Disclaimer: I do not own the CSI franchise or the Post-it Corporation and am not profiting from this written work.

Note: This fic is a compilation of Post-it notes found mostly in various parts of the CSIs' lab. It's not set in a specific season, but Warrick is alive, Greg is a CSI, Wendy and Hodges are lab rats, and Sara and Grissom are living together, so I guess this would fit in best with season 7. For each note, you will find an italicized comment about where the note was found and who posted it, if that's not obvious. After some notes, the character's reaction to reading it may be written. I hope you enjoy this; please read and review!


A Typical Monday at the Lab

Stuck to Grissom's office door: You missed the department heads' meeting (AGAIN). –Ecklie

What? We had a meeting today? Eh, I always miss those things. Dumpster dives are a better use of my time than listening to Conrad.

Stuck to Ecklie's office door by Grissom: I had a 419. I also prefer to interact with you as little as possible.

Stuck to the break room refrigerator: Grissom, I moved your cup of maggots to your office. I didn't want them crawling on my lunch. –Nick

What? Oh Nick, if you killed those maggots, I might just have to hurt you.

Stuck to Sara's laptop: Breakfast after shift? I'll buy. You know you want an omelet. –Greg

Stuck to a bottle of Old Spice body wash on the bench in front of Nick's locker: Hahaha, I hear you're going to be bringing in some human soup… you might need this! -Catherine

Stuck to a slab in the autopsy room: David, order a new bundle of toe tags, will you? We're running low. Thanks, Doc

Stuck to Wendy's microscope: Dinner tomorrow? -Hodges

Stuck to Hodges' desk by Wendy: Fat chance.

Stuck inside Grissom's field kit by Sara: Buy milk on your way home.

Ah, yes, I got yelled at for finishing off the gallon before work. Sara had wanted it for her cereal. Hmm.

Stuck on Hodges' back by Greg: KICK ME!

"Hey, Warrick, what did I do to deserve that? You must not need the test results on your blue fibers anytime soon!"

Stuck on the top of a large stack of files on Grissom's desk: You're late with our reviews again. Finish them. PLEASE. –Cath

Oops. How does all this paper work pile up? Who all am I supposed to be reviewing this time around? Apparently Catherine, but she said, "our." Who else is she talking about? Nick? I'll have to find his file. If he is due for a review, he'd probably appreciate it being completed before he finishes processing the liquid vic; I can smell that mess from here!

Greg's Post-it to Sara recycled and stuck on Greg's forehead by a laughing Sara: Sure thing, Greggo. I do love a veggie omelet.

"Aren't you a funny one? I-Hop off the strip, my dear?"

"You know it. Oh, Grissom saw your invite. I told him he could come."

"Cool, cool, but you know the boss-man still scares me a little bit."

"Aw, poor Greg. I'll protect you."

Stuck to Warrick's current case file: Couldn't find you. Tox came back with lead in the vic, and I'm not just talking about the bullet! Hahaha! -Henry

Stuck to Warrick's current case file by himself: Go back to scene- check for lead

Stuck to Doc Robbins' desk: Ordered the toe tags. Also ordered a set of body bags. I've had 2 rip on me this week. –David

Stuck to Nick's locker: Oh man, human soup! Grissom must like me better than you! Hahaha! -Greg

Stuck to Nick's locker: Remember, lemons are supposed to help with the, ah, "aroma." -Sara

Stuck to Nick's locker: I think I have to cancel Hold 'Em night tonight- not sure I'll be willing to sit at the same table with you for several hours, man. –Warrick

Stuck to Nick's locker: Come talk to me about Mr. Soup before you shower. I won't die from the smell, and I need an ID. –Grissom

Stuck inside Sara's field kit: Do you have plans after breakfast with Greg? –Gil

Stuck to Catherine's desk by herself: Lindsay's dress rehearsal 7:00

Stuck to Catherine's locker: Thanks for the soap. It didn't work. I still smell like death. –Nick

Stuck to Warrick's locker: You suck, man. –Nick

Stuck to Sara's locker: Well, seeing as our non-existent office grocery store was fresh out of lemons, you'll have to go get me some. I won't be allowed to step foot in a grocery store for a month with this stench. –Nick

Stuck inside Grissom's field kit: I have plans to go to bed after breakfast… coming? -S

Stuck inside Sara's field kit: Wouldn't miss it for the world. –G

Stuck to the break room's coffee maker by Greg: DO NOT TOUCH: PROPERTY OF GREG

Stuck to the break room's coffee maker next to Greg's Post-it: Thanks for the coffee, Greg. See you at start of shift tonight. Head home now in case I call you in early. –Grissom