I know I only started a Brittany/Santana just yesterday but today I had this amazing idea and I just had to write that first. I hope you all like this!

Thank you!

Chapter 1

Legs tangled together with only a tin white sheet covering their slightly sweaty bodies. Slowly and lazily caressing each other as they came down from their high. Brittany had her head resting on Santana's shoulder, her fingers slowly brushing against Santana's naked side.

Santana doing the same, her hand slowly running up and down Brittany's back, her eyes closed as she enjoys the kisses Brittany is currently placing on her neck.

"That was amazing." Santana finally speaks out.

She can feel Brittany smile against her neck and she can definitely feel Brittany's hand trailing down, her hand dissapearing under the sheet. "It really was." Brittany agrees as she leans up a bit to kiss Santana's lips. Santana's arm tightening around Brittany's back to pull her closer as they slowly kiss. Brittany breaks the kiss and goes back to giving her attention to Santana's neck. "San?" She asks after a few moments.

Santana smiles. "Again? Honey, you have to give me a few more minutes."

Brittany laughs. "No, not that, sounds great though." She says as she thinks about re-doing what they had done moments ago.

"Okay, then what?" Santana asks, her eyes still closed, slowly falling into a slumber.

"When can we tell people about us?"

Santana freezes and stops all movement. She sighs and opens her eyes to look at Brittany who's staring right back at her. "We've been over this already. I'm not ready for that yet."

"But when will you be then?" Brittany asks. "We've been together for months now, I want to tell people."

Santana slightly pushes Brittany away and sits up, the sheet dropping along with it. "Don't start this again, Brit." The last time they had this conversation they ended up fighting. Santana didn't want that to happen again. She just wanted things to stay the way they where. "I don't know why you always bring this up, I like the way things are." Santana goes on. "We're having a great together, I don't see why this has to change"

"Is that all this is for you?" Brittany asks, hurt by Santana's cold reply. "Having a great time with me?"

Santana turns her head around when she hears the hurt evident in Brittany's voice. "You know that not all this is to me, you know how much I care about you."

"Care or love?" Brittany asks, her eyes boring into Santana's ones.

Santana freezes again, this conversation was turning way to deep for her. She turns back around and ignores the question. "Can we please talk about this some other time." She tries, hoping that Brittany would agree with it but also knowing that she wouldn't, she knew that Brittany was tired of waiting for her to finally express her feelings.

"You never want to talk about this, San." Brittany says and she pushes herself to sit up. She rests her back against the top of the bed, staring at her girlfriends back. "I don't know if I can do this anymore, San."

"Do what?"

"Be your bedbuddy, only being together when you decide we can be together."

"You know that's…"

Brittany itterups her. "How can I know that, San?" Brittany asks. "How can I possibly know that it's not all I am? You don't talk about your feelings with me, nobody can know about us and on top of it all I have to endure the constant flirting that goes on between you and Puck!"

Santana turns around when she hears that last part. "Is that what this is about? You're jealous because Puck flirting with me?"

"Of course I'm jealous San! But no, it's because he's flirting with my girlfriend and you don't seem to care, you even join in most times!" Brittany says as she stands up to take her shirt that was dropped on the floor.

Santana watches her every movement. "Puck doesn't mean anything to me, I just do it to keep up appearances. And it's not like you haven't done it before!" Santana says, feeling herself getting angry because she knows that Brittany is pushing her, pushing her to share her feelings.

It's Brittany's turn to freeze now. "I haven't flirted with anyone since the moment we've started." She wispers. Why can't Santana just tell her how she feels? Why does she have to fight for her girlfriend to share anything she feels? "Maybe I should just start doing it again then." She says, hoping that this would bring out something. "Seeing as you seem okay with yourself flirting with other people while you are in a relationship with me." Brittany says, as she pulls on her underwear. "If we can even call this a relationship."

Santana sighs again. "Where are you going?" She asks.

"Out!" Brittany says annoyed. "If I can at least find my stupid pants!" She says looking around for it.

"On top of the dresser." Santana tells Brittany, remembering that she had been in a hurry to get Brittany naked that she just trew all her clothes around. Brittany looks up at the dresser and takes her pants. "Don't go."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because I don't want you to go." Santana says softly. "Brit, I don't want you to leave."

Brittany turns to look at her girlfriend, seeing the emotions clearly written on her face, yet she never says what she truly feels. She knows though, that Santana really doesn't want her to leave. But she just, for once, wants to hear why she doesn't want it.

She feels her resolve break but knows that she can't keep doing this. She could give in again and stay with Santana. They would share a beautiful night together, be in each others arms all through the night but tomorrow or the day after they would only be in the same situation, the situation where Brittany wants to know how Santana really feels about her and where she wants everyone to know about them being together.

So, she decides that she won't postpone it any longer, she won't be waiting another few months with her sitting at the sidelines each day as she watches Santana flirt around. She decides that, she wants Santana completely or not at all.

"I can't do this anymore, Santana." Brittany says. "I can't keep waiting around for you to figure out your feelings because but you are to scared to say them, to scared to show them when anyone is near."

"Don't do this." Santana pleads. "I just need some more time, baby please." Santana says, getting out of bed and walking over to her girlfriend, taking both of her hands into her own as she holds them tightly against her chest. "Please." She repeats, searching Brittany's eyes, who's refusing to meet them. "I'll stop flirting with Puck, I'll stay away from him, just please don't break up with me."

"I want to be your girlfriend, Santana."

"You are." Santana says as she tightens her hold on Brittany's hands.

"I'm not, it's not how I feel, I feel like your dirty little secret." Brittany says.

"Don't break up with me." She repeats.

Brittany gives her sad smile. "I have to go."

"No." Santana says, her fear taking over. Brittany had never gone this far, she had always given her more time, she had always crawled back into bed with her, they had always made up with each other.

"Please, let me go."

Santana looks at her, fear clearly in her eyes, fear of losing Brittany. She slowly leans in and kisses Brittany, trying to show her what she cannot seem to say. Brittany lets her, she allows the kiss, even allows Santana to pull her closer as she deepens the kiss. But then she pulls away, tears in her eyes and Santana knows that Brittany wouldn't change her mind anymore.

"Maybe I'll still be around when you finally have the guts to tell me and everyone your true feelings." Brittany says as she pulls herself away from Santana.


She hears Santana calling her name, she hears it but doesn't stop. If she stops now she wouldn't be leaving at all. She would once again give in to Santana's false promises. She just quickens her step and tries to get out of the house as fast as her feet will let her. There's a small hope in her heart that Santana would come after her, tell her that she loves her and she wants them to be together, that she wants everyone to know about them being an item. It doesn't happen. Tears rolls down from her face as she gets into her car and drives away.





All comments, good or bad, are welcome!