, Mr. Aizen?" She said her words coated in mirth, Aizen had to think about this for a moment.

Did the little minx just turn the tables?

She did!

Aizen felt himself hardening at the coquettish look Momo was giving him, he nearly tackled the small girl when she licked her lips and let a small hum escape her lips.

"Momo," Aizen said closing the small distance between them, "Do you know your ABC's?"


A better question would be WTF?

"ABC's?" Momo repeated, Aizen nodded.

"A is for Aizen, I will be the only man you'll ever need from now on."

Momo couldn't hold back a giggle, Aizen glared at her heatedly. He snagged her around the waist and pulled her closer, the younger woman let out a yelp at the swift movement.

"B is for breasts, because I am a breast man." Aizen growled letting his hands run up her sides and stop to cup her blossoming bosom. Momo jumped into his embrace when she felt her mounds being kneaded and squeezed, Aizen was looking down at her body licking his lips at how wonderfully it was filling out for such a young girl. He palmed and teased her flesh through her shirt and bra, he felt her nipples press against his fingers.

"C is for cumming, which is exactly what you'll be doing momentarily," Aizen said as he crashed his lips into hers. He pulled Momo into devastating kiss, determined to wipe all memory from Toshiro in one quick action. Aizen forcibly parted her lips and let his tongue slip between the puckered flesh.

Momo Hinamori never imagined her day would take a turn such as this. In all honesty, she admired Aizen and thought he was very attractive man, but never once did she think he would give her the time of day in clock shop about romantisim.

Oh how wrong she was.

Aizen was stroking her mouth into ecstasy his tongue was her master now and her mouth was its willing slave. Momo moaned into the silk careeses of the supple muscle, Aizen smirked into the kiss. Finally the two broke the kiss and just stared at each other,

Aizen's expression was unreadable, but his eyes held all the emotion he needed at the moment.

Momo was sloe-eyed and very, very aroused.

She was so aroused, she could have gotten hit with a brick and she would jeezed in her skirt.

"Now the only letter you need to be worried about now…" Aizen said reaching beneath Momo's school skirt and hooking his fingers around the waist band of her soaked panties.

"Is V." He finished practically tearing them off, Momo flinched slightly when she felt cold air whoosh to her heat.

"The letter V?" Momo repeated, Aizen nodded devilishly. Before Momo could even register what was happening, Aizen had picked her up and sat her on the desk. He was standing between her spread legs with his pants-covered hardness brushing against her hot core.

The brunette brought his hands to his pants and began to undo them. He took his dear old sweet time while Momo looked at him, her eyes pleading. He smirked once he finally got them open. He kept his eyes locked on Momo's face while she keep her eye locked on the horrible tent threatening to pop out and knock her off the desk. Aizen grasped his length, the moment Momo saw it she nearly passed out. Aizen caught her before she could slip off the desk.

"Careful," He said not really meaning it, he was tired of waiting, tired of teasing…

This was going to happen now.

He was going to make Momo his!

Aizen pressed his full, throbbing erection to Momo's hot flesh. He bit his lip once the tip of his manhood came into contact with her maidenhood. Momo was going to die if didn't do something soon. Without warning, Aizen grabbed both her legs by the crook of her knee and spread her wide, placing her ankles on his shoulders. Momo's legs looked like the letter V.

He then wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her there. Aizen began to glide upward burying his rigid shaft into her pulsating walls of pleasure. Momo stiffened when she felt him enter her, she felt her legs quiver from being held so awkwardly. But it felt amazing wonderful to be so full. Toshiro obviously had nothing on Aizen.

"Can Toshiro make you quiver like I can?" Aizen said driving into her one fast time, Momo yelped as pleasure rocket up her spine. Aizen smirked down at her when he didn't receive an answer.

"Answer…me….when…I'm…talking…to…you!" Aizen growled lustfully accenting each word with a hard thrust from his aching member. He stopped when Momo's mouth formed a small o.

"Speechless?" He purred, Momo didn't hear him. She was totally oblivious to anything but him throbbing inside her molten walls. His girth split her flesh and make her shudder helplessly in his embrace.

Without uttering another word, Aizen drove deeply into her loving the feel of her silky walls grab him and tighten around his member. Momo was unable to move because the V shape her legs were in, and with Aizen's arms wrapped around her she couldn't do anything.

She was powerless against him.

Momo gasped brokenly as Aizen continue to embed himself inside her, marking her as his. Aizen surged his body and thru it into overdrive when he heard Momo cry out.

"Mr. Aizen!" She cried, her inner muscles convulsing,

"Wrong…" Aizen said slamming into her with abandon,

"Sosuke! Oh God!" Momo panted as he twisted his hips, corkscrewing within her heat and pumping against everything at once.

Aizen didn't give a damn. He was determined to knock her kidneys out of place.

Aizen was bucking into Momo delving deeper, going faster, and moving harder. He delving and immersing himself within her warmth.

Then it happened.

"Oh my God!" Momo cried helplessly into his chest, biting down on his shirt collar to keep from screaming. Her heat exploded with a flood of juices, drowning Aizen's cock. Her delicate softness convulsed and pulstated, Momo shuddered as her body rode waves of intolerable pleasure.

Aizen's head snapped back in pleasure once his lions began to tremble and he came, his own body riding wild, wonderful waves of sheer bliss.

The two stay there a moment just panting. Momo could no longer feel her legs, they had fallen asleep during that little…moment. Aizen's expression was still unreadable as he untangled Momo's legs. Momo straightened herself the best she could with her entire body covered in a delicious ache.

"Dentention is over, Momo. You can go home."


Aizen hadn't forgot about his moment with Momo, but he did kick himself in the head for it. How had he lost all control? He was in his first period class just letting the students work.

"Did you hear?" She heard a group of girls say, "Momo broke up with Toshiro."

The group of giggling girls gasped (Lemony: Try saying that five times fast).

"Why?" He heard another ask,

"She said she needed to focus on her studies, especially in this class."

Aizen nearly keeled over.

So his moment of weakness, the moment his calculating reserve was dropped, was the exact moment Momo fell for him.

He smirked behind his glasses.

Aizen made a mental note to give Momo dentention later…

THE END! (position practiced: V is for Vixen)

Lemony: You know, that's a good question. What is a Gherkin? *Scratches head* *shrugs*

Nin-Ni Chan: Idk, I thought you knew.

Lemony: Oh well, wanna order pizza?

Nin-Ni Chan: Of course!

Lemony: Alrighty…ATTENTION ALL READERS! I will take requests for these one-shots, so feel free to ask. One thing though, no yoai, no yuri in these requests please...REVIEW!