A lot of you guys asked if Val and I were still writing together. The answer is no. Val has… moved on to other things, and while she is still writing, and so am I, it's not with each other. Though, the original fiction that we worked on for a bit together is being published through Dreamspinner. It's called Chase the Storm. I'm not sure of the release date (you can ask her), but keep an eye out. It's… really amazing, and so is she.

So, I am without a beta. And I'm tempted to ask, here, but honestly, I'd be unhappy with anyone else. I hope you guys don't mind any errors, and if one is spotted, please let me know.


"I'm starving," Seth complains, plopping down into the chair beside me with a dramatic sigh.

Master and Carlisle have already been served, and the food smells delicious. But, even with my growling stomach, the tension in the room is still the most prominent thing in my mind. We all know where this night is leading, and this buildup is going to be the death of me.

"Manners, boy," Carlisle admonishes, giving Seth a brief glance.

"Sorry, Master." Seth immediately straightens in his chair, shoulders back.

Under the table, Master slips his hand over mine, giving me a reassuring squeeze. When I look at him, he gives me a soft smile, granting me the encouragement I need.

It's no secret that this is my most difficult task to date. Most days, I'm okay, but I still require comfort and my Master's understanding. So far, I've only had a few breakdowns. Though, tonight might be the toughest thing I've had to endure. They're going to tease me, I know it.

It's just a matter of handling said teasing without losing my fucking mind.

"So, Jasper," Carlisle smirks in my direction, "are we going to tie him up before we torture him, or are we going to make him hold his own position?"

Nope. I'm going to lose my fucking mind.


With my eyes closed, I breathe in slowly, trying to calm my racing heart. I can feel the sweat starting to gather at the base of my neck, though the goose bumps on my forearms would suggest I'm anything but overheated.

He's so close.

My groin is tight, my cock aching, and I swear if I could just get this damned cage off, I'd come without any stimulation.

And now, because the universe hates me, Master Carlisle is crouching down in front of me, his fingers gently gliding over my restraint.

"This cage is a thing of beauty, Jasper, you have to give me the makers card."

I know that Master responds, but I can't make out his words because my muscles are clenched so tightly and my breathing is too loud in my ears. I need to fucking come.

When I feel Master Carlisle's hand on my chest, I open my eyes to find him face to face with me again, though slightly taller because of his boots. He's got a grin on his face, his crystal eyes sparkling at me.

"You want me, boy?"

Groaning loudly, I force myself to nod, biting down on my lip.

He chuckles. "Trust me, if you had even the slightest of masochistic tendencies, I would have destroyed you long ago. Until you were sobbing and covering my floor with your come." He grips my cage in his hand, twisting it just a bit.

Though Carlisle is a bit of a sadist, and heavy amounts of pain do not interest me, I'd happily take any beating he wanted to give me if it meant granting me an orgasm when it was done.

Master is watching our exchange with a fond look on his face, sitting on the bench in our playroom, a very eager Seth between his legs.

"Tell me, Jasper," Master Carlisle says, his eyes still trained on me, "What is the boy's punishment if he comes?" His hands are teasing my nipples now, and all I can do is moan and dig my nails into my palms.

"Nothing, actually." Master rasps, sliding his fingers into Seth's long hair. His cock isn't even out of his jeans, but Seth's nuzzling is definitely having an effect. On all of us. "His own disappointment in himself will be far worse than any punishment I could ever dole out."

As usual, my Master is right. If I am to give in, I'll feel like I've let him down, and there is no worse feeling than that.

But, God, this fucking ache between my legs is damned near enough to make me question it.

"Jasper, may I use your slave's mouth?" Carlisle knows he doesn't have to ask, but punctuating those words with his fingers against my lips had the exact effect he wanted it too.

Master groans. "I'm using yours…" We both look to find Seth very enthusiastically sucking my Master's cock, taking him in deeply with long, sure strokes. "Christ, he's somehow managed to get even better. Fuck, Edward, you should feel this."

"Master, Oh my God…" I want to fucking feel it. More than anything. I want my cock slipping into his velvet throat, his lips dragging against my skin, my come coating his tongue.

Suddenly, I feel Carlisle's hands on my shoulders, pushing me to my knees and his fingers gripping my hair. "Make me come, slut." His voice is already rougher, and I can't wait to make him moan in pleasure.

With trembling fingers, I undo his pants, licking my lips when I wrap my hand around his hard cock. He's bigger than I remember, but I still recall exactly what he likes. Tight suction around the head, hold him in my throat for a moment, drag my teeth when releasing. I mimic my thoughts with my mouth, and I notice my hips are pumping into the air even though it's fucking pointless. Carlisle's noises only further my arousal, not to mention the sound of my Master getting close.

"Come on, bitch, you can do better than that." Master says, making Seth moan around him.

It's always a bit odd, seeing this side of my Dom. He's never harsh with me in such a way, because it's not my thing. Seth, however, lives for humiliation and degradation. And my Master seems all too happy to oblige.

Carlisle begins fucking my mouth, and all I can do is grip his thighs and open my mouth wide, allowing him better access to my throat. He's so fucking sexy; growling out his pleasure and gripping my hair. He's close, and I know that soon I'll get to taste his come.

"Goddamn, Edward…. Feels so fucking good…"

I hear my Master grunt as he comes downs Seth's throat, and it makes me even more desperate. My stomach is clenching, and I'm dripping sweat, aching and throbbing and fucking needing.

"I'm going to come, boy. You'd better not spill a drop."

God, I need to be fucked. I need to feel pleasure shooting through my cock and wracking my body and forcing screams from my throat. I need. I just, fucking need.

Carlisle digs his nails into my scalp as he comes, thrusting into my mouth quickly and calling out his sub's name. My eyes fall shut once he pulls himself from me, and all I can do is sit on the floor and take deep breaths. This is even harder than I'd imagined.

Suddenly, I feel my Master's hands on my shoulders. "Look at me, love."

He's absolutely fucking stunning. Standing over me with his jeans resting loosely on his hips, blonde curls and beaming eyes. Sated, but still hungry, and I want nothing more than to fulfill his every desire.

He's mine, and I'm his. Entirely.

"Do you need a break?" He's concerned, and it warms me to my very core. He's crouching now, his palm on my cheek and his eyes searching mine. "It's okay if you do, pet, we'll clean up and go relax for a bit."

"No, Master, I'm okay."

It's not a lie. I'm frustrated, and horribly fucking aroused, but I'm okay. I know he's been planning this for a while, and I refuse to end this night early when I know I can handle it. Not only for my Master, but also for our guests.

He pulls me up and places a soft kiss on my lips, an evil grin spreading over his face when he pulls back.

"Very well, then. Let's see how long that holds. On the table."

With a deep breath, I walk over to the table, glancing at Seth as he rests at Carlisle's feet. I'm nervous, and the anticipation is making my heart pound. I've no idea what Master has planned, but I'm sure that I am going to both love it and hate it.

"Seth, show Edward what we brought him," Carlisle grins, slapping Seth on his ass as he walks toward me.

I sit down on the bench, trying not to cringe when Seth struts toward me; whatever this is, I know it's going to be hell.

"Remember when I told you that my Master is evil?" He chuckles.

"Oh, God…" I groan and hang my head.

"Yup! You finally get to be in my shoes!"

He's far too happy about this, and I make a silent vow to fuck him into the ground once I have my cage off. I open my eyes when I feel a strap go around my waist, and I don't even have to look down to know what it is.

Resting directly above my horrible, terrible cage is a large, thick dildo, attached to the strap around my waist.

Seth is going to ride me…. And I won't even be able to feel it.

Son of a motherfucking whore. I'm fucked.


So, yeah. :) I have this entire chapter finished, but I figured I'd come back with a bang and cut it in half. Like I said, the rest is finished, and I'm planning on weekly updates. Every Saturday.

Thank y'all so much for the warm welcome! I've missed this so much, and I don't plan on leaving ever again. Twi-slash is my home, and this is where I intend to stay.

Tim, if you're reading this, you need to know that I wouldn't be able to do this without you. You reminded me that writing is my passion, and no matter what fall-outs may happen, giving up isn't something I should do. You filled so many voids in my life, and I will forever be grateful. I love you.

See you guys next weekend. Thanks for reading!