I throw all of your stuff away
Then I clear you out of my head
I tear you out of my heart
And ignore all your messages

It's been two months.

Two months since my perfect, dream-like world came to a crashing halt. Two months since my heart was shattered to pieces. Two months since I lost the one person I really, truly loved.

I thought that I'd be over it by now. That I'd have moved on, that I'd be focused on someone or something else. I swore to myself that I'd never go back to him. He's selfish, he's a terrible listener, and he's late for everything. And he just doesn't care. He doesn't want to changeā€¦ or doesn't see a reason to.

But under all that is the sweetest, most gentle person I know. It's true that most of the time, he's a self-centered pig. But that's just a part of who he is, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a part of him that I love. He wouldn't be Chad without it.

I tell everyone we are through
'Cause I'm so much better without you

I was so angry when we ended things. I didn't want to see him or talk to him or talk about him ever again. I ignored his pleading phone messages. I threw away everything that reminded me of him. I told my friends that I was over him, that I didn't need him in my life because I'd be happier without him. For a little while, I was happier. I started going hours, then days straight without thinking about him. There was still an ache in my chest when he did come to mind, but I got better at dealing with it. I stopped crying over him. I could go about my day without being blindsided by the sudden, overwhelming pain of missing him. My life was getting back on track.

But it's just another pretty lie
'Cause I break down
Every time you come around

And then, out of nowhere, a realization occurred to me. No. I am definitely not anywhere even close to being over him.

How could I be? We work in the same building, eat in the same cafeteria. There's no way to avoid him, and honestly, I don't think I would have gotten over him anyway. There's just something about him, his annoying confidence, his playful smile, his icy blue eyes, that I can't get off my mind.

I miss those things. I miss the casual way he'd sneak up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. I miss the warmth of his hand around mine, and the say his lips felt when he kissed me...

Two months ago, I was done with Chad Dylan Cooper.

Right now, I'd give anything, anything to have him back.

Lyrics: Here We Go Again by Demi Lovato

This idea popped into my head about two weeks ago, and has been in the works since then. I just wasn't happy with it until now. It's still not my best, but I hope you guys like it!

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to review :)