Hello. This is my first story on this account but not my first story ever. I hope it doesn't suck too much. I might edit it later since I have some things to work out but this chapter might be fine.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia and I'm not in a group that is plotting to steal it... I mean... Hey look a distraction!

Forgotten Memories

Holy Roman Emprie Arc

Chapter one

A young man ran through the woods ignoring the branches and thorns that caught on and tore his now dirty white clothes that covered his armor. He knew he stood out drastically against the dark forest, which he assumed would have been lighter if angry black clouds weren't covering the sky, but he shrugged it off with his snow white hair and dark red eyes he stood out everywhere. The only thing about the impending storm is that it would wash away the foul smell of blood that seemed to follow him for the past few days. The sky lit up followed by a loud BOOM before the rain started to fall in bucket loads. He was soaked to the bone within a matter of minutes even under the cover of the thick tree branches that were covered with leaves. Wind swept through the forest curving around the trees almost as if it were performing a dance. It caught on the torn white cloak and waved it behind him strongly as it tried to pull him back. He clutched his upper arms to try and protect himself from the cold rain but it barely did anything so shivering he carried on.

"HOLY ROME!" He shouted only to have it swept away by the rain.

He looked around. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know where his enemy was, he didn't know where Holy Rome was although he guessed that he was somewhere with France. He felt bad for the young nation. Being anywhere with France wasn't usually a good thing, even he (The Great and Mighty Awesome Prussia), had to admit the guy was a creep. The wind and rain was on his side for the moment because he caught sight of the overly bright blue clothes that France wore flying behind him. If it wasn't for the wind he wouldn't have seen the nation that was hidden from his sight by a large tree.

Prussia unsheathed his broad sword and ran towards the blonde. "Get away from him!" he yelled seeing the small barely conscience empire in his hands.

He hadn't thought that the ground would be slick with mud and he had lost his control and ended up crashing into the French man the only good thing that had happened from this was Holy Rome had been knocked from France's grip and he fell to the ground a few feet away.

"Holy Rome, you need to get up! You need to get out of here!" he yelled to the younger nation but he received no response.

France managed to throw Prussia off of him.

"I'm finishing this." He said darkly slashing Prussia's side with his sword and knocking the wind out of him.

Prussia watched as the blonde strode over to the Empire with his now bloody sword in his hand. Prussia forced himself to get up. He tackled the long haired blonde to the ground and ended up sliding in the mud and crashing into the boy. Prussia sighed in relief as he saw the boy slide away from the battle. At least he'd be safe for now, Prussia could search for him later.

"Stop this France!" Prussia yelled so the blonde could hear him, "We surrender!"

"Speak for yourself!" The French man spat.

France stood over Prussia looking down at him. "I'll let you surrender." He agreed, "But when you find that child bring him to me."

Prussia wanted to argue but France left no room for it. He simply walked away as the last word left his lips. The white haired nation pushed himself up, ignoring the pain in his side, and hurried off in the direction that the Holy Roman Empire had slid off in.

X Holy Roman Empire POV X

I watched the world around me grow fuzzy as I was lifted off the ground. I could feel someone shake me like a rag doll. I looked at my captor through half lidded eyes but only saw a blur of bright blue and red that made my head scream in pain. I wanted to clutch at my head and make the pain go away but I couldn't move my arms. I couldn't move any part of my body, my limbs weren't responding. I could barely even think. My skin was numb from the cold rain but it felt like my body was frozen. I think I heard something on the wind but it might have just been my imagination. I suddenly fell to the ground and slid away. My head throbbed in pain as I hit the ground. There was more noise and I vaguely understood it as people shouting.

I saw a pair of blood red circles covered by snow. It looked strange and I absently wondered why someone had buried rubies in the snow. It wasn't a very good hiding place. The snow would melt and then the rubies would be exposed. I felt something crash into me and I started to slid again. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care at the moment. My head hurt too much to care. Air whipped around me giving me the felling that I was falling before I was plunged into icy water. My eyes flew open as the water brought me from my thoughts. I held my breath the best I could as I was thrown around under the water. I was aware of the rocks that I was thrown against and the stray sticks that had caught on my clothes momentarily before being dislodged from the sandy and rocky bottom. Finally the water pushed me to the surface allowing me air. I breathed thankfully and began to struggle against the current trying to grasp any rock or stick I passed. A strong wave threw me up at a rock and the pain in my body subsided as a numbing feeling engulfed my body. Blackness filled my vision

X Third Person POV X

"Oh no." Prussia groaned seeing a raging river a good distance below the ledge he stood on.

This is where the path that Holy Rome left ended but the young empire himself was nowhere in sight. Prussia inwardly cursed but hurried after the current looking for any sign of him.

"Holy Rome!" Prussia yelled, "Where are you?"

He searched for what must have been hours. It had stopped raining but now a heavy fog was covering the forest. When he finally found the blonde the ground had evened out and became level with the river. It had to be almost dawn since it was still dark but if Prussia turned around he could see a bit of light through the fog. Prussia waded into the deep water that came up to his waist to some rocks closer to the other side of the river. He plucked the small nation from the freezing water and hurried out of it to the other side. He was thankful that the black outfit Holy Rome was wearing stood out against the fog. He would have missed him if he was wearing a different color. As he searched for some shelter he looked down at the blonde. His lips were a pale blue and his skin would have put Prussia's white clothes to shame if they were clean. His hair was sticking up in multiple directions and stuck to his face. He looked different without his hat and Prussia had recalled how much he loved it. The smile that was on the younger nations face when he (The Totally Awesome Conqueror Prussia) had given it to him was one of pure happiness. But Prussia was saddened to see that the smile Holy Rome wore when he was with that girl had been a bigger and brighter once.

Shelter came in the form of a fallen over tree that had a large enough hole in it for the both of them to at least lie down. The older nation made a bed from some moss that he had found and his cloak, even though it was torn. The cloak was large enough so the he could fold it and half of it would act as a blanket for the small nation. Prussia spent most of his time following the river and coming back every night to make sure that Holy Rome was alright he got further and further down the river each day but found nothing.

"Holy Rome?" he asked when he came back once hearing deep and raspy breaths.

"Wh…who are… you?" came a small and weak voice.

I'd appreciate it if you'd review and tell me how I did... It'd be nice and make me happy.

But just in case you were thinking of exiting before leaving a review I brought Russia to help me.

Ivan: *holds up pipe* Review please :)