The last Chapter Sadly :( but I hope you all like it :)

Chapter Sixteen

I don't remember closing my eyes but I allowed them to open, I didn't see anyone around me anymore instead I saw my mirror image smiling as he stood in front of me holding out his hand. I took it without saying a word confused by what was going on and curious as to where the others were.

"I remember now." He said.

I took a while for me to register that I was talking to my darker half once more and probably for the last time.

"remember?" I asked quietly.

"I remember." He repeated, "Don't you remember asking me if I remembered the past, the one before this world?"

I shook my head, "I do sorry I'm a bit slow right now."

"It's fine." His voice echoed, "You have every right to be."

"I couldn't stop it."


"I couldn't prevent the same thing from happening again." I said looking away.

"You may not have prevented it but I guarantee that the same thing didn't happen."

"How do you know?"

"From the story the three friends killed themselves did they not? Ryo happily accepted her fate and allowed the world to claim her life as well. She was short sited and didn't think twice about trying to stop the destruction of the world even if in the end it would happen anyway. She was a coward." He replied as I turned back to him.

"I wouldn't call her a coward!" I yelled, "She made a mistake but we all make mistakes its life, she realized too late that the world was going to end but she wasn't a coward! I think she was in a state of depression like I was and didn't see what was coming after all there was no story to guide her back then and if I hadn't heard the story I would have probably let the same thing happen."

He smiled, "I'm glad that at least one person can say that."

"One person? None of us thought for a second that she was a coward! I don't think anyone she knew thought that either."

"Why follow her then? Why not try to prevent it and tell her?"

"Because they didn't know the consequences either." I softly replied, "They didn't know the end result but I think they willingly accepted the results of their own actions."

"Not necessarily."

"What makes you say that?"

"If they didn't know what would happen in the end why did they take me away from Noah?"

"What?" I asked.

I couldn't believe what I just heard or maybe I just didn't want to believe it. The form of my darker side changed revealing a girl smiling at me with shoulder length silver hair and vivid ruby red eyes.

"Why did they take me from Noah?"

"Because they didn't want you to get hurt in the war." I replied, "They figured if you were at a safe house the war would stop and everyone would go back to being happy. However, the price of jealousy by far outweighed the friendship they used to have and in the end everything was destroyed, no one could have predicted that back then when it never happened. We were fortunate to find the key to the door and find the stained glass window but in the end it still couldn't be prevented. I had dreams I didn't have come true but that's fine as long as I tried to save the world from suffering the same fate as back then."

She shook her head, "You succeeded Kiku."


"You saved us from our guilt and so as a thank you I left you with one last surprise aside from the window, key and journal."

"You left those things?"

"I didn't want you to suffer the same depression I did so I let you find the window, key and journal. What you did with that information was up to you."

The bright white light around me began to fade, "What's happening?"

"Live Kiku and don't give up on your dreams because the result can be fatal, I learned that the hard way." She replied as she smiled.

"Ryo." Someone called.

Both of us turned to look at the red haired boy with blond streaks and different colored eyes.

"Coming Noah!" She yelled excitedly, "Thank you Kiku."

She completely faded away with everything else.


I was sitting on a beach looking out at the sparkling blue ocean as Italy ran through the water yelling Marco. Me and Germany laughed shouting Polo back enjoying how childish he was being once more.

"Kiku dear I found some more food." A familiar voice said.

I turned and smiled at Ivan, "Just set it down and watch Italy with us."

He chuckled as he sat close to me keeping me close by hugging me, "If that's your wish Kiku."

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this." I whispered.

I was happy that the last gift she gave me was the chance to live, in the end I succeeded in saving the world. The others were just as happy particularly Germany, the bad touch trio and Italy along with Belarus because they knew they had a hand in helping saving it as well. After so long the dream I thought wasn't possible was finally a reality.

I smiled, "I love you Ivan."

"I love you too Kiku."

I ran my hand over the cherry blossom necklace Ivan bought me. It reminded me of the story and what almost happened but reminded me of the lessons I learned as well. It was finally over and the result was happy. I turned and kissed Ivan thankfully and he more than happily kissed back.