A/N: Hi again! I actually did update relatively soon after the last chapter this time! I'm really enjoying writing this! I think I might go back over the old chapters and rewrite them. I won't change anything important, but just try and fix certain things, considering the first few chapters of this story were written around two years ago when I had no idea where I actually wanted it go and it was more than a little bit random. I also changed the title. Anyway, *reads over this chapter* this story has taken a rather depressing turn, hasn't it? Well, I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Sam's Memories

It happened when I least expected it.

I'd just started to get used to having Rena around. Every morning I'd come into school as normal, sometimes she'd show up and other times she wouldn't. On the days she'd show up we'd usually cut class and sneak off to the railway station. We'd hang out there and find something to amuse ourselves with. It was never dull when she was around. The school had called my mom and him about it several times but no-one really seemed to care. I had no idea about what Rena's family was like though.

On the days she didn't show up it was harder. The kids in my class made fun of me even more now that I was friends with her, constantly asking me if she was a boy or a girl and jeering at me for whatever reason they could come up with at the time. Most of the time I was able to block it all out, thinking of Rena and all the things I'd have to tell her once she came back into school.

But then one cold Friday evening as I was walking home from school, cursing my poor decision not to bring a coat it suddenly hit me that Rena had been absent from school every single day that week. She'd never been away that long before, or at least not since we'd become friends. Previously, even if she'd been away for only one day she'd send me a stupid text message to let me know she was all right. Usually something a long the lines of, "hey sam wat i mis iz the teachre still a butface? lol", spelling errors and all.

I pulled out my mobile phone just to be sure. Yep, nothing.

I carried on walking, still staring unseeingly at the phone in my hand. I thought about Rena – her weird, goofy grin and her boisterous attitude. I tried not to worry too much, after all she was a really tough girl. I imagined some big, creepy guy in a trench coat approaching her in the dead of night and her going all kung-fu on him and kicking him in the nuts. I laughed softly to myself at the thought.

Suddenly I realized I could feel grass beneath my feet. I looked up. I was on the field, nearby the railway station where Rena and I had been so many times over the last few months. I shook my head and smiled, how did my feet lead me here without me noticing? Either way, I was nearly there so I figured I'd stop by Rena and my "hide-out" just in case she was there.

Unsurprisingly, she wasn't. I was in no hurry to get home so I aimlessly walked along the tracks for a while. It was probably pretty dangerous looking back on it but it'd been there so many times over the past how-long that I could practically find my way around the place with my eyes closed so I wasn't worried. I'd stop every few seconds just to stare into space and fondly remember my good times with Rena.

It was while I was staring into space one time that I noticed a piece of paper on one of the tracks, fighting against the rock it was under to fly off into the wind. Curious, I walked over to it and removed the rock, careful not to let the piece of paper blow away.

At the top of the page in big, bold, capital letters with an uncanny amount of exclamation marks read my name in what I knew was Rena's less-than-neat handwriting. A smile appeared on my face but it was gone as soon as I began to read the rest of the note:

"I'm really hoping you get this! I really wanted to say goodbye properly but it wasn't possible. Don't worry, I'm not hurt or anything! It's just, well, there's no point in me being here. In this town, with people I don't fit in with. You actually have a future ahead of you - you're really smart and a good kid so maybe it's best that you don't hang out with a delinquent like me who's always getting you to ditch school and stuff! Did I spell that right? Anyway, I'm really sorry I have to leave, Sam. I really enjoyed spending these past few months with you. I've never ever had a friend like you before and I probably never will again. You're like a brother to me, Sam! I'll miss you! You're always saying how I smell like pickled onions, if you ever miss me then buy a jar of them and take a sniff – you won't even know I'm gone! Also, don't try to call me because I don't have my phone any more. I won't need it where I'm going! ~Love Rena"

I don't really know how to describe what happened next. I kind of blacked out. I just remember hearing this horrible screeching noise like the time with the fire back then. I think I was running too. Yes, I was running but everything was blurry. Maybe it was because of the tears in my eyes. I don't know. As I got into the busier parts of town I was vaguely aware of people's eyes on me – some looking horrified, others concerned, others amused. But at the time I didn't care - I just had to keep running.

When I arrived at my house no-one was home. It was just as well. I shot in, ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I sat in the bathtub with my clothes still on, staring at the letter from Rena, tears still spilling out of my eyes.

You knew this would happen, a voice inside of my head said. No-one ever cares about you.

"Shut up!" I said aloud. "Rena does care!"

Then why did she leave you? the voice said. She hates you. Just like everybody else.

The last four words seemed to echo in my head.

Just like everybody else.

Like everybody else.

Everybody else.

Like Mom.

Like him.

Like everyone in my class.

Like all the teachers.

Like everybody else.

After that I blacked out again. When I finally came to I was still sat in the bath, but this time in a pool of blood with a razor-blade in my right hand and a new stinging sensation in both my wrists.

Sam's POV

Hey, Rena.

How are things going for you?

I'm still at the Cirque du Freak and everyone is all tense. That Mr. Tiny guy is finally sending someone over to tell me about my 'mission' or whatever today. On the upside I'm down to only throwing up 4 times a day now! That could be either a good thing or a bad thing...

Darren and Evra are doing fine. Well, as fine as you can be when some creepy dude is poisoning your room mate. And Steve is okay, I think. He hasn't poked me with any sharp objects lately... Mr. Crepsley is as stern-faced as ever.

Anyway, that's all for now. See you soon.

~Love Sam

I hit the send button and I'm about to turn my phone off and return it to my pocket but one of the icons on the screen, with the word 'photos' beneath it catches my eye. I touch on it and the three photos I have in my album are revealed.

The first one is a picture of my mom, obviously taken before he arrived because she actually looks happy. She's balancing a stuffed dog on her head (most likely placed there by a younger me who would've thought that kind of thing hilarious) but she's modelling it as if it's the most expensive designer hat. She's laughing and I imagine I would've been laughing too as I took the picture.

The second is a stupid selfie I took in front of the mirror while I was bored. I skip to the next one.

It's a picture of Rena and me. Or rather Rena, with me as a background image. She's making a dumb face right in front of the camera lens while I giggle behind her. Smiling sadly, I make the picture my wallpaper then turn off my phone and shove it back into my pocket.

I stay there for a while, unmoving. I'm alone in mine and Steve's tent, only that jar of pickled onions I bought yesterday to keep me company. I pick it up from where it's resting next to me and unscrew the lid. I inhale deeply and almost instantly my eyes fill with tears. When I see someone enter the tent I quickly wipe my eyes and return the jar to where it was originally. It's Darren.

"Hey, Sam."

For a second his bright, blue eyes lock with my green ones and it's really surreal. We both know exactly what the other is thinking, we can both sense each others' fear. I imagine the others are outside, feeling exactly the same. The blood is completely drained from Darren's face but he somehow forces a smile.

"I think he's here." He says simply and there's no need for any further clarification. I get up from where I'm seated and follow him out of the tent to meet my doom.

A/N: This chapter was rather short, I think but the next one will be when it all finally starts going down! Also, thank you for the reviews on the last chapter! I was pleasantly surprised when I logged on one day to find that this story now has 50 reviews! I love the Shandom so much *single tear drop*. Anyway, some of the people who reviewed last time were guests so I'm going to reply here.

Samuel Peterson: You okay, bro? o.O

Andre: No problem at all! Thank you for reading and reviewing!