Old Buddy 8

"Jayden! Emily!" the team and Mentor J yelled as the two walked through the gates.

The had already taken Jenny, Dawn, and Heather home with a lot of thank you's. The four hugged them and cried. After they'd explained, the others hugged them tighter.

"I can't believe you kept that secret," Mike said, "no wonder you were crying!"

"Sorry," Emily said, blushing, "hey, you guys ready to meet Wesley?"

She and Jayden pulled Wesley into the garden.

"Hey!" the others greeted.

"Hi," Wesley shyed.

After introducing, Wesley looked nervously at Mentor Ji.

"Wesley!" he said, "I'm so glad you've returned!"

"You are?" he said, shocked.

"Of course," Mentor J said, "and we'll ready a room for you."

"No way," Wesley said, giddy.

"Way," Ji said with a chuckle.

Wesley moved back into Jayden's room and healed up. Jayden was more talkative around the house and looked happier than ever. He had his friend again.

3 weeks later...

"Hey, Emily?" Jayden said to the yellow ranger, "come to my room tonight, okay?"

"Sure," Emily agreed.

That night, Emily crept into his and Wesley's room. Wesley was asleep, so the two went into the garden.

"I just want to thank you for saving me and keeping my secret," Jayden said to her.

"No problem. What are friends for?" Emily said, blushing.

"I'm serious. I just can't show my thanks enough to you and the kids for getting Wesley back,"

"You're friendship is enough for them," Emily assured, "so it's enough for me."

"Well...I'll buy you some ice cream tomorrow," Jayden decided.


"Come on. We need sleep."

The two headed back inside, both of them happier than they'd been in a few weeks. Just before they parted in the hallway, Emily kissed Jayden on the lips for a second. As he got in bed, Jayden felt this was the start of something really great.

Author Note: Yeah! Happy endings! :) R and R, and until I write again, Authors Together, Writing Forever! :) :) :)