So yeah, I know I usually write about Digimon, but I'm going to try one Naruto story. So yeah, enjoy, but don't worry I just have writer's block for my other stories, they will be updated.

She cried. That was all she could do. Everything she had ever hoped for and wanted and desired had fallen through. What could she do?

Hinata walked by the quiet Konoha streets with a bundle of flowers in her hands. The Great Shinobi War had ended, and Naruto was greatly hurt. Hinata wanted to be the first to see him, to comfort him, and most importantly, find out if he loved her back.

There it was. The Konoha Hospital, where Naruto was rehabilitating, was in front of her. She walked in quietly, heart beating and hands shaky. What had happened? She was supposed to be much more confidant now. She was a veteran and a war hero, why should she be frightened.

"Oh yeah," she thought, "b-b-because this is the only th-th-thing I'm n-n-not really s-s-sure about."

She had no doubt she and her friends would win the war, but Naruto, that was a different story. How could she know how he felt. He was a clueless baboon when it came to affairs of the heart.

She stood outside Naruto's room, breathing heavily.

"I c-c-can't do this…" she thought to herself, "I'm just not brave enough."

Suddenly her fist clenched around the flowers. She thought about when she confessed her feelings to Naruto. That fateful day where she put everything at risk for the man she loved. Pain was the most difficult and deadly villain she had ever faced.

"I was enough to help Naruto defeat him," she thought. "I can do this. He does care for me."

She thought back to the time when Naruto cheered her on at the chunnin exams or when she offered to help him cheat during the written test.

"I can do this!" she thought, "I can! I can! I'm not the same girl I used to be, I'm different. I'm worth something!"

She creaked open the door. At that moment, she wanted to die. Upon the hospital bed was Naruto, beat up and bandaged from the war, but Hinata could not see his face, for there was something covering it. In front of Naruto's face was a mass of rosette hair that could only belong to Sakura. Naruto and Sakura were locking lips before Hinata.

Hinata's pale, white eyes widened at this scene. The door was not fully opened, nor could the two see Hinata at all. In Sakura and Naruto's minds, they were all alone together. In Hinata's mind, she was all alone, and her dreams were crushed. Wider and wider her eyes grew until a small trickle of tears ran down to her chin. She dropped the flowers and ran.

Back at the Hyuga family complex, Hinata was lost for words. One thousand thoughts ran through her mind. Suicide, running away, and murder were just some examples of her brainstorming. Then, she lowered her head. None of these things were her style. Suddenly, she cringed. She knew her style. She would actually have to be happy for them! That was something she could not do. She could no longer talk to Sakura. It was sad, for they were actually good friend. But even though she liked Sakura, she loved Naruto and Sakura had stolen her man.

Another factor to her heartbreak was the Hyuga clan restructuring. Her father, Hiashi, seeing Neji as the best possible successor to the Hyuga clan leadership, considered making him the heir to the clan leadership. Hinata was not opposed to this, for she had been dismissed as successor long ago, but the clan was breaking apart between the pro-Neji restructurists and the pro-Hanabi traditionalists. Hinata loved her little sister, but no one matched Neji as clan leader. But that was not the worst part. Since her childhood, Hinata saw no connection with her clan. The Hyugas always hated her until recently. Ever since she was a young teenager, she had hoped to leave the Hyuga clan and "help" Naruto rebuild a new Uzumaki clan. Now none of that mattered. She knew Sakura would become the "Lady Uzumaki" and she detested it. What would she do now? Live as an old maid in this clan?

There was only one person Hinata knew who could help her. She started off in the dark streets and approached a well-to-do house in the northwest quarter of the city. It was Kurenai Yuhi's home. She knocked on the door and Kurenai answered the door.

"Hinata!" Kurenai exclaimed.

Hinata began sobbing and threw her arms around her sensei. Hinata told her everything that had happened, about her love of Naruto, about the confession, and about what she had saw at the hospital.

"Hinata," said Kurenai quietly, "Hinata, why not find someone else?"


"Hinata, you're a young, beautiful, kind girl. You don't need to be crying because some guy doesn't love you, no it isn't even that. You don't need to be crying because he loves someone else."


"What about Kiba or Shino. They were nice guys who were always there for you."


"Besides Hinata, your kekkai genkai and your riches are other pull factors. You could have any guy you want."

"Yeah, that's true."

"Just think about what I told you."

"I will," said Hinata quietly. She then quietly stood up and left. Not even her own sensei could understand. Hinata needed to find help elsewhere.

"S-s-so guys," Hinata told Kiba and Shino at their usual training grounds, "that's w-w-why I'm leaving."

"But Hinata!" exclaimed Kiba, "why would you do this just because of Naruto!"

"Please Kiba," said Hinata, "let's not talk about him."

"Please Hinata," said Kiba, "stay here with us. Help us rebuild Konoha."

"Don't s-s-say that Kiba," replied Hinata, "I'm just going to Suna for a little while. It won't be that long. Besides, Lady Tsunade says we need Konoha representatives in Suna in order to secure…"

"Don't use terminology with me, Hinata!" shouted Kiba.

Hinata trembled back. Kiba turned to Shino.

"What do you think?" he asked.

Shino looked at Hinata and blinked. "She has to do what she has to do."

Kiba's head shifted over to Hinata with his mouth wide open. Sure, it was true that Kiba once had a crush on Hinata, but now, all he felt was a fear of losing a friend. Team 8 was the only team with all its members. Team 10 lost Asuma and Team 7 lost Sasuke. Kiba didn't want to know what it felt like to lose someone. He wanted to make sure that his team would be secure.

"I don't know why you're so scared, Kiba," Hinata smiled, "it'll just be like another mission. Don't worry, I'll be back."

Kiba nodded quietly. "OK…I just…we're the only complete team."

"I know Kiba," Hinata replied, "I know."

Hinata was all packed up and ready to go. She stood at the village gate with all her belongings for her long trip. She took a deep breath, reminiscing of all the things of which she would soon give up. She was going to give up her family that had recently accepted her, her friends who were always there for her, and her village, which she had just recently almost sacrificed her life to protect. There was just one thing that weighed down on her heart. She took one step toward the gate, but…she couldn't do it. There was one person she needed to talk to before she left. Just one person she needed to see. So she ran off into the darkness, to find that one last person.

Naruto and Sakura walked to Sakura's house, hand in hand. Upon arriving to the front door, the two of them shared a long kiss.

Naruto smiled. "I can't believe we're actually together."

Sakura smiled back. "I know. I can't believe it either."

Naruto put his hand to Sakura's face. "It's like a dream come true. I almost can't comprehend it."

"Wow Naruto," laughed Sakura, "you're vocabulary is growing!"

Naruto laughed back and kissed her once more goodbye, then he headed off into the dark. Sakura smiled at her boyfriend, and then she opened her own door. There, her mother was sitting on the sofa with…

Sakura's mouth dropped when she saw her mother and Hinata of all people.

"Sakura!" called Mrs. Haruno. "You're friend's here."

Sakura walked uncomfortably over to Hinata.

"Hi Sakura," said Hinata quietly.

"Hi," replied Sakura awkwardly. "Mom, we're going up to my room."

Sakura and Hinata went up to Sakura's room. Hinata took a seat on Sakura's desk and Sakura sat on her bed.

"So Hinata," began Sakura, "is there something you wanted."

"Yes Sakura," replied Hinata. Hinata took a long sigh. "Sakura, I'm planning on going to Sunagakure to help in their reconstruction."

"Oh yeah?" asked Sakura, "what brought that on?"

Hinata began to tremble. "Sakura…do you love Naruto?"

Sakura's eyes widened. She was not ready for this question, but she had to answer honestly.


Hinata head almost snapped when she turned to Sakura. Her now broken heart was not mixed with anger and confusion. "No?" she thought. "What does she mean?"

Hinata stared at Sakura for a moment. "No? What do you mean? I saw you kissing Naruto in the hospital!"

Sakura was aghast. "You saw that?"

"Yes! Now what do you mean that you don't love Naruto! Why did you kiss him?"

Sakura took a deep breath. "Look Hinata, I know you love Naruto…"

"Then why did you kiss him!"

"Listen to me Hinata!" exclaimed Sakura, "I kissed Naruto because…well because of the war."

"I don't understand."

"Naruto basically won us the war."

"I know."

"Look Hinata, Naruto basically saved our village and the entire world and he pretty much deserves anything he wants."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing…"

"It's just the best thing to do."

"But Naruto would never be with you if he knew this!"

"Hinata…" said Sakura, "Naruto is a man like any other, he's going to take what he can get. He's always been in love with me, I have to help some of his dreams come true."

Hinata started to tear up. Sure she wanted Naruto to be happy, but lying to him? Would that really make him happy? And worst of all, Naruto would give anything to be with Sakura, and Sakura doesn't even really love him!

Sakura looked at Hinata sadly. "I'm sorry Hinata, I know this is really hard for you to hear."

"But I really love him! I really love him, Sakura! I've wanted him ever since I first saw him at the Academy!"

Now Sakura was tearing up. She thought about her's (and the rest of the girl's) fickle crush on Sasuke, but that was nothing compared to Hinata's devotion to Naruto.

Hinata now had tears all over her face.


It was too late though. Hinata had gotten up and run out of Sakura's house. Sakura attempted to chase after her, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. Something told her that she was only making things worse.

Hinata ran down the dark streets of Konoha. Her head was down and she did not see where she was going, but the melancholy streets were familiar to her, so she could navigate well. Suddenly she bumped into someone. She looked up and gasped silently when she saw it was Naruto.

Naruto looked around to her. "Oh hey Hinata."

Hinata just looked away and kept running.

"Hinata!" called Naruto, "what's going on?"

Upon reaching the village gate, she fled, not even looking back. Quickly, she ran across the Fire countryside toward the Wind country. It would be a long, grueling journey, but she knew that nothing could be worse than what she had experienced the last few days. Nothing could compare to her pain. Nothing.

So if you liked it, comment, because if no one comments, then, well, no updates.