Sealand cuddled closer into his 'mama'. He had just awoken, but he didn't feel like moving quite yet.

Finland was rubbing his back absentmindedly, humming a little lullaby. Sealand loved it when Finland did so, loved it when all of his attention was for him.

He was still half asleep, but he heard Sweden come in, murmuring softly. Finland answered, and after a few minutes, Finland asked,

"Sealand, are you awake?" Sealand didn't answer, just cuddled closer. Sweden was always the one to be able to tell if Sealand was faking, but Sealand was hoping to be let off, at least this once. Please, Papa, please. Sealand silently prayed. Just let me be with Mama for a few more moments.

But instead of mentioning the fact that he was awake, Sweden just leaned forward, his warmth covering Sealand. He heard a tiny appreciative noise from Mama, but thought nothing of it. After a few seconds, Sweden murmured affectionately and picked him up.

Sealand was mildly surprised, but he didn't flinch, just continued his calm breathing.

He felt himself be placed gently upon his bed, but he didn't mind, Hanatamago was curled into his bed, and it was sufficiently warm, but it wasn't like being curled onto Finland.

He felt Finland kiss his forehead, and Sweden kiss him after, but he froze a little as Sweden whispered,

"Gettin' t' old for this, kid. Love ya." But Papa didn't speak again as they tucked the blankies in as warm as possible and left the hall light on and closed his door with a crack to let in some light.

And Sealand thanked whoever was out there for giving him Finland, and Sweden, and Hanatamago, even though she was just a dog. And he thanked whom it may concern (he'd heard jerk England say it when he was writing an important letter, and explained the meaning to him. It made Sealand feel important) he thanked them for his friends, for Seychelles, and super especially for Latvia, and even for jerk England, because he was nice sometimes, even if he wouldn't let him be a real nation. And last, but not least, he thanked them for all the other nations who lived in this world, because they were nice sometimes, even if they were dying of UST (the meaning was unknown to Sealand, but he heard Ms. Hungary say it a lot, so it must be ok). He was thankful, he decided, for everything.

~Authour's Note~

So, hi! Anyway, I wrote this story like I write most of my stories, totally randomly. I was inspired by a photo I saw with something like this involved. I'm so excited they got fan fiction updates fixed; I'm taking advantage of this now, thank goodness! Reviews are appreciated, and I hope you have a lovely day!

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