Hey there I am going to make a story about Puzzleshipping. I watch a youtube called The Pharaoh and I.

I'm making a story about it. Then I wanted to make something else while I'm working with the Dragon's Soul and Kirby Back Again. So now I'm going to work with this story.

In this one is a about Yugi who has trouble with his ankles. He was born with some kind of Defect that makes him not use his legs anymore. Then comes along with the pharaoh named Yami/Atemu who happens to find him. So what will happen now? Can Yugi be able to walk again or will he crawl for the rest of his life? Can Atemu/Yami help Yugi or will the from the past punish Yugi?

Read and find out:D

Oh there will be fighting, blood lots of it, cuss words, and maybe even lemon.

The Pharaoh and I

Chapter One

The Flute Boy and the Pharaoh

In darkness night, at the greatest land ever to be rule by many pharaohs those came into the world and make the land the greatest country ever.

In ancient Egypt, there was one pharaoh who rules with strength and pride. He was on an age of 18 who took over when his father was passed into the after life.

He was riding his horse in a deep blue dark night where the clouds were blowing softly against the night. He smiled softly to the sky. "Man the great God of Ra is really in a good mood tonight." he asked. As he ride thought the night.

At a stone house in the far away land from the kingdom. A young boy was playing the flute softly into the night. His mother takes care of that little boy ever since he was born.

His father died by a terrible sickness that made his heart stop beating when Yugi was 3 years old. His mother was upset about that lost of her husband even as Yugi was upset about the loss.

His mother was happy though to have little boy that reminds her husband. However, there was a curse fate upon the young boy. He can't walk like all people can.

"Mother do you think daddy can see us?" the flute boy asked after he was done with the song. The mother went to the boy and patted his head gently.

"I'm sure your father will be watching us from the after life with Ra." she answered. The boy smiled then sighed sadly. He crawled from the front of his bed to his mother's lap.

"I miss him." he said with tears forming in his violet eyes. His mother smoothed his head and then his back softly. She kissed his forehead gently.

"I know I miss him too." his mother said to him. She picks up the flute that was carved by her and the boy's father made when the boy was born. She begins to play a lullaby that made the boy go to sleep.

Around at night time the young pharaoh look around to see someone going to a house…"What the Ra?" he wondered. He made sure to grab his sword with him when he's going out on night rides. "I wonder…" he thought.

He kicks his horse's sides gently then he rode off to the house.

The man unlocks the door to the young Flute Boy's home, looking around the house to see what he can steal. Everyone around the house was sleeping peacefully. The flute boy was sleeping in his room with the flute in his hand.

The man looks at the boy's room only to see a flute in his hand. The man smiled because the flute was made of pure gold. "That will make me rich." the man thought.

He tip toed to the boy's bed and tried to take the flute from the boy's hand. Then a sound of a horse came into his ears that woke the boy up then saw a hand on top of his flute.

"HEY!" the boy shouted. The man turned to see the boy awake. The boy tried to kick the man off of him. But since he can't use his ankles he as to use his knees to hit him in the back.

The man grabbed the boy's leg and throws him off his bed. Pain was moving through his body, the man grab the dagger out of his pocket as he was about to kill the boy.

A candle was lit the room. The mother went to her son's room. "Yu- what are you doing to my son!" the mother shouted at him.

The thief look at the woman before returning to the boy named Yugi. "Mom!" the boy shouted.

"Don't hurt my son please." the mother begged to the man. The evil man smiled when she said those words.

"Oh don't worry I won't hurt him…much." the man said to her. The woman was shock to hear those words. The man grabs the boy's hair hard just so he can see his neck.

"Say good bye to him." the man said. Yugi had tears coming out of his eyes when the man was about to kill her son.

The boy closed his eyes tightly waiting for the after life. Then there were a slash sound and something spilled on his face and body. He opened his eyes to see his…

"MOTHER!" he shouted. His mother was stabbed in the chest hardly with the blade. Yugi used his hands to crawl to his mother's body. "Mom…mommy." he sobbed with tears in his eyes that were falling freely of his face.

"Uh…that damn woman. Oh well, I'll still sent you to the after life along with her!" the man shouted. The man came rushing with the blade in hand after Yugi.

Yugi hugged his mother wanting this nightmare to be awakened. Then there was blood on the floor. Yugi moved his head to see the man on the floor with blood coming out of his chest.

Yugi shook to the core to see the horrible sight. "Hey are you okay?" another man asked. Yugi turned to look up to see another boy that looks like him.

But he has bangs growing over his hair and dark blood crimson eyes. For Yugi he has a small bang over his head and his eyes are violet. He looked at the savoir but hold his mother close to him.

"Who…who…" Yugi tried to say something but he couldn't cause of the tears and the sob. The older male bent his knees to look at the boy closely.

"Man…I'm sorry I should have been here sooner." the older male apologized. Yugi used his hands and give the man a hug. "It's alright little one. I'll take you to my home." the man said to him.

"But…my…mother…" Yugi sobbed. The man name Yami rubbed his hair gently.

"Don't worry we can take her with us. She is still alive, but if we don't hurry she might die." Yami said to him.

Yugi smiled happy knowing that his mother is still alive. Yami let the boy go so he can take the mother to his horse. "Do you need help?" Yugi asked. However, he regretted about asking him.

"No don't worry I'll handle this. You just stay there okay." Yami ordered him. As he dragged Yugi's mother to his horse Yugi stand up so he can sit on his bottoms while waiting for Yami to return.

After that was done, Yami took the blade out of his mother's chest, while putting a cloth on her chest. He tightens the wound so he can stop the flow of blood slowly. Once she was wrapped with a bandage he went to back inside the house.

"Hey I'm ready." Yami said to him. Then he notices something about Yugi, he can't stand up straight.

"I'm sorry I can't walk…" Yugi said sadly to him. Yami looked at the poor boy sadly and sighed. He bent down then took the boy to his arms like a married couple will do. Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami's neck.

"Hey by the way what's you name?" Yami asked.

"Yugi." Yugi answered.

"Same meaning as game. I like it. My name is Yami." Yami answered. He lifts Yugi on the horse. Then Yami climbed on top. "You ready?" he asked. Yugi nodded his head gently.

Then they rode through the coldness night.

Yugi: So what do you think?

Yami: Lame…

Seeker Heart: 'I wish I can use Mind Crush on him…' thought to herself.

Yami: Don't even talk about it blonde shuck.

Seeker Heart: HEY!

Yugi: Read and review please…while I stop those two fighting.