The Ten Kingdoms


[email protected]

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its characters are property of Naoko Takeuchi and others. They were used for the purpose of this fanfic. No profit has been or will be made.

***Author's Notes*** at bottom, plz read!!!


Part Four: Beneath the surface

The Second Kingdom was that of Magick. While all ten kingdoms could do magick, it was the Second Kingdom's specialty. No one was greater a mage than its ruler. A long time ago, so long ago that it was only now legend, it was said to be Nine Kingdoms; and millennia before that one…

The people of Light and Illusion, the people of good and deceit, ruled the land now containing the Ten Kingdoms. In the deserts of Africa the other Kingdoms laid at peace until they were disturbed. Then all fled to the people of Light and Illusion. The ten people lived in peace for some centuries until internal wars began. The Kingdom of Death was the first to be reborn and then the rulers of War set up a different Kingdom. Soon there were Nine Kingdoms. And for reasons now forgotten a tenth Kingdom was rebuilt, one of Magick. Then centuries of peace washed over the Kingdoms. They were all prosperous and happy. Then nearly a century ago war began again. The Kingdoms became divided. Five sought to capture new land and Five fought to protect outsiders.

Once the Second Kingdom was wealthy and its inhabitants happy, its land prosperous. Now its people were poor and its land wasted. The only people to possess wealth were the nobles. And if you weren't a noble, you were poor. Those who were neither noble nor poor were slaves. Slave keeping was only one of the reasons the Kingdom of Magick was looked upon in disdain. Renewing war was another. And the third sat upon a Throne in the Palace.

The streets were broken and filled with the poor. Rats ran freely through alleys. Neglected dogs barked as passing carriages holding nobles, who turned their eyes and ears from the misery of their Kingdom. Its Palace sat in the heart of the Kingdom, upon a node of magick. Inside the Palace music played. Servants and slaves scurried through corridors. The Throne room was cast in red light provided by magickal balls of energy. It was not as large as Serenity's but did not need to be. The Throne itself was black marble, but its occupant, unlike Serenity, was dressed in red.

Queen Beryl's dress was blood red and hugged her body. The dress began just above her nipples and fell to the ground, still molded to her body. Beryl's crown sat on a head of copper waves that fell to her waist. The crown was a thin circlet of gold with a ruby above her third eye. Beryl's hand as wrapped around a staff at the side of her Throne. The staff's diameter was three inches and its body made of snakewood. A large ruby topped it. The ruby was the largest in existence and cut into the shape of a sphere. It was held to the staff by thin trendils of wood. The staff alone was five feet tall and the ruby added another seven inches of height.

Before Beryl kneeled a man with short blonde hair. "Raise Jadeite. Speak."

Jadeite rose but fixed his eyes on the ruby of the staff. "The border attack failed. The Prince was captured."

Beryl's hand flexed around the staff. "By Death or Illusion?"

"The First Kingdom. He was taken to their Queen."

Beryl hissed in a breath. "She will kill him. "Beryl's mind worked fast. The border attack was suppose to just get Endymion away. He acted as though he was already King. The border attack had been a ploy to get him away from the Palace. Endymion knew how to rule and Beryl felt threatened. She did not want an assassination attempt on her, muchless her own son killing her. But she needed an heir. She also needed Hotaru back. Hotaru was a bit young, but not so Endymion would not have an interest in her. Beryl planned on wedding the two. A marriage of alliance would bring the Death Queen under her control, as she had hoped to do with Serenity.

Ah Serenity, Beryl thought, I'd had great plans for you. She had planned on Endymion seducing the young Princess. All along her mother would be killed, and when the grief struck the new Queen Serenity, Endymion would be there to comfort her. He would have her declare him consort and King of the First Kingdom. But the idiot had gone and scared the bitch and had her despise him! Aware of Jadeite awaiting instructions she looked at him, her eyes guarded. "The Princess of the Seas is in my Palace, no? Have her brought to me."

Once again Serenity sat on her Throne. This time the room was brightly lit. All the previously dark corners were cast in the golden light torches. Serenity sat primly with a neutral expression on her face as two nobles practically called each other names.

Serenity was about to make a judgement on their dispute when a herald's trumpet interrupted her. The nobles stopped their bickering as the herald's voice rang through the room. "Announcing the arrival of Queen Renata of the Fourth Kingdom. Queen of War."

The grand doors opened and Renata breezed in, flanked by two guards dressed in her red livery. Renata was tall and beautiful, just one year older than Serenity at 23, Renata had been ruling for eight years. Her long black hair gleamed under the bright light. Her crown was golden and adorned with tiny rubies. Her curvaceous body was encased in a red silk gown in a similar fashion to Serenity's. Small sleeves that fell slightly off of her shoulders held up only Renata's gown. Renata stopped a few feet from the Throne.

At her arrival the people of the room had all dropped to their knees or bowed. Only Renata and her guards stood straight. A crowing sound came from the hallway outside and two crows flew into the room. Renata's purple eyes twinkled as several nobles flinched. Her crows flew to the top of the dome and then dived. Serernity shook her head at her friend's entrance. One of the crows swooped towards Serenity as the other gracefully landed on Renata's shoulders. Several people gasped as the crow, Phobos Serenity believed, dived at her. One guard even drew a dagger, but Serenity was calm. She held out her arm at the last moment and stood. The large bird squawked and landed on her extended forarm, careful not to pierce her skin.

Gently Serenity moved her arm to her chest and petted the bird's head. She walked down the dais to meet Renata. At the bottom of the dais Serenity threw her arm up, launching Phobos into the air. He crowed and circled the air, Deimos flew away from Renata and joined him. Both Queens laughed as the birds startled more nobles.

Serenity completed the walk to the other Queen and pulled Renata into an embrace. It wasn't how two Queens and rulers of powerful Kingdoms would greet each other, but Serenity and Renata had been friends before they could speak. But when Renata's mother had been killed she'd had to assume the Throne of War and the two had grown apart. Then six years ago, at the death of Serenity's mother, the two had rekindled their friendship. Serenity turned her face towards the side of Renata's neck and whispered, knowing no one else could hear her. "We have much to speak about. Endymion is in my Palace."

The Queens pulled apart and swept out of the Chambers, the crows flying behind and the guards tagging along. They walked out to the gardens in silence. They wandered into the heart of the gardens where a fountain layed. It's large marble centerpiece was the picture of Serenity. They sat gracefully on a white stone bench near the fountain. A few guards stood a few feet away, so they spoke in low tones. Renata's eyes glowed a bright purple in excitement. Serenity's eyes remained a cool sapphire.

"Well?" Renata asked in a rushed voice. "What do you intend to do with him?"

Serenity's still eyes became lit with happiness. "I plan to break him."

Renata blinked twice and stared at Serenity. "You want to break the heir of the Second Kingdom?"

"Don't seem so astonished Rei. I don't want to, I fully intend to break him and then return him to the Bitch."

"You are right that Berly will want him back. He is her only heir. But she won't accept this. She is, afterall, the queen-'

"No." Serenity interrupted. "She is Queen of the Second Kingdom, nothing more. I command Light and Illusion and you War. Beryl never had and never will rule Magick. If she could have there would be no war. She would call on Dark Magick to destroy the opposing Queens."

Renata tipped her head to Serenity. "Again you are correct Serena. But can you really face breaking him?"

Serenity's eyes flashed in annoyance. "He is shallow and an idiot. His mind will easily shatter."

Renata sighed and looked into Serenity's eyes. "Well then, I can't dissuade you so I may as well help you." She grinned. "How do you plan to break him? You don't possess the Magick to force his mind, you cannot bloody yourseld in blood lust and knowing you as I do, you will not use sex. What else is there to use?"

"I am Queen of Light and Illusion." Serenity flashed a disturbing smile of her own. "I can control Light Rei. And Light can easliy be turned to Darkness."

Renata frowned. "You're not the kind of person who would call Darkness to aid." Renata shook her head sadly. "I remember a time when you'd use your Illusion to play pranks. I took the Throne too soon, as did Lita. And we stillmourn the innocence you had to throw away to rule."

Serenity brushed a wisp of hair from Renata's face. "Power corrupts." She forced a bright smile. "Let us go find something to eat. And your crows must be terrorizing my Palace."

Serenity rose and brushed imaginary lint from her skirt. Renata stood as well and put an arm about Serenity. "You always had a Palace."

Serenity frowned and turned her head to Renata. "You castle is larger than mine."

"No." Renata shook her head. "I have a castle. It could never be a Palace."

"Come, let us not speak so sadly. I have an allied Queen in my Kingdom and have captured the heir to the enemy Kingdom. We will feast tonight."

The Princess of the Seas stood before the Queen of the Second Kingdom. "What have you seen?"

Princess Mirchiru opened her aqua eyes. "He is in being kept in the Palace. The Queen of Light and Illusion plans to call Darkness to break him."

"What?!" Beryl's roar echoed back to her from the corners of the Dark Stone room. "Are you sure of what you saw?"

Mirchiru tipped her head to the angry Queen. "I have the gift of Depth as well as Sea. The mirror does not lie. I clearly saw Serenity sitting near the fountain speaking of using Darkness to break Endymion."

"Guards!" Beryl screeched again.

"Queen Beryl, if I may so interrupt. I would not be wise to attack Serentoy's castle."

Beryl bore her dark gaze into the young Princess. "And why not Michiru?"

To leave her title off was an insult. Eveyone knew Beryl would not command her Kingdom's power. That was why she was not referred to as the Queen of magick. Mirchiru could not blame her bitterness, her own mother did not possess the gift of the Seas, muchless Depth. But to leave even the title of Princess off when Mirchiru had adressed her as Queen was an insult!

Mirchiru's eyes became a cold blue-green. "Because Beryl," by using Beryl's name Michiru established herself as equal to her. And while Michiru was only Princess, she was here as an embassador for her mother and held in the Second Kingdom the Rights of an allied Queen. "The Queen of War is also in Serenity's castle. The armies of the Fourth Kingdom are on your borders ready to attack."

"So I am expected to attack borders?!" Beryl asked incredously. "They believe I will attack physically to retake Endymion?" Beryl's laughter resounded in the room. "They have undermined me and it will be a fatal mistake…"

Endymion stared at the doors a long time after Serenity exited them. He was over his shock and now filled with anger. And an angry Endymion as not a good thing…Endymion reached out a mental thread of power to the Magick around the chains. They did not have Serenity's power signature, though the rest of the room reaked of it. Serenity had been wrong, the chains could easily be broken.

Beryl kneeled before the alter of her temple. A read carving stood on it, its emerald eyes reflecting the godl light of the fire before it. From beneath the folds of her dresss Beryl pulled out a dagger. Its hilt was decorated with emeralds. There was a rounded metal bowl in front of the carving. In it a fire flared, providing the only source of light.

Beryl gripped the dagger in her right hand. She held her left hand above the flames. In a quick motiono she ran the tip of the blade across the length of her palm. Blood trickled down into the fire until it flared up, the flames themselves licked the blood. Beryl began to chant. Nearing the end of the cantation her voice rose. The dagger with the bloodied tip was brought down with a force that left it embedded in the carving, its hilt stuck out from the carving's head.

Beryl's eyes opened as she screamed the last words. "Awaken Metallia!"

~~~~~End of Part Four~~~~~

Author's Notes!!!!!! {plz read}

1) First order of business, a big warm thank you to those who have taken the time to review or e-mail me.

2) Sorry I took so long getting this part out. I just couldn't find time to write. So what did I do? I ignored my English teacher and wrote during her class. Then I ignored my Math teacher and wrote through his class (-- I don't suggest anyone do this. I only do it because the work comes easily to me so I an afford to do this(I support education!). Then I kept my sis up until midnight with the light on so I could finished this.(-- she's done this to me before)

The next part should not take this long. I have about 30% of it written. I wrote during my lunch period and even before I wrote this part had the end of Part Five written.

3) Pieces of part 7 are written. And I know how part 5 will go. The biggest problem now is connecting the dots. Part 6 is iffy.

4) I've been busy setting up a new site, so that too has taken away from my writing time. When I'm finished with the sucker I'll post a link, why not go check it out?

5) I am absolutely thrilled at this fanfic! I know where I want it to go. And I have several BIG twists in the plot.

On this little note, someone suggested a Rei/Sere. Sorry. though there will be hints of it, it ain't going to head in that direction. I'ma have a little Senshi/General thing going. And a H/M. *gets evil grin on face* To see if it'll be U/M you'll have to continue reading.

6) So in closing...Please Review!!! Nothing motivates like feedback. So review or e-mail me. {[email protected]}

