d.c. distortion

In the back of his mind, Ed thought it was interesting that this world had managed to have the same song as his world. Certainly, it was a song he was very familiar with - something his mother sang a long time ago - which was why he knew it should have sounded beautiful, but the acoustics had distorted and destroyed it making the gentle notes echo hauntingly and strangely against the walls; the notes clashed in midair, fighting one another for presence. Some won the battle but were weak from conflict while others consumed one another, growing stronger.

Yet, he was satisfied listening where he was. Yes, he was satisfied with the haunting notes and discordant sounds masking the true beauty of the song; he was ok with the lie.

Or so he told himself.

Even as his ears were assailed with discordance, memory allowed him to hear the beautiful melody line quietly playing in his head singing in his mother's voice and plaintively reminding him how the song was meant to sound. It slowly blended into the harsh notes, smoothing them into something gentle and reminding him of how things were.

He sighed.

But it didn't matter. It was something the blond knew well. No matter how he wished, there was no way he could hear her voice again - no way he could go back to those times - and nothing could change the fact. This was the world he was trapped in, no matter how twisted it was and no matter how magic tried to distort his view of what he believed in.

This was his life now, and it didn't matter that he wished differently.

Slowly getting up, the blond looked towards the source of the music, hesitated, and then turned and walked away. Even if he tried to reach the source, there was no guarantee. None at all.

'This is my life now,' he reminded himself. 'It's better this way.' As the notes clashed painfully in his eardrums, he desperately tried to believe it.

He didn't look back.

My brain is going to implode with ideas. I can't even keep anything straight anymore.. This wasn't even one of the ideas I had before.. I just thought of this earlier today.. Gaahhhhh…


D.C. or Da capo – in musical terms, means that it should be played again, "repeated from the beginning" according to dictionary. com