Author's Note: So here's my dapple in a short multi-chaptered story, loosely based on a combination of events in my own life and my own imagination. It's mostly written, so I'll be posting it relatively quickly. Standard disclaimers apply. Rated T for some language.

"Jane. You know that murder we've been workin' with Newton PD on? Nailed down the perp."

"No shit!" Rizzoli pushed back from her desk, breaking out into a wide grin.

Frost gave a tight-lipped smile. "Kid named Mike Thomas. Don't wanna freak you out, but he goes to Boston Latin. Cavanaugh wants us to make the arrest during the school day; he's a flight risk."

Her grin quickly turned into a scowl. "Fuck. For real?"

"Yeah. You ready?"

The brunette grimaced. "Let's do this"

As Frost weaved in and out of Boston traffic, Jane shot a quick text to Maura:

Hey babe. iou for lunch. Bein' a badass, bustin' a perp. don't worry, it'll be fine. Love you"

Jane stared out the windshield. "Maura is gonna kill me for not telling her it's at Olivia's school."

Frost glanced at his partner. "You didn't tell her?"

"She freaks out enough when she knows I'm makin' a bust, she doesn't need any more reason to hyperventilate."

"But…" Though Barry Frost didn't understand much about women, he knew there were certain things you should never do to a woman. Omitting information such as this was one of those things.

"Shut up and drive Frost" Jane's tone leaving no more room for negotiation.

Jane looked out the window again, jostling her phone in her hands. Her phone buzzed and she read the incoming text:

Language, Jane. Be safe. I love you.

The woman took a deep breath. 'Please let this just be a routine arrest' she whispered to herself as she readjusted her vest, her hand lingering over the pocket above her heart.

As they marched into the cafeteria, Jane's eyes immediately locked with her daughter's. Of course she'd have lunch the same period as this asshole.

The detective brushed a finger across her lips; a move to indicate her daughter should act as if the two weren't connected. The last thing Jane needed was Mike Thomas to use Olivia as easy leverage with the detectives.

It happened quickly. One moment Jane was reciting the suspect's Miranda rights, the next she was wrestling with him on the floor, furiously working to remove the firearm in his hand.

The cafeteria was eerily silent, save for two gunshots sounding rapid fire. Frost lunged at the suspect, cuffing him as blood poured out of the gunshot wound on the perp's shoulder, a slew of profanities falling from Thomas' mouth. Simultaneously, a young girl's screams could be heard as she ran towards her mother.

"Oh God, Mom. Ma, are you okay? Where does it hurt? Hang on Ma please don't die. I love you." The teen frantically checked her mother's body, looking for the entry wound like her Momma had taught her during one evening in the morgue.

'Fuck, Frost's a good shot' Jane thought as she silently thanked whatever higher being there was for her partner's accuracy and the suspect's lack thereof. "Livie. Shh… sweetheart he hit me in the vest. I'm okay. See." Jane grabbed her daughter's hand, placing it over her rapidly beating heart.

Relief flushed over the teenager, relief that quickly turned to anger. Olivia punched Jane in the arm. Hard. And repeatedly.

"Jesus Christ Ma, what the hell were you thinking? Didja really have to go all Chuck Norris on his ass. God you could have died!" Olivia shrieked, before breaking down into hysterics. "I could have watched you die!" she sobbed into her hands as Jane slowly sat up to wrap an arm around her daughter's shuddering shoulders.

They sat there as the flurry of activity whirled around them. Students filed out of the cafeteria, and paramedics worked to load the gravely injured Mike Thomas onto the gurney. A paramedic assessed Jane's condition; Olivia continued to weep quietly at her side, legs tucked up to her chest.

Jane tucked a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear. "Honey, we've gotta take a ride in the ambulance. A routine checkup for me, alright?"

Olivia shook her head vaguely but made no move to get up. The detective glanced at her partner, who nodded in understanding and moved in to pick up the shaking teen. It was her undoing, and the girl started sobbing uncontrollably all over again.

The paramedic patted Jane on the shoulder as they made their way to the ambulance. "She'll be okay ma'am. It's just the shock."

"Yeah. I'm all too familiar with it." Jane replied sadly, her mind drifting to a woman across town.

Maura was fidgeting. She never fidgeted, but she couldn't help it. It'd been over an hour since she last heard from Jane, and she couldn't shake the sinking feeling she had in the pit of her stomach. Her ringing phone pulled her out of her reverie and as she glanced at her caller ID, her heartbeat escalated.

"Barry? Why isn't Jane calling? What happened?"

She barely registered Frost speaking to her, mind immediately racing back to that day oh so long ago. Jane's limp body crumpled on the pavement, begging her to stay alive. The screams, the long vigils at Jane's bedside…

"Doc. Doc. Jane's okay. She took one to the vest, but Olivia saw the whole thing. Both of 'em are pretty spooked. "

Maura looked down at her hands. Though clean, all she saw was Jane's blood on them.

"Olivia?" Maura squeaked.

Barry coughed. "Yeah see, the arrest was at her school. Happened in the cafeteria."

There was a very audible gasp at the other side of the line.

"Jane finally got the poor kid to calm down. She was screaming and crying all the way to the hospital. We're at Mass Gen."

"I'll be right there."

Maura hung up the phone, sinking down in her chair. A solitary tear rolled down her cheek. "Oh my."

Maura rushed into the hospital room, extremely relieved to see Jane perched on the edge of an examination table and Olivia sitting in a chair by her side, head resting on Jane's lap.

"Oh thank goodness!" Maura exclaimed, running towards her family. She cupped her daughter's cheek, the other hand coming to rest on her wife's cheek. "You're both are okay" she whispered almost to herself, pressing a kiss to Jane's forehead as her daughter stood for a one armed hug.

"Momma, it was horrible!" Olivia whimpered into Maura's side. Jane's eyes darted from Olivia to Maura, guilt written across her face as she dropped her head against Maura's shoulder.

"I know, Livie. It's over now though, everything is fine." Maura soothed, deftly running her hands through both her daughter and wife's hair.

For a moment the Rizzoli clan relished in the silence of the room, each lost in their own thoughts. It was Maura who finally broke the moment.

"Liv, Uncle Barry was asking for you—he's heading to the cafeteria and needs a lunch companion."

The teen nodded, squeezing Maura once more before pulling away. "Want me to bring anything back?"

Maura, ever the caretaker, made one small request. "No, just make sure Barry doesn't load up on doughnuts please. Try to get something green on his plate."

Olivia peered at Jane fleetingly before shaking her head in the affirmative, leaving her parents alone.

Maura sighed and hopped up on the table beside Jane. The taller woman shifted, gingerly slumping against Maura's side.

"She punched me, Maur. She punched me and screamed at me and broke down sobbing. Frost had to carry her into the ambulance. She's never going to forgive me."

Maura nodded sympathetically. "She's scared Jane. She idolizes you. In her world, you're invincible. I know how she feels. I've…I've been in her shoes."

The brunette wrapped her arms around her wife's waist. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you the arrest was at Olivia's school. I didn't want you down in the morgue in a complete panic until you heard from me." Jane's voice cracked.

"Shhh…we'll talk later. Right now, I need to hold you". Wet tears dropped onto the detective's hair. Jane pressed a kiss to Maura's neck, murmuring against her skin a timid "thank you".

The women sat huddled together until Olivia poked her head back into the room, some time later.

"Uncle Barry ate a salad. The nutritional value was severely compromised by the absurd amount of ranch dressing he poured on it. Can we go home now? Please?"