
When I told them I was bonded to Jessica their faces were priceless. It was just funny, but I had to hold in my laughter.

"I don't understand this bonding thing much, but you guys are like married or something" asked Sam

"Yeah except we feel what the other feels which is why I was in pain earlier" I said

"And I thought you were dying or something" said Sunstreaker

"You were worried the great Sunstreaker was worried" I teased

"Of course I was worried you're my brother idiot" He said

Suddenly Ratchet came. He was looking quite tired. 'was that knife that hard to get out' I thought.

"How is she Ratchet?" I asked

"I found she had a couple of broken ribs, it was a wonder how she was able to move with those things broken" he said

"Maybe she just wanted to get out of there as fast as she could" said Mikaela

"Wait what did happen to her?" I asked

"Her parents were beating her like crazy, Jessica told me they were drunk" said Sam

"Such a shame" said Sunstreaker

"No one deserves to be treated that way" I said

"That right which is why you're going to help her Sideswipe you are bonded to her" said Ratchet

I didn't even argue I knew I had to protect her. She is now an important part of my life I didn't know her well, but we were bonded for a reason.

"When can I see her?" I asked

"You're going to have to wait until she wakes up" said Ratchet

"Does Optimus know about her" I asked

"Yes he believes we have to tell her about us since it is dangerous to keep you two away from each other" he said

"What would happen if they were separated" asked Sam

"Their bond will be separated and can end up killing them" said Ratchet. That got the boy worried.

"Oh" was all he said

"Sideswipe you know what since you are looking a little desperate I will let you see her, but in your holoform." he told me I nodded

He led me to where she was and opened the door for me.

"I will talk to Optimus, so keep an eye on her while I'm gone" said Ratchet

I nodded.

Ratchet walked out leaving me alone with her. I looked at her she looked so beautiful even with bruises. She had a bruise on the side of her eye and on the corner of her jaw. Her mouth was slightly parted. I don't know why, but I felt like kissing her. It was just the way her lips looked the way they were parted was if they were meant to be kissed. Her lips were pink and full. Wait what am I thinking I had to take it slow before I went there.

I saw Jessica stir. She winced in her sleep. I also felt pain though my side of the bond. I am so mad that her own creators could do this to her. She seemed like a nice person she didn't deserve this. I swear I will do anything to keep her happy. Her smile makes my spark pound harder. 'I really have to stop thinking of how she looks' I thought.

I walked closer to her got a chair and sat down next to her. I reached out and grabbed her hand. It was soft to the touch. I moved a strand of hair out of her face she seemed to relax at my touch. I saw her nails had little silver star stickers with a small fake diamond in the middle.

I remembered the way she sang it was the most beautiful sound I ever heard. She was so confident, it was like she didn't even care what other people thought of her. All of a sudden I heard my name being called. I turned around only to see Ratchet and Optimus.

"Sideswipe can I talk to you?" asked Optimus

"Yes sir" I said

We walked outside of the med bay. I turned off my holoform as did Optimus.

"What is it boss bot" I said

"Sideswipe I heard you were bonded to this girl" He said. I nodded

"I've never heard of an Autobot bonding to a human I didn't even know it was possible" He said

"I know I never knew it could happen either, but here I am bonded to her" I said

"I know we can't keep you two away from each other because it is dangerous, so I decided we will have to tell her after she heals properly" He said

"Yes sir" I said with a cheerful voice

"I can tell right now she will make you happy" He said with a chuckle

'I just hope I can make her happy' I thought

Jessica (POV)

All I felt was pain those pain killers probably wore off. I opened my eyes only to see a bright light in my face.

"Nice to see you awake" I jumped at the voice

"Oh hey Dr. Ratchet" I said when I realized who it was

"How do you feel?" he asked

"A little sore" I replied

"You don't feel anything else?" he asked

"No not at all" I said

"Okay that good" he said

"So when will I be able to get out of here?" I asked

"You are healing quite fast you should be out of here by tomorrow afternoon" he replied

"Wow that fast" I said

"Yes but you will have to rest for awhile you had a couple of broken ribs" he said

"Okay" I said

"Now rest some more we have to talk to you tomorrow he said

I nodded. With that he left so I could rest. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about. And what did he mean 'we'. I had a feeling something was about to happen, but I didn't know what.