Chapter 5

Eavesdropping Mayhem

Classes are over. Some students started abandoning the school; some do their tasks in their organizations, while others mind their own businesses, like the famous girl named Miharu who is now faced with another confession, again.


Before even letting the guy finish what he is saying, Miharu turned him down with a single word and a walk out.

Miharu covered her face. She doesn't want what she had done and the worst part is that she is exposed into doing that despicable thing over and over again, in every single day of her life.

She ran to their classroom, expecting a silent and alone atmosphere, but she was surprised that there is still someone else in the room, Katsuragi Keima. She stared at the mysterious guy secretly, hiding by the side of the classroom's door.

'If only he's the one confessing to me everyday…'

She thought whilst fantasizing of the happiness she could have experienced. She was so deep into her fantasies that she barely noticed that Keima isn't alone. Her good friend, Elsee is there, too. And that is just when she started to eavesdrop to their conversation.

"Kami-nii-sama… can I ask you a very serious question?"

Elsee said trying to get his attention away from his pfp even for just a while.


He answered, turning her goal down.

"But kami-nii-sama, unlike the other missions, you're not even sharing any hint from your plan!"

Elsee said, quite louder than usual to display a little loss of temper but the snobbish guy seemed to just brush her off.

'Missions? Plan? What the hell are they talking about?'

Miharu asked herself, thinking of possible answers but eventually decided to just listen more to learn more.

"Hey! At least give me a single clue!"

The little demon girl made her voice louder. Her patience dropped to the lowest level as she watched herself being ignored by his annoying partner. As her temper grew warmer, she couldn't help it anymore that she angrily grabbed Keima's pfp, giving it a tight grip.

"H-Hey! Let me at least make it in the saving point!"

Finally, the capturing god's attention was taken away by Elsee who was securing his beloved pfp with her cloth.

"Fine! What do you want to know?"

Knowing that he couldn't stop Elsee from annoying him anymore, Katsuragi surrenders and give out a serious look from his plain face.

"Y-you a-are not in love with Miharu-chan like the others, are you?

Elsee asked with a pout and a faint blush on her face.

Miharu, who was still secretly eavesdropping in the whole conversation, became more and more interested on what Katsuragi would say.

"W-what kind of a question is that?"

The guy couldn't hide the excessive shock on his red face.


"I'm a pro. It's all about the mission. You know I'm still not the type of person who'll fall for just a 3D girl. Now, give me back my pfp!"

Miharu's POV

By hearing those words, memories of the past came and haunted Miharu's thoughts and feelings all over again. She doesn't know what to do. Is he just like THAT guy? That, she doesn't know. For all she knows, there's this unknown mission and she's so stupid to fall into something like this for the second time around.

She ran as fast as she could past the room with tears on her face. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Is that the truth?"

Elsee interrogated. She's sure there's something different with Keima these past few days.

"YES! So return in NOW!"

"I'm not that stupid anymore, you know."

"What am I supposed to do with that?"

"I KNOW you have feelings for her!"

"If you already knew it, then why did you make such as that just to ask me?"

At first, Elsee was surprised by Katsuragi's words but as it downloaded into her mind, a huge smile was drawn on her face.

"So you DO have feelings for her."

"Just give me my pfp back now!"

The little demon giggled happily as she returned back the kidnapped pfp to its owner. She couldn't believe that her self-proclaimed brother would also fall for Miharu Moya's elusive charms.


-Sorry for the L-A-T-E update! things got tough in school so i had to focus on my studies more and more! but i promise i'll make the story worth the wait! so again, reviews are very much appreciated.:3 thanks!
