Disclaimer: All the Twilight stuff belongs to Stephanie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.

I would like to thank a TeamAllTwilight and ajr818 foe their help.

The story behind them

Edward 19: Last year of school, bad boy. Adopted into a big family, siblings are: Emmet 19 and Alice 18. Parents are Carlisle and Emse Cullen. Carlisle's sister Elizabeth and her husband Edward Masen are his biological parents. There was an attack on the family home, leaving Edward an orphan at age six. Due to the brutality of the attack Edward was unable to start school till he was seven.

He owns a Harley Davidson and a Volvo. He is not a player, and doesn't do one night stands. He only dates girls who are in college, and never for longer than six months. He is a patient and giving lover, but has some Dom tendencies. He is smart and does well in school. He smokes and drinks, but doesn't do drugs. He loves music, and finds peace in the melodies and lyrics. He still goes to a therapist for what happen to his family. He is a multi-millionaire, all inherited from his parent's estate. At school he doesn't talk much, mainly only with Alice and jasper. He hates bullies and gets into fights sticking up for the weak students. Most students are scared of him because he is quick tempered. He gets blamed for things he hasn't done, and often is used as the scapegoat. He finds Bella easy to get along with and pretty. He rarely talks to Bella. He knows very little about Bella, other than she moved to Forks five years ago. Bella was attacked last fall. She came to school black and blue, but did not tell anyone what had happened.

Bella 17: Starting her senior year of high school. She lives with her grandpa Charlie, and has since she was twelve. Her father was Phil Dyer, a famous baseball player. Phil died when Bella was eight in a car accident. Bella was also in the car accident, they were hit by a truck during a bad storm. The car went into the river after being hit. Phil was injured badly, but managed to save Bella. After Bella was safe, Phil got taken by the under current and drowned. Bella is afraid of water, and has never learned to swim. Bella also has a natural fear of storms, and will not get into a vehicle during a storm. Renee Swan is Bella's mom. Renee and Phil were never married, so Bella has Renee's last name. Renee was never much of a mother to Bella, she was emotionally abusive. Renee never showed any emotions other than negativity toward Bella. Love was a word Bella only heard from Charlie and Phil. Renee hated parenting so much she lied to get Bella into school a year early, when the school discovered the truth they kept Bella in the same class because she was academically there. Socially Bella is still shy, and quiet. Forks high school accommodated Bella's advanced learning for her age. When Phil found out about the neglect, and took Bella away from Renee was the night of the accident. Renee blamed Bella for the crash, and death of her father. Renee never even allowed Bella to attend her father's funeral. Shortly after Phil's death, Renee began to physically abuse Bella. Renee's dad Charlie came for Bella's twelfth birthday and found out about the abuse. Charlie had Renee arrested, and the state placed custody of Bella in his care. Charlie has friends that come by every weekend to play poker they have become like extended family to Charlie and Bella. Jacob or Jake, is Charlie's friend Billy's son and he is one year older than Bella. Jacob has tried many times to befriend Bella, and keeps asking her out. Bella is not interested in dating Jacob, and tried to stay away from him much as she can. Over the past five years that Bella has known Jacob he has became more aggressive. Jacob tends to pick on kids at school, and seems to have no control of his temper. Bella found out that Jake has been taking steroids, which he got from his football coach. Jacob was part of the attack on Bella, she fears him.