Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter; this belongs to J.K. Rowling. I do, however, own the OC and the plot.

A/N: This is going to be following the Weasley Twin's fifth year at Hogwarts, and there will be other stories to follow it, following their sixth, seventh and years outside of Hogwarts.

Fred and George Weasley take their seats in a private part of the Hogwart's Express, both of them smiling from ear to ear. They are sitting beside Lee Jordan, and are across from three girls, including Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. The third girl is a little above average height at six inches past five feet, and has a very innocent appearance. She has mid-back length honey blonde hair that curls softly closer to the tips. Her eyes are large in an innocent, doll-like way, and are a very crystal, clean emerald eyes. She is, like the rest of them, wearing her Gryffindor Hogwarts uniform, and she sits forwards slightly as the twins sit down. She parts her perfect, heart-shaped lips slightly, and Fred can't help but notice the small sigh that escapes them before she begins to speak.

"How was Egypt, you two?" Fred snaps out of his reverie and the two start to tell the group about their trip, and how their mother had, unfortunately, stopped them from locking their older brother Percy into a pyramid. This particular story brings laughs from everyone in the train compartment, especially Lee, who ends up crying because of the force of his laughter. The blonde girl stares at them with wide eyes, one hand to her mouth, her expression a mix of horror and a desperate wanting to laugh.

"You didn't!" The twins smirk at her while Lee laughs even harder, sliding off his seat and halfway to the floor. Fred playfully taps the girl's leg with his foot.

"Oh come on, Lexie, it wasn't that bad! Cheer up!" Lexie smiles softly, then turns her attention towards the window, trying not to laugh. George suddenly hits his brother's arm, causing Fred to retaliate by pushing him into Lee, and Lee starts to laugh so hard he needs to gasp for air. George frowns slightly, then looks at his twin once more.

"Fred, my dearest brother, it seems to me that we've missed something important during out trip to Egypt!" Fred looks at him with narrowed eyes.

"And what would this be, dear twin?" Everyone in the compartment grows quiet, and even Lee is crawling back to his seat to watch them intently.

"Our little Lexie's gotten a Prefect badge!" Fred becomes silent, and everyone looks at a now spooked-appearing Lexie. Angelina and Katie are smiling widely as they slowly count down from 3...2.…1...and Fred is on the other side of the compartment, drawing Lexie as close to him as possible and squeezing the daylights out of her.

"Lex! My god, you've done it!" He pulls back with a frown, "But now you have to punish….us….." his smile returns, and a mischievous look seeps into his eyes, "which is sexy as hell! Sexy-Lexie!"

Lexie grows very red at this and, to make it worse, Fred brushes his nose against hers, his eyes on hers the whole time. Lee and George start to hug each other, laughing and crying at the same time, when the door to the compartment opens and everyone looks over to see Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Hermione and Harry both grow red at the sight in front of them, and Ron gets an evil grin.

"Does mum know you two are together?" Lexie shakes her head as if to say that they aren't, but Fred will have none of this. He gives her a quick peck on the lips and turns to tell Ron that they are, until he finds himself on the floor twitching. Lexie puts her wand back into a pocket of her cloak.

"We're not together, Ron. I swear to you." Not yet, anyway…Ron thinks to himself as he closes the door to the compartment. Fred sits up and pouts.

"C'mon, Lex, we are dating…why won't you admit it?" Lexie sighs and turns away from him and back towards the window.

"It's complicated…."

Review, please! What do you think? Long reviews loved with all my heart!
