Sinnoh Journey with Roses Chapter 1

Hello! Anyways, this is the first chapter to this fanfic! I hope that you guys will like it! It will be starring May and Drew from the Hoenn region! Well, on with the first Chapter! Sorry if this sucks, but please, read and REVIEW! Please?

Disclaimer: Never was, never will be… *sigh* so depressed…

Reviews are like chocolate to a girl, she can never have enough :)

"Oh no! I'll be late!" May sighed she never seemed to be able to be on time.

"May! You'll be late, honey!" May's mother, Caroline called.

"I know, mother, coming!" May was leaving for the Sinnoh league. She planned to enter the contests in the region. With a final air, she zipped her backpack and put it on while racing down the stairs.

"Hey May!" Max, May's little brother ran up to her. "Are you ready to go?"

"Nearly, I was just thinking of eating some lunch before leaving."

Max sighed, "Do you always think of your stomach before everything?"

"Max! You make me sound like a pig! Besides, I don't think of it before everything! I think of my pokémon and pokémon contests, too!"

The siblings entered the kitchen, seeing their mother bustle around carrying plates that were piled with food. "Oh, May! Max! Come here, I wanted May to eat with us before she left!" At this, Caroline sobered up slightly.

"Don't worry, mother! I'll be fine! At least I have my pokémon!" May said as she dug into the sandwiches that Caroline had made. "But, mother, I'll miss your cooking SO much!"

Max and Caroline burst into giggles at the huge understatement. May loved Caroline's cooking too much for that sentence to be valid.

"Oh yeah, May, are you sure that you're okay with travelling alone?" Max asked. He wouldn't admit it, but he was really worried about his sister.

He wouldn't be able to stay with her because of the fact that he was almost ten years old, and he wished to travel the Hoenn region on the quest to become a pokémon master, just like Ash had influenced him. During his travels with Ash, Max had met a ralts, one that he had vowed to return to and make his own pokémon.

"I'll be fine, Max, don't worry!"

"I agree with Max, you shouldn't be alone!" Caroline's worry was that of a mother's. She loved her daughter dearly and wished that people like Ash or Brock or Max would be there with her. She had watched over her daughter for a long time and realized that May needed someone to take care of her. She just hoped that May's pokémon would be able to take over for her friends.

"Mother! I'm sixteen already! I'll be fine!"

"Oh, very well, May, just protect yourself, honey."

"Thanks, mom!" With that, the rest of their lunch passed rather peacefully and the conversation passed smoothly.

Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here!

May and Max headed for the harbour (A/N: Does Petalburg City even HAVE a harbour? I didn't really do research on it…if it doesn't, too bad!). Max was going to see May off when she left on the boat to Sinnoh.

"Hey, May?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Um, well, I have several things to give you." Max looked at his sister as May looked back with gratitude in her eyes. Truthfully, May didn't want to leave Hoenn at all, but she wanted to become the best coordinator and she wanted to see more of the world. So, she planned to leave Hoenn.

Max opened his backpack and searched for the things. Finally satisfied, he put the items on the top and took one thing in his hands. He zipped up the backpack with a secretive air afterwards. May curiously looked at the item and saw a book.

"May, this is a book of all I've gathered on useful tips you might need for your travels. I've taken notes on specific pokémon and even put some pictures to show you some really strong examples from the people we've met."

"Aw, thanks, Max!"

"Wait! That's not it! It's got a catalogue of berries that we've encountered and basic notes on berries that I've never seen. That should come in useful. Hm… let's see. There's also tips to stay safe, how to take care of yourself, a detailed map and a list of contact numbers for help."

May didn't like the part about taking care of herself, but she knew that Max didn't do it to annoy her. He spent a lot of time on it. She could tell from the detailed drawings of various berries, pokémon and of the whole area.

With that, Max handed the book to her and May treasured it, putting it in a safe place in her backpack. Max reached in his backpack and took out an odd item. It looked like a pokedex, but it wasn't.

"What is it, Max?"

"Well, you see, I didn't think that the regular pokedexes are good enough, so I designed my own with Dad's help. It's a lot more high tech and you can exchange pokémon just by pressing the button and contacting pokémon centres. There's also the phoning function, so you won't have to find phones as you travel."

"That's amazing, Max! I never knew that you were such a great engineer! Thanks!"

Max blushed slightly at the praise that was rare, as they were siblings and they were often found at each other's necks. Max reached inside yet again and took another item. Curiously enough, it was a pokeball.

"Um, Max, aren't you not allowed pokémon yet? You aren't even ten yet!" (A/N: I know he's supposed to be older, but just bear with me, will 'ya?)

"Come on, May, did you really think that it's mine? I had Dad catch it so that I could give it to you!" With that, Max handed her the pokeball. "Open it!"

May pressed the white button in the middle of the pokeball and a burst of white came out. May patiently waited for the pokémon to form and was greeted by a cute little dratini. "Dra, Dratini!"

"Aw, it's so cute! Is it a she? I can't wait to train it!"

"Yep, it's a girl! I hoped that you would like it! Return her to her pokeball, I have one last thing to give you."

Dratini stayed still as her new trainer returned her to her pokeball. Dratini decided that she liked May. Having a dratini on your side is always good; they're loyal pokémon and are willing to risk everything for their trainers.

"Max, I don't know how to thank you!" With that, May hugged her little brother. It was such a heartwarming scene.

"Don't worry about it, May. Just stay safe and tell me about your adventures when you come back."

"Okay, Max, you can be sure to hear a lot about Sinnoh when I'm back!" May grinned and Max gave her a grin of equal happiness. The siblings may not look like it, but they were extremely close and would do anything to help the other. It was truly a beautiful sibling relationship.

Max took out the last item from his bag. It was a card. "May, this is a card that I got from Professor Rowan. It enables you to receive your own starter pokémon for Sinnoh! Don't lose it, though, I tried so hard to get it! You can bring two other people with you to choose. Maybe, you can meet friends and you won't be alone. " May sighed, not even wanting to know what her brother had done to acquire the card.

On the card, May saw three pokémon, they were piplup, turtwig, and chimchar. They all looked cute and she didn't know which one to pick.

May zipped up her backpack, now filled with the stuff that her brother had given her. "Thanks, Max, I'll miss you!" As if on cue, a horn sounded, signaling to the humans that it was time to board the cruise ship to Sinnoh.

Max gave his sister a quick hug and even a few tears seemed to appear in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away and gave May a big smile. "Good luck May!" he called.

May grinned, "You too, Max! Good luck on your journey when you leave!" With that, she walked aboard the big cruise, looking for her name and room number. She wiped a tear from her eye as she thought of how she would miss her little brother. She wished that she wasn't alone on her journey and that someone would be travelling with her.

Last time, travelling with Ash, Brock and Max had been so much fun. She sighed as she reached her room, number 169.

Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here!

May was going to share her room with another girl. The mysterious girl hadn't appeared yet, so May dropped her stuff on the table and plopped down on one of the beds.

As she looked at the ceiling, she heard someone swiping the room key of her door and the door opened. The person was humming a tune that May didn't know. May sat up and said, "Hello, I'm May Maple, I'm your roommate for this trip! Pleased to meet you!"

May didn't know what happened, but the next moment, she was caught up in arms that hugged her tightly. "May? It's you? You're gong to Sinnoh too? That's great!" May finally removed herself from the embrace and took a look a look at her roommate.

She saw a woman with pink-orange hair. "Solidad?"

"Of course, May!"

Solidad was a close friend of May's. Their friendship had blossomed and Solidad was like her close friend that took place of her mother sometimes. This was due to Solidad's mothering personality and she forced May to accept her by ignoring May's protests.

"This is great, Solidad! We can have so much fun together! Are you travelling alone or with someone?"

Solidad giggled and May wondered what happened, but her question was quickly answered. "Well, I was alone, but I ran into Harley as I got on the boat, and we started talking. Well, he was alone, too, so I asked him whether he wanted to join me on my journey." It was so obvious that Solidad liked Harley that it was painful. May could see why she was so happy about the journey.

"Harley's here too?" May smiled, before, there had been several misunderstandings between the two of them, but lately, May could sense some friendship being returned from Harley. She was friendly, and in turn, friendship blossomed.

"Yep! Oh, you know what? I changed my mind, and now, I'm planning to train to be a pokémon breeder. I finally learned how they help pokémon and I decided that it would be the right choice for me. Now, I'm travelling to meet more pokémon and to learn more about them."

"That's great! I can't wait to see how you'll end up with it! I'm still competing to be the best coordinator alive!"

"Haha, oh, that's nice, May! I can't wait to see you! Oh, so, are you travelling in a group again?"

May's smile faltered slightly at the question. "Erm… Well, you see, I wanted, to, but there just wasn't anyone that wanted to go to Sinnoh, either. So, now, I'm alone." (A/N: In this story, Ash is somewhere else, anywhere but Sinnoh, okay?)

"Oh, well, that sucks." Solidad responded, but she had a thoughtful look on her face. "Hey, May, I think I'm going to find Harley now, okay?"

"Sure, do what you want, but if you didn't mind. Could I go with you to find Harley? I want to meet him again. It's been so long since we've seen one another."

Solidad smiled, "Sure, why not!" With that, they walked together out of their room and over to Harley's room. Solidad knew the way and led May along. Solidad, being the responsible person she is, had already memorized the flooring plan of the cruise and is able to navigate her way fairly easily.

Finally, they stopped at room 679. May was about to ring the doorbell when a huge crash resounded from inside the room and arguing could be heard. May looked at Solidad, wondering whether or not she should still open the door. Solidad nodded her approval and May pressed the button.

More arguing came from within the room and a ruffled Harley came out. "Hey Gingerbread, hey hon." Gingerbread was a nickname that Harley had given May, who didn't know where it came from. She grimaced.

"Hey Harley! What's going on? We heard a crash and lots of shouting…" Solidad asked.

Harley opened the door wide and stepped aside for them to enter. "Look for yourself."

Half of the room was a complete mess but the other half was as neat as a room gets. There seemed to be an invisible line between the half with the stuff and the neat half. Finally, a head of green looked up from the bed. "Harley, who did you invite in here this time?" an annoyed voice drawled from the bed.

"DREW!" Solidad and May said in unison.

"The one and only." With that, Drew flipped his hair in the same way that everyone remembered. "Wait, how did you know my name?" Drew still hadn't paid any attention to the visitors, thinking that any friends of Harleys weren't worth his time. Finally, he glanced at them and he stared in shock. "Solidad? May? Why are you here?"

May walked up to him, already annoyed at his attitude. "Drew, we're here because we're going to Sinnoh by getting on this boat. Isn't that obvious? Besides, who did you expect, your fan girls? Or dorky friends of Harley's?" At that, Harley humphed, obviously unhappy at the comment. May sent him an apologetic look and he calmed down.

"Well, actually, I was expecting his friends." At that, he flipped his hair again and smiled, showing perfect white teeth.

Drew was acting the gentleman, though May would never agree. The two teenagers argued about flicking hair and manners as Solidad looked towards Harley.

"Wow, May and Drew really don't mix well, hunh?"

"Hon, it may not seem like it, but I think that they're actually in love, they just refuse to admit it."

"Maybe, anyways, I have more important matters to talk to you about. Do you think that May could join our group? I mean, she's my roommate and we were talking. She's so sad because she's alone for her travels. Apparently, she couldn't find anyone that was willing to go with her."

"What? You mean no one would go with such a sweet girl? It's the apocalypse or something! Of course she can join us! I couldn't let my little Gingerbread get hurt by herself, right?"

Solidad looked skeptical at this. "You know, she's sixteen, not six years old…"

"I know, but she's MAY! It just goes without thinking that she needs someone to take care of her."

Solidad sighed and said, "Let's just tell May the good news." Harley nodded and bounded to where May and Drew had erupted into an enormous debate about whether dogs or cats were cuter. (A/N: don't even ask about how I got the idea…)

"Hey Gingerbread! Guess what?" Harley looked at the two of them, but both of them stared blankly at him. "Come on, guess!"

May tried first. "You're dating Solidad?" This caused Solidad to blush a deep red, though it was unnoticed by Harley.


Drew took a stab at it. "You've decided to commit suicide to spare me the trouble of killing you?" Harley looked horrified at the joke. Drew had a smirk on his face and was chuckling to himself quietly.

"Well, to save the suspense… MAY, YOU'RE JOINING US ON OUR JOURNEY!" With that, he hugged May tightly, but she was too happy to care. She finally wasn't going to be alone! Drew, on the other hand, growled under his breath. For some reason, seeing Harley hug May made him uncomfortable.

Drew roughly pushed Harley off of May. "What's wrong, lover boy? Can't stand your girlfriend being hugged?" Harley questioned.

Both Drew and May blushed, but anger got a hold of Drew. He glared at Harley and said, "No such thing. I just wanted to make sure that you wouldn't strangle May before I beat her again at the grand festival."

"Hey! Drew! You know that I'll win! Don't be so smug! Just because you won against me last time doesn't mean that you'll win again! You were just lucky!" May argued.

Solidad came in, silencing them and said, "May, I'm just glad that you're going to be with us! So, how about we go get back to our room? I'm sure that your parents and brother would love to know that you're travelling with us!"

May's eyes lit up as she thought of how her family would feel. "Okay!" With that, she rushed out of the room, pulling Solidad by the arm with surprising strength leaving a stunned Harley and Drew looking at each other, wondering what had happened.

Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here!

May rushed back to her room and took out the more advanced pokedex that Max had given her. She quickly dialed her home number and a monotonous ringing was heard. Finally, the ringing came to an end and the faces of Norman, Caroline and Max greeted Solidad and May.

"Hey May! How are you doing?" May's family inquired.

"Hey! I'm fine! Guess what? I'm not travelling alone anymore!"

"What? Oh, that's great, May! I won't be as worried. Wait, who exactly are you travelling with?" Norman asked, being overprotective of his only daughter.

"Oh, I'm going with Solidad and Harley! You see, I bumped into them on the ship and they graciously allowed me to join them when they saw that I didn't want to be alone!"

"That's great, May!" Max said.

"Thanks! You already know each other, right, guys? You've seen each other!"

"Yeah, I remember having a few dinners with her. She's a good person! I'm so glad! That means that you won't have to be all alone!" Caroline said.

"I know, I was actually kind of scared…" At this, Solidad hugged May around the shoulders, making her feel better. May looked at her with gratitude.

"Oh yeah, guess what, mom!"

"What happened?"

"Drew's on the ship, too! How will I spend the two days?" Remembering their argument, anger entered May's eyes.

"May, if Drew's here, you can always practice for contests with him." Max said, being the logical one.

"Wah! No! I don't want to! But then, I guess I could try." May sighed, she didn't know why, but arguments always rose when she was with Drew.

"Okay, dear. Your father and I have to go now! Max has to look after the pokémon so good-bye! Call us whenever you need to!"

"Oh, okay, mom. I'll miss you!" With that, the screen went black as May's family hung up the phone.

"Hey, May, now that that's over, how about eating a bit, shopping and swimming! Do you want to go with me?"

May smiled, "That'd be great, Solidad! Thanks!" With that, they left the room, off to a restaurant.

Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here!

May and Solidad were talking as they walked into the restaurant and they sat down. Solidad had dragged May to this place, saying that the noodles were the best. Just as they sat, the door jingled again and Harley and Drew walked in. May and Solidad didn't notice them, but Harley and Drew did. They pulled up chairs and sat down at the same table.

"Hey! Do you mind if we sit here?" Drew asked.

"Drew, you've already dragged chairs, set up the cutlery and NOW you ask?" May fired.

"It's better than being rude and not asking." Drew said with a flick of his hair.

"Why you-" May had stood up and her hands were on her hips, she accidentally pressed open a pokeball, and out came dratini.

"Dra-dratini!" The happy pokémon leapt into May's arms as she saw her owner. May forgot the argument and laughed, her melodious voice soaring through the air. Dratini squirmed a bit successfully tickling May. She fell to the floor laughing. Ever since May was little, she was extremely ticklish and she would laugh at anything. Now, as a dratini squirmed in her arms, she couldn't resist.

Tears started coming out of her eyes as her friends looked down at her amusedly. "Wah! Th-that's enough! Bwahahah! Pl-please! D-dr-dratini! Stop!" Dratini sensed that her trainer really wanted her to stop, so she did. She stopped moving and May slowly got up.

"You can't even train your pokémon well, May. Dratini is obviously undertrained." Drew said.

May glared at Drew. Dratini, sensing her trainer's anger, looked at the person receiving the glare, Drew. So, she grew offensive and she tackled Drew and ruffled his hair, making it messier than May had ever seen. Dratini hadn't known her trainer for a long time, but she could sense May's love of pokémon and decided that she would be a good trainer. Now, she was very loyal.

May bit her lip to keep from laughing, with no success. Drew's hair was just so funny. She was used to the natural perfection of it and now, it was messed up just like he had gotten out of bed. She was on the floor, rolling around with laughter. Both Solidad and Harley bit their lips to keep from laughing at the two teenagers on the floor, one laughing and the other fighting a dratini. Fortunately, they had more success than May and kept sitting in their chairs.

"Dratini, stop." With her trainer's order, dratini moved away from Drew and over to May.

May still couldn't stop laughing. Drew's hair was still just as messy, if not messier than it had been.

"What's so funny, May?" Drew asked with a growl. May was still laughing like a maniac on the floor with dratini watching her.

"Y-yo-your hair! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" May pointed to his hair as she struggled to stop. Drew walked over to the nearest mirror and smoothed out his hair. Finally satisfied, he stopped and found May still catching her breath, but had stopped laughing.

"Haven't your parents taught you any manners about laughing at people and pointing?" He said with a drawl, annoying May.

"I have manners!" she argued.

"Do not!" he shot back.

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do TOO!"

"Do too!" Drew acted natural.


"See May, you agree with me too." Drew smirked and May realized that she had been tricked. She was just about to reply when Solidad intervened.

"Guys, will you just break it up?" Solidad asked. They both looked down and sat back down properly on their chairs.

"Thank you! Now, let's get something to eat!" With that, the lunch passed like it should have with them ordering things, eating and talking normally, without arguments. They discovered that Solidad was indeed correct and the noodles were amazing! They finished soon after.

"Okay, so let's go shopping!" Apparently, Solidad was even a bigger shopping fan than May, which was hard, but both Harley and Drew decided that they wouldn't join them. So, the group split their ways and as soon as they were done with paying, Solidad literally dragged May out of the store and ran towards the shopping area of the cruise with a squeal.

Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here!

The guys were left alone as Solidad rushed to do some shopping. "So, what do you want to do now, Drew?" Harley asked.

"I'll go back to the room and read a bit. I don't feel like anything."

"Aw, come on, Drewsie, won't you go swimming with me?"

"My name ISN'T Drewsie and NO I won't go swimming. Go yourself."

"What? Come on, please? I promise not to call you Drewsie! We can go in two hours!" Unbeknownst to Drew, Harley was crossing his fingers behind his back. As soon as Drew got in the pool, the nickname would be active once more.

Drew looked suspiciously at Harley, but due to the fact that he wanted to go swimming sometime as well, he nodded his head. Harley jumped up and down with excitement. They walked until they reached their room. As they walked in, Drew looked through his bags and took out a book. It was on contests. Harley, on the other hand said, "I'll take a shower first." And so he did. He walked in and the sound of water could be heard.

Drew finished about five pages when Harley exited the washroom. He was about to flip the page when Harley walked up to him, snatched the book and sat on Drew's bed.

"Get over on your side, Harley. Put on something more than a towel!" At the moment, Harley only had a towel wrapped around his waist, but as his hair was wet, he was getting the bed wet as well.

"Don't be so mean, Drew! I just wanted to be friendly with my roommate!" Harley pouted at this point, making Drew inwardly want to retch.


"Oh, fine, I'll go back into the washroom and get something on, all right?" Harley walked in and locked the door when Drew looked around for his book.


"Yes, Cinnamon bun?" (A/N: it's just a random nickname…)

"DO YOU HAVE MY BOOK? IF YOU DO, YOU'RE DEAD!" Drew was seriously annoyed at the fact that he had yet another annoying nickname and his book wasn't with him. It was in the washroom with Harley. Drew didn't even want to think about what could happen to his book around all the water if it was with Harley.

"Chill, Cinnamon bun! Your book is with me!"

"That's what I'm worried about," Drew muttered. "Harley, give it back!" Drew shouted.

"I will, if you promise to listen to my childhood stories." Drew couldn't care less about his stories, but the book would be useful in training his pokémon for the upcoming contests.

"Fine!" Drew said in an exasperated voice. Harley really wasn't rubbing him the right way.

As if on cue, Harley came out, holding the book. He plopped down on his bed and started with his childhood stories. He started with his birth. "Well, the first chapter of my life! I was born at…" so he continued his birth with excruciating details that bored Drew to no end.

After a solid twenty minutes of just talking about his birth, Harley moved onto his academic life and meeting his pokémon. Then, he started talking about his love life. "Well, you see, I would have to say that my first crush was a little girl named Michelle. We were both four years old at the time; she had such a kind heart and gentle soul. The next would be Mary, I was–"

Drew cut him off, "You actually like girls? What?"

Harley looked offended, "Of course! What did you think! So, back at Mary, we were about seven years old. I saw her at school and I fell in love immediately, but she always liked that Reggie kid. Stupid girl! She had it coming! I played several pranks on her, I gave her spiders and everything."

At this point, Harley started laughing maniacally and Drew shook his head, sympathizing for the poor victim of Harley's evil plans. "Well, hm… after that, I would have to say that my next crush was May. She–"

Drew cut him off, with some anger in his eyes. "You like May?"

"Liked, as in past tense. Remember? In the Hoenn league, I thought she had insulted me, so I had gotten really angry and hated her. I was really mean back then… now, I realize that she didn't mean it, though, but the feelings of me liking her left." Harley smirked, he knew that the two teenagers liked each other, but they just wouldn't acknowledge it. He desperately wanted to see them together.

Drew, on the other hand, zoned out as Harley continued talking. Harley liked May and even though that was in the past, he wasn't sure whether or not he would like her again. Plus, they were travelling companions, too. "Harley, do you think that I could join your travelling group?" he asked. After all, wouldn't it be best to be there for May instead of letting Harley take care of her?

"Hunh?" Harley grabbed Drew by the shoulders. "Where's Drew, where did you take him?"

"Harley, I'm Drew, there's no one impersonating me and this is me talking."

"Really? Are you sure you're not sick then? Why would you want to travel in a group?"

Drew scowled, for some reason he didn't want to say his reasons. So, he ended with, "I want the experience, I've never tried and I want to."

Harley wasn't stupid, he could guess at why Drew was doing this and he inwardly smirked. "Well, that's good! Cinnamon bun is joining us! Well, I'll just have to ask Solidad and May about it, but I'm all for it!"

Drew winced, travelling with Harley had its downs as well as the ups. He wondered briefly whether or not May would want him to travel with them, but he quickly answered his question. Of course May would be all against it, this was her rival and the person that annoyed her twenty-four seven.

"Well, now, Drew, let's head off to the pool! I just can't wait to go!

Drew sighed as he remembered he gave his word to go swim. He stood and got everything needed to swim. Unnoticed by Harley, who was also getting ready, Drew snatched the book and stuffed it into his pack.

Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here!

May and Solidad had been shopping when they saw a really cute shop with swimming suits. "Let's go in! I forgot to bring my swimsuit, so later, we can go swim!" May said.

They literally ran into the shop and started trying on different suits. Finally, they decided and exited, holding onto more bags, adding to the growing amount that they had bought already. "Hey Solidad, I'm kind of tired, do you think that we could return to our room for a moment first? After a short rest, we can go swimming!"

Solidad nodded, not minding at all. "Sure, May! I'm getting kind of tired, too, with all the weight from the bags." May giggled, seeing the amount of stuff that Solidad was holding. They slowly made their way back to the room.

As soon as they arrived, they dropped their stuff on their respective tables and sat down. Solidad was in a chair while May sank with no grace into the fluffy mattress of her bed. May sighed in comfort. The room was truly comfortable for her. The pillows were really comfortable!

"Hey, Solidad?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well, I wanted to ask, how are things going on between you and Harley? Don't try saying you don't like him, 'cause I know you do!"

Solidad blushed, "Well, um, I don't think that he likes me back and nothing's happened." May looked at her with disbelief written all over her face.

"Solidad, do you not see how Harley looks at you? He doesn't know it yet, but I can tell, both of you like each other, a LOT." May smiled.

"Thanks, May. But, instead of just talking just about me, what about you?"

"What about me?" May was puzzled.

"I mean, about you and who you love."

"I only love my family right now, I don't love anyone else."

Frustration emanated from Solidad, she couldn't believe how dense May really was. She sighed, "What about Drew?"

"Him? What? No way! I can barely tolerate him being in the same place as I am in. Besides, I hate him so much. Don't even get me started. Did you see how he flicked his hair today again? It was so annoying I felt like shouting and punching him in the stomach!"

Solidad paled, for some reason, she couldn't get May to admit her love. Quite contrary, she was getting May fired up and ready for another fight.

"Also, his voice! He speaks in the infuriating drawl and he expects us to just listen calmly! How could we? It raises makes me want to send out pokémon and battle him or something."

"Um… May, don't you think that's exaggerating it a bit?"

"Of course not! Honestly, every time I look at his face, all I get is anger!"

"Oh, okay, well, off topic, let's go to the swimming pool. I can't wait to see how it is and what it looks like!"

"Okay, sure!" May replied, but suddenly, she remembered about something that Max had given her before she left Petalburg city. "Solidad, when we reach Sinnoh, would you like to get a starter pokémon? My brother gave me a pass that allows three people to choose the three basic pokémon from the region: piplup, turtwig, and chimchar."

"Hm… that seem nice, but I'm fine. I won't need them; I plan to catch all my pokémon myself. Besides, my team's already quite full from my regular pokémon. Thanks, though. Ask if Harley will want one!"

Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here!

May walked into the change room with Solidad and they changed into their bathing suits. May had chosen a cute one-piece swimsuit in her favourite red. It had some frills on the chest area and was covered in white circles. Solidad was wearing an orange bikini with charmander all over it. It wasn't hard to decipher which pokémon was her favourite. They both looked amazing in their respective swimsuits.

"Let's go!" May said with an excited voice. Solidad laughed at her enthusiasm and was dragged off by the ebullient girl.

As soon as they stepped into the open, a voice called out to them. It was Harley. "Gingerbread! Honey! What are you guys doing here?"

Solidad blushed as she took in Harley. He was wearing swimming trunks that were covered in his favourite pokémon and most trusted friend, cacturn. "What did you think, we're here to swim!" May answered.

Harley innocently sidled over and said, "Of course, well, why don't you swim already?" With that, Harley grabbed May's wrist, ran over to the pool and dropped her in.

She struggled for a bit, not knowing what hit her, but soon, the icy cold of the water woke her up and she swam towards the edge of the pool. "HARLEY!" she exclaimed, slightly winded after the shocking impact with the water.

"Sorry, Gingerbread, I couldn't help myself."

"She's just powerless to defend herself. She was willingly being dragged until she went flying. I, on the other hand would have done much better." Drew sat up from a chair, and flicked his hair, putting down his book. There seemed to be a light blush tinting his cheeks as he looked at May in the water.

"Why in the world are you here, Drew?" May asked. She didn't really mind Harley's little prank of dumping her in the water, but Drew's voice infuriated her in a way that few were able to do.

"Who says I can't be soaking up vitamin D and letting my fan girls see me in my swimming attire?" He retorted.

May snorted. "You? Fan girls? Do you pay them to cheer for you or something?"

"As a matter of fact, I don't, they just adore me." As if on cue, a squeal resounded from the change room and a dozen girls rushed up to them, shouting Drew's name.

Drew paled, even though the fan girls were nice to use in saying that he was more popular, they were hard to fend off. They often smothered him and made him sigh autographs. They annoyed him to no end and gave him no breathing space. As the girls rushed up to Drew, May laughed and started swimming, enjoying herself immensely.

Solidad and Harley, on the other hand, had been surveying the situation the whole time. Their sweat dropped when they realized how the fight had started and ended, with the fan girls.

"Hey, Harley?"

"Yeah, Honey?" Harley responded. Honey was becoming Solidad's nickname, just like Gingerbread was May's and Cinnamon bun was Drew's.

Solidad blushed before continuing. "You know, those two are obviously in love, we should do something to push them past the snail-like pace they're going at."

"I agree entirely! I was just thinking the same thing! Great minds think alike!"

"Okay, so, what's the plan?"

"Well, I've already kind of started with Cinnamon bun. I started talking about my life, and I mentioned that I used to like Gingerbread. You should have seen Drew's jealous face! It was so funny! Well, he got protective and he asked whether or not he could join our group for travelling. I answered yes, but what we're waiting is for approval from you and/or May!"

"That's great! Don't worry, I'll agree, so that will be the majority and even May can't say a thing!" She personally thought that May wouldn't disagree since she was more generous than that, but she didn't mind voting for in.

"Okay, so, what have you done behind the scenes with Gingerbread?"

"Well, I've tried talking to her and asking whether or not she liked anyone, but she either really doesn't acknowledge her feelings or just doesn't like Drew at all."

"It's definitely not the second one, you should have seen the two when they were younger. They would be there for one another when they were in trouble or anything. You know, we could always make up a plan, and get them to just travel with one another rather than with both of us."

"Maybe, we'll have to think about it." Solidad answered.

May noticed the two of them loitering by the edge of the pool talking and thought of an opportunity to get them together. "Hey Solidad, Harley! You should both try out the Jacuzzi! It seems fun! I'll join you later!" As she said this, she winked at Solidad with a knowing looking, causing her to blush, yet Harley was clueless.

The pair left for the Jacuzzi as May had suggested, but both sported various degrees of blushes. Meanwhile, Drew finally escaped the clutches of the ruthless fan girls when he said that he would give the one that bothered him the least a signed photograph. They immediately left, hoping to be the one he chose.

"Finally," he muttered. Relieved, he looked towards the people he knew. Drew saw Harley and Solidad together at the Jacuzzi and smirked. He knew that they were going to be together sometime, their love for one another were so obvious. In some way, it made him feel better, since Harley said he liked May, seeing him with Solidad oddly relieved him. Thinking of the girl from Hoenn, he looked towards the pool.

May was leisurely floating on her back in the deep end. She looked so peaceful; her eyes were closed, making the deep sapphire of her eyes inaccessible, but radiance shone through. Her beauty was clearly visible. The way her hair floated around her, gave her an almost ethereal touch and feel. Seeing this, Drew blushed a deep red and looked away. He shouldn't be thinking like that. She was just a friend to him.

Finally, he decided to walk up and tease her, as was his hobby. He walked up to the pool and leaned over the edge, calling out to May. "Let's take a bet, I bet that May will flip over and choke on water within five minutes."

May's eyes shot open, and seeing his face close to hers, she did just as he said, she flipped over and choked on water. Finally, she calmed herself enough to get a grip and stopped flailing her limbs uncoordinatedly. She stopped and coughed a few times but recovered relatively quickly. "DREW! What did you do that for?" She was clearly angry.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see myself be right."

May's eyes flared. She swam close to the water's edge and grabbed him and threw him into the water. Drew did as she had done before, when Harley dumped her in. He calmed himself and started swimming. As if on cue, dratini came out of the pokeball and started splashing water in his face.

"May! Control your pokémon!" He said as he attempted to block the water that was flung at him.

"Sorry, no can do! Besides, dratini just sensed me not liking what you did, so she came out and is now punishing you!"

"Oh yeah?" With that, Drew started the water fight, splashing water in a most unrefined way, showering both dratini and May with water. They were lucky that there wasn't anyone else there in the pool; they had left because they had enough, or Drew and May would have been kicked out of the pool.

The two teenagers (both sixteen) laughed as they had fun whipping up water in each other's faces. Dratini had stopped splashing a while ago, deciding that she wanted to swim. Dratini was graceful in the water. Her sleek body sailed through the waters with both grace and finesse.

Finally, the two coordinators stopped, wet from head to toe and laughing nonstop. They waded over to the shallow end. "May, I SO won that match. You didn't stand a chance!"

"Did not! I was so much better! You're just not admitting it!"

"Did too!"

"Did NOT!"

"Did TOO"


"Did not!" Drew acted casual, trying to trick her.


"DID NOT!" He hoped that she would fall for it…


"I told you so!" Drew flipped his wet hair. "Even you agree with me! Did you hear how loud you were? I could have sworn that you were saying hat I was correct and that I won."

"OH! GRRRRRRRR!" Through her anger, May could only respond with a growl. She was ashamed that she fell for the same trick all over again.

May looked over at the clock, it had been two hours. "I don't have time for your childish squabbles, Drew! I'm going! Hmph!"

Drew smirked at her attitude, but noticed that it was time for him to go, too. Then, he realized, he hadn't asked about joining their little travelling group yet. He called Solidad and Harley over to his chair, with May in tow.

"What is it, Drew?" Solidad asked. She and Harley were in the middle of discussing fruits and which one was the best. (A/N: I couldn't think of a better topic… Sorry…)

"Well, I wanted to ask, whether or not I could join your little group for travelling. I've never tried and I think that it'll be a good experience."

Mixed reactions came through. Harley had a knowing smile, Solidad was happy and May responded with a, "WHAT?"

"I said I wanted to join your group."

May was speechless, she would have never thought that the famous Drew would want to join their group. "I OBJECT! Why would you want to? We wouldn't be able to cooperate as a team if we travel together!" She said.

"Actually, I kind of don't mind, May. You see, Harley and I think that it's a great opportunity for us all, so I um… vote yes." Solidad said, hoping that May wouldn't be too disappointed.

May scowled and Drew smirked. By the way it was going, it was a democracy, so they were voting. Only Harley was left. May looked towards him with puppy dog eyes, trying to sway his decision. "Sorry, Gingerbread, but I have to say, we should give him a chance to be with us. Who knows? He may be useful." He winked at Drew, leaving a sullen May.

Drew smiled, "That's great, so, I'll be happy to travel with you!"

May recovered quickly, being optimistic, and remembered about the starter pokémon card that Max had given her. "So, Harley, Drew, would you like to get one of the starter pokémon for Sinnoh? Max gave me a card that enabled me with two others to get a pokémon. Solidad refused, so would you like to?"

"Of course, Gingerbread! I'm glad you thought of me!"

"Sure, I'll come." Drew said.

"That's great! I can't wait to get there! So, what should we do now?"

Solidad answered, "Well, we all have to shower first to wash out the chlorine, but afterwards, how about a bit of food and we can have some free time to ourselves for the day!"

"Sure, Honey! Let's go, Cinnamon bun, we've got to move it!" Drew groaned as Harley forcefully dragged him away.

Solidad and May left themselves to go back to their room.

Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here! Line here!

I'm amazed! I actually wrote a lot more than my normal (something like 1000 words per chapter) yet this one's something like 7500! It's 20 pages in a word document! Amazing! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that! You can expect an update to be made every month on the first of every month at the very least. If I don't, it'll be because I'm sick or on holiday! So, I'm just signing out! Please, REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! They really motivate me!

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