Slytherin Secretary

Summary: Harry Potter thought he had found the perfect job when he became the private secretary to an unknown boss. He thought the job would be easy, until he figured out his boss with the one and only Draco Malfoy. Draco wasn't a bad boss besides being Harry's arch nemesis, but his arrogance and sluttish behavior are almost legendary. Harry is doing his best to prove that he is capable in his work, but one night, by accident, he discovers Draco's secret... of him being a vampire!

Pairing: Draco/Harry, kind of obvious. But just to warn people, HARRY IS BOTTOM.

Rating: M, for swearing and hopefully a little lemon.

Warning: There might be some lemon so if you don't like it, it's not that hard, just close the page. And please don't even complain to me because I will! Actually, I have no idea what I will do but rest assured, that it will be painful! And also, I'm sorry if my writing isn't that good, it's my first story!

Timing: Couple years after the defeat of Voldemort. Harry should be around 24 years old while Draco is 26.

A/N:Decided to write this extremely late at night so please don't yell at me if it sucks! Instead, give me some reviews because that'll help me know what to write in the coming chapters! Only wrote this because some bitchy little plot bunnies wouldn't stop bothering me. AND PLEASE REVIEW BECAUSE THAT WILL JUST MAKE MY DAY! Oh yeah, I don't put that many magical stuff in here but it still exists in this story. Italicized is usually Harry's thoughts!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter! If I did happen to, I would rule the world and make Tom Felton continually shag Daniel Radcliffe. And every Harry Potter Book would have a sex scene. (:

Chapter One

"The Director's characters is a little difficult, but I think that you will be able to meet the expectations connected to this job, Harry Potter."

"Thank you very much Mr. Claimsworth. I'll do my best," said Harry. Harry quickly smoothed down his tuxedo in order to make sure that he looks like a potential secretary in front of his new boss. He slowly walked through the doors that Mr. Claimsworth held open for him.

"Excuse me, sir! I'd like to present to you the new secretary in charge, Harry Potter," exclaimed Mr. Claimsworth.

"Potter you say?" sneered a cool voice. Harry's heart skipped a beat as he realized exactly whom that cold voice belonged to. As his emerald eyes slowly trailed up his new boss's body Harry stepped back in disgust.

"You've got to be kidding me," growled Harry. There stood his arch nemesis Draco Malfoy with the signature Malfoy sneer plastered onto his smug face. His hands were wrapped around a young, giggly blonde's body and he looked as if he was midway through having his way with her.

"Oh my Draco! That's why I told you to lock the door!" giggled the young harlot, "Looks like you have some work to do. I'm retiring for the day. See you later baby!" Harry could barely hold back from vomiting all over the expensive Persian rug that rested on the floor.

"Oh Director! I'm so sorry! We didn't mean to interrupt!" cried Mr. Claimsworth. Draco waved off the apology and made his way to his chair.

"So? Why is the oh-so-mighty Harry Potter even stepping foot in my office today?" hissed Draco. His steely gray eyes locked onto Harry's. Harry clenched his fist and bit back from hurling the Imperius Curse at the infamous Draco Malfoy.

"I am Harry Potter. I will be your secretary in charge from today. I'm looking forward to working with you," said Harry in the most pheasant voice he could muster.

"What is with the politeness Potter? What happened to the glory days when we used to curse each other into oblivion?"

"Well, isn't it better to only think of the present? I'm not the type of lowly person that dwells in the past. Don't you agree Director Malfoy?" hissed Harry.

"Oh, Kitty has claws," purred Malfoy leaning back into his chair as if he was pleased that he had managed to anger Harry Potter. Harry slowly approached Draco's desk and forced the nicest smile onto his face while handing his resume to Draco. Draco smirked and dropped the resume in the trash.

"Oh Harry, I heard that you had excellent working qualities, you're very capable. But, you don't fit my taste, if you know what I mean. Really Potter, you couldn't even take the time to replace those god awful glasses? Claimsworth! Bring me a secretary with more appealing looks," said Draco with a low chuckle following. Harry's eyes grew wide at Draco's rude statement. To everyone's surprise, Harry slammed his hands down on the desk and looked straight into Draco's eyes.

"Excuse me Director, I'm aware that my appearance is not that of a model but it's regrettable that you say I'm no good without even giving me a chance," said Harry, "You wouldn't know if I am suitable for the job unless you give me a chance to show you. If it's not too much of a problem, I'd like you to leave me on the job for a while and judge me only after that. Do you think that's possible? Or is that too much for the big boss?" Draco's eyes narrowed into slits as he realized Harry was challenging him.

"Well, in that case, you should be able to take care of this, shouldn't you?" growled Draco. He grabbed a stack of binders from under his desk and threw them onto his desk. Draco smiled and coolly said, "Process this pile here. Based on them, prepare the data for all four categories. Then prepare the materials for tomorrow's meeting. After that, take care of the letters of invitation and the notices here. Enter all the data and my schedule in the computer. Make sure not to ask me any stupid questions. If you need to, refer to the older data." Harry coyly smiled and muttered, "Understood Director."

"Oh yeah! And that babe, the daughter of the Minister of the Department of Mysteries, choose some suitable present for her and send it in my name, ok? And don't connect any incoming calls from women or men, who are not in my address book. Be careful about that," sneered Draco. Harry glared at Draco but did a small bow anyway. As he started to levitate the files out of Draco's office a bubbly young man skipped in and clutched onto Draco.

"Oh Draco my darling! I'm sorry to bother you during work, but I unexpectedly had a break and—"

"Oh I don't mind. I was just going to have a break," cooed Draco. He pulled the dainty young man into his arms. Draco waved Harry out of his office and mouthed, 'Get out!' Harry slowly walked out but slammed the door shut behind him in anger.

"Well…do your best!" said Mr. Claimsworth as he wringed his hands as if embarrassed for his boss.

"I will! Thank you for everything!" said Harry gratefully. As Harry started to settle down at his desk he heard moaning coming from Draco's office.

"Oh Draco! Please! Just put it in! Ahhhh!" Harry put his hands up to his ears like a little child trying to shut out the sound and plopped down into his chair.

"Stupid Asshole," growled Harry in agony.

"I would die if that ferret was my boss!" hissed Ron.

"I know! I might just end up killing him by accident, can you believe he had sex on work hours! Ugh, he disgusts me!" cried Harry. Ron looked at him with a stare of disbelief.

"No matter how much I hate the git, that's fucking awesome," said Ron with a chuckle.

"Ronald!" cried Hermione as she walked into the room. She looked at Ron with a look of disgust.

"Hahaha! I knew coming here would cheer me up!" said Harry with a smile.

"But is he really that disagreeable Harry? I mean, it's been years, he's bound to have changed!" exclaimed Hermione as she sat down on the couch next to her friends.

"It's true that he's capable in his work, but he still sucks completely as a person! He has no shame!" hollered Harry.

"But, I thought he was popular with the girls at his company? He's has to gotten just the teeniest bit nicer!" argued Hermione.

"Not really! I think his fans just like that badass attitude of his! But, you know, his cousin David isn't that bad. When I was his secretary's assistant, he was so nice to me even though I was just an assistant. He wasn't arrogant at all! A polar opposite of his brother!" complained Harry. Hermione and Ron burst into laughter. Harry completely outraged at his friend's sudden outburst gave them accusatory glares and hissed, "What? What's so goddamn funny?" Hermione wiped the tears from her eyes and exclaimed, "Sounds like someone's got a crush!" Harry pouted his lips, ever since he had told his friends that he was gay they had been teasing him ever since.

"Mate, you should start to get out into the dating world, it's not good for you to stay cooped up at home," said Ron with a concerned look on his face. Harry stuck his head high into the air and said, "PAH! Who needs those men! I can just stay with you guys forever!"

"Oh, no you don't!" said Hermione while she snatched Harry's glasses of his face. She looked at him endearingly and said, "I don't understand while you still wear these glasses and let your hair grow to cover you face! With you being so incredibly hot, you could get any guy! Come on Harry we fixed your eyes a long time ago, you can see perfectly well without them!" Harry lunged for his glasses and shoved them back onto his face while pushing his bangs to cover most of his face.

"I like having my glasses and hair, it's not like they get in the way of my work!" snapped Harry. Hermione and Ron both rolled their eyes at their stubborn friend. Harry hid his face in embarrassment but quickly turned back to his friends and said, "Oh yeah! I won't be able to come for dinner anymore!"

"Harry, you can't be skipping your dinners, that's not good for you!" exclaimed Hermione.

"Yeah mate! You're skinny enough already!" hollered Ron.

"No, I'm not skipping dinner! I have to work late in the evenings now since Malfoy stays so late. The company says it's because he's allergic to sunlight but I think he just plays with women until morning!" complained Harry while pounding his fist into his hand for emphasis.

"Harry mate that's great but you shouldn't overexert yourself. Remember that if something happens to you it doesn't only hurt you," warned Ron. Harry smiled and leaned over to hug his friends.

"Good morning Director!" hollered Harry as soon as Draco came bursting through the doors.

"Get ready for the meeting at—" Draco stopped dead in his tracks causing Harry to bump into him. He looked around at his perfectly clean office and then at the stack of completely sorted files on his desk.

"Did you finish these?" said Draco as he suggested to the stack of files on his desk. Harry smiled a triumphant smile and said, "Of course. Now, if you would life to look at today's schedule, please? I need your confirmation."

Draco looked at Harry with a look of surprise on his face but then his signature Malfoy sneer was back and he said, "Then put these files in order. I need them for the meeting tomorrow. And send these balance sheets for the last three years. And send something suitable to this guy." Harry quickly grabbed everything that he needed and got to work.

"Excuse me Director Malfoy, I'm done with everything. I think I'll be leaving for today," said Harry. Malfoy looked at the clock and was astonished that Harry finished all his work in a mere three hours.

"Well, I'm leaving for a meeting right now so I guess you can leave," sighed Malfoy. He was planning on making Harry work so much harder but that seemed like it was going to be harder than Malfoy thought. Harry quickly grabbed his bags as he escorted Malfoy out of the door. Malfoy slipped shades onto his face and brushed his platinum hair out of his face. Harry stared at him in wonder as an employee walked over and shielded Malfoy with an umbrella.

"He must really be allergic to sunlight to need an umbrella," mumbled Harry. Draco abruptly turned around and stared at Harry.

"How'd you know what to get all my dates?" mumbled Draco.

"Well, I looked at what you got them for the past couple years and I got them a present based on their likes!" said Harry with pride. A soft smile lingered on Draco's face for what seemed like a second.

"That seems like a problem, if you keep this up I'll have to keep plain-looking Potter around me as my secretary," muttered Draco. Harry blushed and looked at the ground. He tapped himself on the head and mumbled, "He only complimented me as my boss, why am I blushing like a stupid schoolgirl!"

The next morning Harry walked quickly behind Draco like a dog follows his owner as he told Draco of his schedule before a man's cry interrupted him.

"DRACO! Where were you? Were you with someone else? A man? Or even a woman? Why didn't you meet me?" cried a young man as he ran to Draco's side. Draco scooped the man up and engulfed the man in a passionate kiss.

"Cancel my next few appointments," muttered Draco as he waved away Harry. Harry looked longingly at Draco and thought, "Why can't I be the man in Draco's arms?" Harry slapped himself silly as he realized what he was saying. He quickly rushed after Draco and the man to make sure that they reached Draco's office and didn't end up shagging each other in the hallway.

Harry watched as the same young man and Draco walked out of Draco's office after having what Harry presumed as sex. He looked at the lithe man and paled when he saw his condition. The man was extremely pale and couldn't even stand on his own two feet. Harry gasped as he realized what Draco might be doing to his dates. What if he is drugging them? Thought Harry. A new train of thought rushed into Harry's head. What if it's illegal? Draco could be caught and the whole company might close down because of what he's doing! Harry then decided to come up with a master plan.

Later that night Harry was walking through Draco's office looking for clues of drugs of even worse, curses.

"Ahhhhh! Draco! Wait, until we get into your office!"

"Oh my fucking god! Please tell me he isn't coming back right now!" cursed Harry. Harry quickly hid behind the couch that was in Draco's office. "SHIT! What am I doing! What if I'm caught!" muttered Harry. Draco and his date stumbled into the room stripping themselves of their clothes.

"Oh Dracccooooo! Please! Oh no! Don't do something like that!" cried a young woman.

"Come on, you love it when I do this, don't you," growled Draco in a seductive voice.

"Ahhhh!" cried the woman, "Please! Draco give it to me!"

"Is he giving her the drug?" mumbled Harry. He quickly stood up as if to confront the couple but only saw Draco sinking what appeared to be fangs into the woman's neck. Blood dripped down Draco's pale skin as he drank the young woman's blood. The woman grew limp in his arms as if dead. Harry backed up as he realized what Draco was.

"A vampire!" Harry gasped. Draco quickly shifted his gaze to Harry. Harry backed away and ran to the door terrified of what Draco might do to him. As soon as he put his hands on the door handle he felt a warm body come up behind him and whisper, "Peeping Tom? Well, isn't that a nice hobby?"

A/N: (Oh yeah, Draco has a cousin in this story. I imagined his cousin to look like Chase Crawfod. Mostly because he's incredibly gorgeous (; I imagined his to look like he does in this picture - /wp-content/uploads/2009/02/chace_. His name is Étienne David Malfoy, but a lot of people call him David.) And don't you just love my cliffhanger? Please review! And until next time!
