AN: First off I'll let you guys know I'm going back to edit the chapters again, since the summer was basically as long as year 1. Yeah I know my grammar is shit. I edited those chapters early on and mistakes are everywhere still, I obviously needed to go back and fix them. If you've followed the story from the start, you know how bad my English was when this story first started, I like to think it has improved somewhat, at least as the story has progressed. Going back over earlier chapters will let me reacquaint myself with the little hints I tend to put in the story, so I don't end up saying or doing something I said I would or wouldn't do.

Yeah bad grammar is annoying, I know that, I myself have quit stories because of terrible grammar. Plus my pet peeve of pairing Harry with Hermione or Ginny (So many fics have stopped using Hermione or Ginny from canon I've noticed lately, they use other fanfic authors likable versions of those characters...). So many quality ideas and concepts, ruined by the need to translate every second sentence... While I know my way of writing isn't 'slam my head against the wall' bad, it can still drive some of the more detailed readers insane. The editing will help me sort fix what I can for newcomers, to make it easier on the eyes.

I've also done half of the new chapter as well, but I won't finish it until I have finished editing the old chapters. If all goes to plan, I should be done by Fri 15/06, it got pushed back due to life distractions interrupting me. I know waiting for new chapters is annoying, my updating for the last 6-8 months has been very random and spread apart due to multiple distractions that is life. But I'll try to be good once this process is finished. Sorry to all those hoping for the next chapter, but it will be up soon, I promise. - Mirabilis