Chapter 5: Happily Ever After

Here's the final chapter to my story! I am VERY sad since I've actually liked writing this. Awwww. But I sure hope you'll like it.

On with the final chapter!

"You… love me?" May gasped. She still couldn't believe her ears. 'Drew loves me!' the same sentence repeated over and over in her mind.

"Yes May. I love you… very much. You're everything I want. You're everything I'm looking for. I love you." Drew spoke breathlessly. "I love you May Maple."

May took a step back. She was too surprised that she couldn't even speak. As the song came to an end, the two of them quietly returned to their seats. After paying the bill, Misty, Ash, May and Drew left the restaurant and headed back to the hotel.

While the brunette was still in shock, Drew was very disappointed. 'She doesn't love me back. She didn't even respond. She doesn't like me. She doesn't love me at all.' In her thoughts, May was still gathering her courage. 'Come on, think May! You love Drew so much! You've been waiting for this confession for 5 years already!'

"So, how was it?" Ash asked Drew as they were walking home.

"Bad." The green-haired boy replied bitterly. "I confessed, but she didn't respond."

"He confessed to you?" On the other side, Misty whispered to a sad May.

"Yes. And I was too surprised, I couldn't say anything!" May said.

"Oh no. He might think you don't have feelings for him." The water type trainer told her friend sympathetically. "You have to do something."

"But what?" The brunette asked. She had absolutely no clue what to do.

"Tell him the truth."

The four walked until the hotel. After that, they all went inside and were greeted by Max and Brock at the lobby.

"Hey… May, Drew, can I talk to you for a while?" Max asked.

The two teenagers looked confused but they agreed. "Sure Max." May replied. "Do you need to tell us something?"

"Yes." The young boy looked down. "I… just want to apologize."

"Apologize?" Drew repeated.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry. I judged you too quickly Drew. I didn't want my sister to fall in love with you because I thought you'd do nothing but hurt her."

The green-haired boy smiled. "Max, you should know better than that."

May watched the boy carefully.

"I would never ever hurt May. I promise you that Max. I love your sister very much."

The brunette could feel tears flowing down her cheeks. She immediately wiped them with her hand. 'Oh Drew…'

Max's face brightened. "That's good. I believe in you Drew."

The 3 other people smiled. May was already bursting with happiness. Finally her brother and the love of her life were on good terms. Misty nudged Brock and Ash, winking. "I guess our job here is done." She told them. Ash happily nodded and leaned over to give her a kiss. "Yeah." He replied.

"So… I guess it's goodnight now guys?" May quipped.

Drew wagged a finger. "I still have one more surprise May."

The green-haired teenager cleared his throat. "May, could you please follow me?" he said, trying to hide the excitement in his voice. Although he was still disappointed, he was pretty happy that Max finally understood how much he loved May.

"Hmm? Where… are we going… Drew?"

"Just follow me."

Drew started running towards a certain direction. After a while May realized he was going near the beach.

But instead of heading towards the ocean, Drew turned a few corners and finally, they arrived at one of the most beautiful places May has ever seen.

Who would ever think that there was such a wonderful rose garden in the middle of a city? May guessed it was near the sea, you can even see the shore. But still, they were still in the city! They didn't head out to the beach, and yet the can still view the shore. And apart from that, the only things you can see are roses. Bunches and bunches of roses. There were so many roses! White roses, yellow roses, pink roses! Majority of the flowers were beautiful red roses. May loved every single one of them. And looking up, May can see a cloudless sky full of different sizes of stars. She gazed at the unique formations in awe as she smelled the aroma of the roses.

"Do you like it May?" Drew asked, drawing near to her. "Do you like this garden?"

"Like it?" May exclaimed. "Drew, I love it!"

"I'm glad you do." All of a sudden, Drew pulled her towards the ground. May fell on the soft grass underneath them.

"Drew! What did you do that for?" she asked, pretending to be mad. Drew was already lying down on the ground and watching the sky.

"Aww, come on May, just lie down." He placed an arm over her stomach to keep her from sitting up.

Lying down on the grass, May had no choice but look in front of her, which was up. She gasped at the sight that befell her eyes. Thousands upon thousands of stars could be seen in that part of the city. Who would have known? Everything was so beautiful there! May almost wanted to stay there forever with Drew.

Drew moved closer to her. "I love you so much May." He murmured.

For the first time, May had the courage to say it out loud. "Drew… I love you too."

The green-haired boy smiled and suddenly asked, "Can you do something for me May?"

"Anything for you Drew." May sweetly replied.

Drew moved his mouth closer to her ear and whispered, "Can you be my girlfriend, May Maple?"


Out of happiness, May put her arms around Drew and hugged him. The surprised boy was unable to move for a few seconds but after a while he hugged her back. May realized their position and immediately drew back.

"Sorry…" she apologized shyly.

"No need to apologize." Drew laughed. "I wanted you to hug me anyway."

May blushed. But then she replied, "I wasn't apologizing for the hug."

Drew looked confused. "What were you apologizing for?"

"This." May said with a naughty grin. Rolling over, she captured Drew's lips with hers.

Pulling back, she smiled. "Oops." Giggling, she added, "I love you Drew. I hope you won't mind what I did?"

Drew smiled back at her. "Don't bother apologizing." He smirked. "I wanted that kiss anyway."


Aww… I know the ending wasn't too good or anything but still, I hoped you liked that! My first ever finished story. *sigh*

Thank you for reading! And also, many thanks to everyone who reviewed and added this story to their Favorites/Story Alert list! I totally appreciate all those.

(BTW, I already have a new story entitled SPARKS. It's an egoshipping fic although the other shippings like contestshipping and ikarishipping are there too. I hope you'll support it just like you supported this one.)

Once again, thank you everyone! And see you next time!