Title of the my new story: Ice

Characters: Ichigo K. and Toshiro H.

Summary: Toshiro is a leadsinger in the band called Ice. Everywhere he goes, he gets invaded by fans, boys and girls. He admits to the world that he is gay. He does a concert in Osaka, Japan. The wole town is there...everyone but Ichigo Kurosaki. Somehow, Toshiro gets high-jacked and kidnapped by Ichigo's cousin, Shin. Ichigo doesn't even know Toshiro and honestly could care less. But, Toshiro is in the hands on an assassin. Ichigo does his best to save him and once they meet, Ichigo's view on him changes. How will he rescue Toshiro? Will they hate eachother in the end? If not, how and why?

Character description:

-Ichigo K

Hair: Orange

Eyes: Brown

Body type: tall, skinny, and muscular

Personalitly: Snottish and disobedient. Loyal to his friends and his friends ONLY. Openly gay and extremely popular in his school

Hobbies: Bowling, baseball, and basketball. Has a hint of singing and art.

Likes: Pizza, people who stand out, orange soda, Moutain Dew

Dislikes: assholes, idiots, schumucks, etc. Oh, and vegetables.

Looks: Kind of a punk. He has 3 ear piercings on one ear. He was a thick outline of black eyeliner only on the bottom eyelid. He has a black eyebrow piercing.

Favorite color: Red [like dark red], teal, and black

-Toshiro H

Hair: Pure white

Eyes: Icy teal

Body type: Short, skinny, but with a little muscle on his arms and a 6 pack [proves he's athletic]

Personality: Cold at times but very nice. Cares deeply for his fans and friends. Openly gay and a complete loner since he was an orphan. He's typically shy around boys but comfortable around girls.

Hobbies: Singing [duh], drawing, sports [soccer]

Likes: Pizza [cheese, and chicken-bacon ranch], Mac N' Cheese, ice cream, favorite season is winter, and sports

Dislikes: people who are haters, assholes, people who think that they can get away with everything, rich and snotty people [oh boy, looks like Ichigo and him will not get along as well]

Looks: Looks like a rockstar and dresses like one. He has a single eyebrow piercing and a tattoo on his lower stomach of a 3D skull that looks like it's smiling and a snake coming out of it's eye socket and twirling around the skull. It's eyes had flames in it but the skin had an icy, snow-looking texture. He also has a tattoo on his left wrist that was barbed-wires wrapping around his wrist and penetrating his skin.

Favorite color: red, chocolate brown

Friends of Ichigo K: Orihime Inoue, Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, and Gin Ichimaru

Friends of Toshiro H: Chad, Izuru Kira, Rukia Kuchiki, Byakuya Kuchiki, Uryu, and Ukitake

Weird family members of Ichigo K: Shin-assassin and a freak show

Toshiro H: None

Note: This will be rated M for Mature for sexual contact in the future chapters. NO LITTLE KIDS ALLOWED! There will be rapeing, sexual contact, swearing or cussing, and sometimes aggressive actions. YOU ARE WARNED!