Chapter 29

When the door slammed open, eight bloody boys came troopin' in, intent on celebratin' their wild success. As soon as I heard it, I shot outta bed. "CHARLIE!" I hollered delightedly, throwing myself into his arms. "Jimmy!"

Charlie's dark red hair, usually so perfect, was a crazy mess from the fight. He grinned at me with those even, yellow teeth and gave me a big kiss on the cheek. "Hey baby. How's Mr. Curtis treatin' you? Real good?" he had a long cut down his cheek, and his knuckles were bloody.

Jimmy looked pretty bad himself. He grinned at me and opened his arms, and I flund myself into his embrace. "I missed you guys so much! Jeez, it feels like forever since I was just hangin' around you crazy kids, all together!"

Jimmy's hair a wild mess, worse'n Charlie's. It was scattered about in waves, with mud and even crusted blood in it.

Darry hobbled out of his room, after pullin' on a pair of jeans. I tore away from Jimmy and stood next to him. "Guys, this is my man, Darrel Curtis. Dare, this is Big Red, my Charlie, and Jimmy, the best buddy a girl could hope for."

Darry wrapped a possessive arm around my shoulder and shook hands with the guys. I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Well, shit," I said. "Aint this a happy ending. Steve, why aint you started the celebration yet?"

Me and Darry sat on the couch with Jimmy and Charlie, while Case and Jack tore through the kitchen. In the past few weeks, it felt like a real family. Steve'n Two-Bit were always here, Jackhammer and Case slept at Two-Bit's but kept us constant company, and now Jimmy'n Charlie were here. I fiddled with the buttons on my shirt, and thought about Johnny.

You know, I feel like I knew that kid. Death aint about leavin', it's about stayin' on, the little things. I could still smell the cigarette smoke and hair grease Johnny used on this shirt. Two-Bit mentioned that every time he stole somethin', he thought of how he gave his prized knife to Dally. Darry told me how the way his closet smelled reminded him of his father. And good ol' Soda had confided that he and Steve could still remember his ma's perfume, especially in the winter, when he swore he smelled peppermint. And I could still see my ma's smile, in Darry's grin, in Soda's movie-star beam, in Ponyboy's sunrise of a smile.

Two-Bit pulled out a beer. "Well hell!" he hooted in delight. "Ash ate the last slice of cake!"

"That means you don't get any," Case reminded him.

His eyes widened. "Well shit, Ash! Idunno if I should be relieved or horrified."

I grabbed his beer and took a swig, and Darry pulled it outta my mouth, handing it to Charlie. "You oughta be grateful, for me puttin' up withya!" I answered.

"You love me," he smirked, secure in the knowledge.

"I guess love's just gathered 'round everywhere, tonight," Steve rolled his eyes.

I blew him a kiss and stared into Darry's eyes, turbulent like a lake storm. "Sure is," I said softly, and watched Darry's smile break out like sunshine after a hurricane. "Sure is."