They were able to hear it all. Every word, every sound.

All the fights. All the insults. All the tears hitting the floor and the muffled screams.

They were able to hear it all.

It might as well have been called eavesdropping. But no, they were just the neighbors. The neighbors next door.

Gavin could hear it the most, understand every word the best. Hear the midnight crying. It was heart-wrenching really, to hear that, especially from Blaine. The young teenager that was still in middle school. The one that acted tough. The one with the walls up. The one with the smiles that never reached his eyes.

Gavin could hear Blaine and his father fighting. But their fighting was different from everyone elses. Blaine's dad, James, would be doing all the yelling. All the put-downs, getting completely off topic on his mission to break Blaine down to a crying mess every day.

It really was terrible to listen to. Their fights usually started over nothing. Even if it was something as simple as Blaine leaving some clothes on the floor while rushing to his distant and lonely school.

James would pick Blaine's clothes up and fold them, like a nice parent. But the nice facade faded when Blaine got back from school.

Before Blaine could even sit down only to work for hours and hours on end just for pointless homework, James - who has about a foot advantage on Blaine, and about thirty pounds as well - grabbed the curly-haired boy by his wrists or his arm with his signature strong grip, leading him to the now-folded clothes.

Gavin had heard their fights enough to know how they went, and spied through his window to see how Jame's would react, and to see Blaine trying to hold it together. The look on Blaine's face when his dad broke everything made of glass would be burned into Gavin's memory for years to come.

It was a face of a young teenager, hiding his tears behind fake smiles.

Okay so that is the prologue for my first story. I know it's not great, I will probably revise it later. Gavin is the teenage neighbor next door that can hear James , Blaine's dad, yelling. I already have the plot for the story set up. I just need to write it out. WISH ME LUCK!
